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Instructions for Contributors

General rules

  1. Ler História welcomes the submission of articles and other scholarly contributions in the broad disciplinary field of History, focusing on any subject, period and region. Priority is given to contributions related with the early modern and contemporary history of Portugal, the Portuguese empire, and the Lusophone countries, as well as to articles discussing topics of historiographical nature.

  2. All contributions should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications when submitted and during the period of evaluation.

  3. Ler Historia publishes in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish, according to the principle that each author should publish in his/her native language, or in English in the remaining cases. The author is free to select the orthographic variety of the chosen language (e.g. British or American English).

  4. Proposals should be submitted in a preformatted template file (download it here), and sent to

  5. All submitted articles are subjected to a preliminary evaluation of their quality and opportunity by the Editorial Board. If approved, they are sent to external double-blind evaluation by at least two independent reviewers. It is the Editorial Board’s responsibility to accept, reject or accept with changes every submitted proposal.

  6. It is the author´s responsibility to ensure that where copyright materials are included, the permission of the copyright holder has been obtained.

  7. By accepting to publish in this journal, authors assign the exclusive rights of publication, distribution and reproduction of their articles, including abstracts, to Ler História and its publisher (ISCTE-IUL). This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the articles to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Subsequent reproduction or publication of the article by third parties, in its entirety or excerpts from it, depends on prior consent by the publisher.

  8. Journal contributors will receive a free digital copy (PDF) of their final work and a print copy of the entire issue upon publication. 

Types and length of contributions accepted

Ler História accepts different types of articles and other material, according to the journal’s different sections:

Articles – research and discussion articles (7,500-10,000 words).

Clio’s mirror – studies and essays on topics of historiographical nature (5,000-10,000 words).

Magna Opera – short essays where renowned historians are invited to revisit one of their most impactful books (4,000-5,000 words).

Debating – extended book reviews (2+ titles), review essays, roundtables, and opinion articles on current issues (3,000-7,500 words).

Book reviews – book reviews of a single title, published less than two years ago, on any language, preferably on a subject of acknowledged relevance (1,500-2,000 words).

Ler História also accepts “Dossiers”, which consist of 3 or 4 articles on a well-defined theme, specifically organized to this journal. Potential guest-editors should start by submitting a proposal of dossier (download here) and wait for the Editorial Board approval.

All the above-mentioned word lengths should be understood as “all-inclusive” (i.e., text, abstracts, footnotes and list of references).

Rules of style

  1. Abstract and Keywords: Every contribution, except book reviews, should include an abstract (max 150 words) and keywords (4 to 6) in Portuguese and English (also in Spanish or French if this is the language of publication).

  2. Sections: The manuscript should be organized in sections (max 6, including the introduction and the conclusion). All sections, except the Introduction, should be numbered and have a title (max 1 line). Sub-sections are not allowed.

  3. Footnotes: Maximum number between 40 and 50, depending on the manuscript length (7,500-10,000 words), and none should exceed should 500 characters. Quotations within footnotes not allowed.

  4. References: We adopt the author-date system, following the Chicago Manual of Style, with minor changes (see the preformatted template file).

  5. List of references: A complete list of all references cited in the text (and only those) should be placed at the end of the manuscript. The Reference List covers bibliography and printed sources.

  6. Paragraphs length: Minimum 10 lines, maximum 20 lines.

  7. Short quotations (<40 words): Should be inserted in-text, indicated by double inverted commas, and not italicized. We recommend parsimony in the use of quotations and their replacement by paraphrases whenever possible (though obviously citing the source).

  8. Long quotations (>40 words): Should be set out from the text, in an indented paragraph, using character 10 not italicized and with no quotation marks. We recommend parsimony in the number and length of such quotations along the entire manuscript, using them mostly to quote primary sources and not for the quotation of other authors.

  9. Quotation marks: “Inverted commas” only.

  10. Footnote marks: They should follow brackets, quotation marks and punctuation, and preferably be placed at the end of a sentence.

  11. Special formats: underline and bold not allowed.

  12. Numbers: Should be written in full up to ten (ex. three, eight), and as figures thereafter (ex. 11, 35).

  13. Capital letters: Should be avoided within a sentence whenever possible (use instead e.g. crown, kingdom, king, state, etc.).

  14. Tables and Figures: Should be located in the text and numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals (ex. Table 1. Title). Their Sources are to be mentioned (mandatory) below the table/figure (not in a footnote).

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