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Chomsky on State and Democracy

Chomsky on State and Democracy

Günther Grewendorf (dir.), Chomsky on State and Democracy, Baden-Baden, Nomos, series: « Understanding the State », 2021, 236 p., ISBN : 978-3-8487-7757-0.
Notice published 12 May 2021

Publisher's presentation

According to the New York Times, Noam Chomsky is the most important intellectual of our time. He has not only revolutionised the theories of language and the human mind, but his concept of human nature has prompted him to fight for freedom and democracy and led to political analyses which concern the role of the state and the function of democracy (among others). The contributions to this book deal with the most important topics of his political work:

- human nature and the emergence of social institutions
- the relationship of the individual to the state and the gist of anarchism
- human rights and the notion of freedom
- power and resistance

Including an interview with Noam Chomsky.

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Günther Grewendorf (dir.)

Günther Grewendorf  is a retired professor of linguistics at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main. His research focuses on generative syntax, philosophy of language and forensic linguistics.

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