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The Deconstruction of Sex

The Deconstruction of Sex

Jean-Luc Nancy, Irving Goh, The Deconstruction of Sex, Durham, Duke University Press, 2021, 120 p., Afterword Claire Colebrook, ISBN : 978-1-4780-1435-5.
Notice publiée le 17 novembre 2021

Présentation de l'éditeur

In The Deconstruction of Sex, Jean-Luc Nancy and Irving Goh discuss how a deconstructive approach to sex helps us negotiate discourses about sex and foster a better understanding of how sex complicates our everyday existence in the age of #MeToo. Throughout their conversation, Nancy and Goh engage with topics ranging from relation, penetration, and subjection to touch, erotics, and jouissance. They show how despite its entrenchment in social norms and centrality to our being-in-the-world, sex lacks a clearly defined essence. At the same time, they point to the potentiality of literature to inscribe the senses of sex. In so doing, Nancy and Goh prompt us to reconsider our relations with ourselves and others through sex in more sensitive, respectful, and humble ways without bracketing the troubling aspects of sex.

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Jean-Luc Nancy

Jean-Luc Nancy (1940-2021) was Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Strasbourg and the author of numerous books, most recently Sexistence.

Publications du même auteur

Irving Goh

Irving Goh is President's Assistant Professor of Literature at the National University of Singapore and author of The Reject: Community, Politics, and Religion after the Subject and L’Existence Prépositionnelle.

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