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36 | 2007
Échanges exolingues via internet et appropriation des langues-cultures

Exolingual Exchanges via the Internet and Language-Culture Appropriation
Edited by Christian Degache and François Mangenot
Lidil, n° 36 (2007)
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224 p. - 16 €
ISBN 978-2-84310-108-3

Telecollaboration in language learning refers to computerised learning projects that enable groups of learners to develop their expertise in foreign languages and cultures through exchanges via the Internet with groups of non-native learners. These projects, which cover a wide range of objectives, contexts, and language practices, have proliferated over the last ten years, but there is still little research in the phenomena specific to these appropriation situations and the problems that they raise. After a general review of research in this field of telecollaboration, eight other contributions present within “environmentally friendly”, this issue discusses usages that have not been elicited for experimental purposes by describing the device that is at the origin of the exchanges and to characterise the type of communication that takes place there. The question most frequently addressed is that of developing cultural competence, which is central to five of the contributions.

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