Index | Keywords
- academic discourse
- academic English
- academic literacies
- academic literacy
- academic litteracy
- academic writing
- academic writing skills
- academic writings
- accent
- accent/pronunciation
- acculturation
- accuracy
- acquisition
- acquisition of French
- action control
- action figures
- action-oriented approach
- action-research
- active-passive sequence
- actual significate
- adaptations
- adult
- adult L2 learners
- adults
- advanced grammar
- aesthetic reception
- affectivity
- agent
- agreement
- allophone pupils
- allophone student
- allophone students
- allophones pupils
- Alsatian
- ambivalent evaluation
- analysis
- analysis of textbooks
- analysis tools
- anaphora
- anti-Haitianism
- anticausative
- appraisal theory
- appropriation
- Arabic
- argumentation
- argumentative texts
- art project
- articulation
- artifactual literacies
- artist
- artistic approaches
- assessment
- assessment practices
- attitudes
- attributions
- authors of course books
- autobiography
- autonomy
- Cairo Arabic
- CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) task
- canonical and non‑canonical forms
- canonical passive
- canonical passive forms
- Cantonese
- Capeverdean
- CarDiBioMed corpus
- case studies
- categorization
- causality
- CEFR level A2-B1
- certain
- change
- child directed speech
- child protection
- children
- children’s books
- Chinese
- Chinese as a foreign language
- chronometric measures
- class interactions
- classical theatre
- classification activities
- classroom discourse
- classroom interaction
- clichés
- coarticulation
- coconstruction of inequality
- code-switching
- cognitive bias
- cognitive ergonomics
- coherence
- coherence-cohesion
- cohesion
- collaborative writing
- collocational errors
- collocations
- comma
- comments
- commitment
- Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- communicative repertoire
- compared didactics
- comparisons
- Complex Dynamic Systems Theory
- complex sentences
- complex terms
- comprehension
- Computing Environment for Human Learning (CEHL)
- Conceptual Blend Theory
- confidence
- conflict discourse
- conjugation
- connectors
- consonant harmony
- constrained writing exercises
- contemporary theatre
- contempt
- contempt of defense
- contempt of offensive
- contemptuous remarks
- continnuum
- continuity
- contrastive analysis
- contrastive and corrective phonetics
- contrastive phonetics
- copy of text
- copying words
- corpora
- corpus
- corpus analysis
- corpus based-study
- corpus constitution
- corpus data
- corpus linguistics
- corpus studies
- Council of Europe
- creative writing
- creativity
- criteria
- critical approach
- critical literacy
- cross-sectional and longitudinal study
- culture
- curriculum
- data driven learning
- data-driven learning
- data-driven learning (DDL)
- data-driven learning (DDL)
- deafness
- deletion of the agent complement
- demonstrative nominal resomptive anaphor (DNRA)
- dense corpora
- descriptive research
- design of teaching/learning materials
- development sequence
- developmental sequences
- diacritical accents
- dialogical approaches
- dialogue
- dialogue mat
- dialogue-inference
- diathesis
- Dicorpus
- didactic
- didactic devices
- didactic interactions
- didactic of french
- didactic resources in specialized languages
- didactic transposition
- didactical transposition
- didacticity
- didactics
- didactics for plurilingualism
- didactics of FFL
- didactics of French
- didactics of languages and cultures
- didactics of multilingualism
- didactics of oral language
- didactics of plurilingualism
- difficulty(ies)
- digital citizenship
- digital education
- digital genres
- digital literacies
- digital literacy
- digital mode
- digital storytelling
- digital textbook
- digital writing
- direct instruction
- direct speech
- discourse
- discourse analysis
- discourse genre
- discourse markers
- discourses genre
- discursive memory
- discursive practices
- discursive process
- discursive routine
- discursive strategies
- discursive structures in spoken language
- distractors
- distributed expertise
- distributional gaps
- doctoral students
- draft text
- drama
- drama activities
- dramatic canon
- duration of learning and exposure to the target language
- dynamic environments
- educational gestures
- educational programme
- educational sciences
- effect of teaching
- elementary school
- embodied action
- embodiment
- emergency linguistics
- emotional relationship
- emotions
- enaction
- engagement
- engagement resources
- English
- English as a foreign language
- English for academic purposes
- English language teaching
- enunciation
- epilinguistic discourse
- errors
- ESP (English for Specific Purposes)
- esthetic relationship
- ethic relationship
- ethics
- evaluation
- evaluation grid
- experience
- experiment
- experimental analysis
- expert discourse
- external transposition
- familiar sequences
- family
- feminisation
- figures rhéto-orthographiques
- filmed observations
- FLE pedagogy
- fluency
- forced migration
- foreign language didactics
- foreign language learning
- foreign language teaching
- formality
- forms
- French
- French as a first language didactics
- French as a Foreign Language
- French as a foreign language
- French as a professional language
- French as a second language
- French as second language
- French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB)
- French Didactic
- French for academic purposes
- French Foreign Language
- French language
- French language teaching at high school level
- French Language training for adults
- French language training for adults
- French law Buzyn
- French pronunciation teaching
- French Sign Language (LSF)
- French teaching and learning
- French-speaking and Italian-speaking children
- French L2 teaching
- frequency
- frequency effects
- functions
- future tense in French
- gender
- gender and language
- genre
- genres
- German
- German as a Foreign Language (GFL)
- German compound nouns
- German for Specific purposes (GSP)
- gestuality
- Grade 1
- Grade 1 students
- graduality of passive forms
- grammar
- grammar education
- grammar for learners
- grammar learning
- grammatical metaphor
- grammatical norm
- grammaticality
- grammaticality judgment
- granularity of data processing
- graphic syllable
- gridding
- group discussion
- identity
- impersonal passive
- impersonality
- inclusion in ordinary class
- individual differences
- inquiries
- instigating mechanisms
- institutionalization
- instructed second language acquisition
- instructed SLA
- instrumental
- integration
- integration of language and content
- intensity
- Intensive French program
- inter and intra-individual variability
- interaction
- interactional competence
- intercomprehension
- interlanguage
- international assessments
- international trade
- interpersonal positioning
- interproduction
- investment
- investment in second language acquisition
- Italian passive
- L1 acquisition
- L2 writing
- language
- language acquisition
- language activity
- language alternation
- language and culture didactics
- language awareness
- language didactics
- language didactics policies
- language education
- language in use/in mention
- language learning
- language of bordering country
- language of immigration
- language practices
- language sciences
- language socialization
- language teaching/learning
- languages
- languages learning sequence
- languages representations
- learner as researcher
- learner corpora
- learner corpus
- learner engagement
- learning
- learning scientific discourse
- learning/teaching French as a foreign language
- legal and academic genre
- level of familiarity
- level of proficiency
- lexical bundles
- lexical competence
- lexical error analysis
- lexical resource
- lexical skills
- lexical spelling
- lexical stress
- lexical unit
- lexicography
- lexicology
- lexicon
- lexicon teaching
- liaison
- linguistic and cultural representations
- linguistic contents
- linguistic emergency
- linguistic insecurity
- linguistic micro-aggressions
- linguistic norms
- linguistic skills
- linguistic variation
- linguistically sensitive teaching
- literacy
- literacy event
- literary and aesthetic experience
- literary judgments
- literary reading
- literature
- litterature learning
- longitudinal study
- machine translation
- macrostructure
- macrosyntax
- manuscript mode
- Marine engineering English
- meaning construction
- media violence
- mediation
- medical corpus
- metacognition
- metadiscourse
- metalanguage
- metalexical skills
- metaphor
- metaphorical conceptualization
- methodological tool
- methodology
- methodology of teaching literature
- microsyntax
- middle voice
- migration
- modality
- modern language course books
- Moodle
- morphosyntax
- motion verbs
- motivation
- motivational dissonance
- multilingual repertoire
- multilingual writing
- multilingualism
- multiliteracies
- multiliteracy
- multimodal analysis
- multimodal metadiscourse
- multimodal teaching
- multimodality
- multiple-choice vocabulary test
- mystery novel
- narrative reading
- nasal vowel
- nasalized vowel
- natural class
- needs
- negative forms
- negotiation in discourse
- Neurolinguistic Approach
- neurolinguistic approach
- news broadcasts
- nominal phrase
- non-word repetition
- non‑canonical passive
- non‑canonical passive forms
- non‑native French-speaking students
- note-taking
- objectivity
- observed teaching practices
- official instructions
- online activities
- online exchanges
- online instruction-giving
- online translator
- ontology of taste
- ontotype use
- oral
- oral expression
- oral interactions
- oral intercomprehension
- oral production
- oral speech
- oral vs writing
- oralising
- orality
- organization
- paragraph
- partnership between researchers and teachers
- passive
- passive construction
- passive forms
- passive meaning
- passive reflexive
- passive voice
- pauses
- pausing behaviour
- pedagogic interactions
- pedagogical resources
- pedagogical-didactic device
- peerfeedback
- perception
- performance
- periphrastic passive
- phonetic variation
- phonetics
- phono-style
- phonological variation
- phonology
- phraseology
- plurilingual and intercultural education
- plurilingual imaginaries
- plurilingualism
- plurilinguism
- plurilinguism in the classroom
- poetic genre
- poetic licence
- poetic markers
- poetry
- poïesis
- Polish-speaking learners
- polyphony
- polysemy
- Portuguese
- positive and negative transfers
- potential learning sequence
- potential significate
- power
- pragmatic function
- pragmatics
- pragmatics and aspectual values
- predication
- prepositions “par” and “de”
- prepositions à and de
- prestige
- primary school
- process
- production
- professional development e‑portfolio
- professional practice analysis
- professionals
- progress criteria
- pronoun
- pronunciation
- pronunciation learning
- public speaking
- punctuation
- punctuation pragmatics
- pupils conceptions
- rates of acquisition
- reader
- reader subject
- reading
- reading and writing
- reading didactic
- reading interview
- reading of literature
- reception
- receptions
- recognition
- reference model training standard
- references
- reformulation and revision
- relation to writing
- relational conflictuality to languages
- relationship
- repetition
- representation
- representations
- resyllabified sequences
- returns on investment
- revision behaviour
- rhetorical functions
- rise in verbal tension
- ritual in discourse
- Romance
- Romanian language
- routines
- Russian National Corpus (RNC)
- sarcasm
- scaffolding up
- scholar literacy
- school
- school norm
- school practices
- school texts (5–8 years)
- schwa
- science fiction
- scientific discourse
- second language acquisition
- second language writing
- second-language acquisition (SLA)
- secondary school teaching
- segmental analysis
- segmentation
- selection of information
- self-language
- semantic relationships
- semantico-rhetoric routines
- semantics
- sentence
- sentence connectors
- Sentencia 168
- sentimental novel
- sequential pattern
- sign languages
- signed media discourse
- simultaneous bilingualism
- situations of unequal linguistic plurality
- Slovene as a second language
- social accent
- social dynamics
- social norm
- social representation
- social representations
- social sex relations
- socio-cognitive terminology
- sociocognitive misunderstanding
- sociolinguistics
- socioterminology
- Spanish as a foreign language
- Spanish for international cooperation
- Spanish language
- specialised communication
- specialised genres
- specialized corpora
- specialized lexicon
- specialty language
- specific language impairment
- Speech and Language Therapy
- speech variety
- speech verbs
- speech-language therapy
- spelling
- spoken French
- spoken French and French as a Foreign Language
- spoken language
- spoken language didactics
- spontaneity
- spontaneous speaking acquisition
- standard French spoken language
- statistics
- stereotypes
- structural-functional approach
- style
- stylistic variations
- subject introduction
- subordination
- Swedish Sign Language
- Swiss French
- syllable
- synonymy
- synopsis
- syntactic constructions with à and de
- syntactic definition
- syntactic maturity
- syntactic parsing
- syntactic units
- syntax
- task
- taught knowledge
- taxonomy
- teacher education
- teacher practices
- teacher thinking
- teacher training
- teacher-as-researcher
- teacher-training
- teachers
- teachers’ interventions
- teachers’ motivation
- teachers’ representations
- teacher’s work
- teaching
- teaching action
- teaching FLE
- teaching of FMT
- teaching performance
- teaching practice
- teaching practices
- teaching to spell
- teaching writing
- technical college
- telecollaboration
- television
- temporality
- terminological network
- terminology
- testimonials
- text
- text addition
- text production
- textbooks
- texts produced by pupils
- textual coherence
- textual features
- textual genetics
- textual genre
- textual units
- that noun complement clause
- the teaching of grammar
- theatre
- theatre of the absurd
- theatre practices
- theatrical activities
- theatrical practice
- thematic progression
- theory
- time
- time management
- token blends
- tokens
- topicalization
- training
- trajectories
- transdisciplinary collocations
- transfer unit
- translanguaging
- translanguaging practices
- translation
- transmission
- transposition
- transversal study
- travel narrative
- tutor ethos
- tutor selfie video
- typology
- weak idioms
- webquest
- whole language
- wild literacies
- Wolof
- women authors
- word
- word analysis
- word entry
- writer
- writing
- writing jogging
- writing processes
- writing proficiency
- writing skills
- writing workshop
- written comprehension in a foreign language
- written expression
- written feedback
- written language
- written production
- written production in L2
- written work