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Submitting your proposal

Lidil regularly receives proposals for thematic issues and articles for the book review and varia sections.

Submit a thematic issue: revue-lidil[at]

Submit an article for a thematic issue: see Call for papers Open

Submit an article in the Varia section: varia-lidil[at]

Before submitting your paper to the varia section, please check that it:

- Is between 30,000 and 40,000 characters long, including spaces;

- Meets the criteria of the scientific approach: presence of a problematic and of a theoretical framework, explanation of the methodology and the corpus, results and discussion.

- Includes an up-to-date bibliography.

- Includes a French abstract and 5 keywords.

Papers that do not meet these criteria will not be considered. Authors are invited to check their paper before submission.

Submit a book review: ndl-lidil[at]

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