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Governing Europe in a Globalizing World

Governing Europe in a Globalizing World

Neoliberalism and its Alternatives following the 1973 Oil Crisis
Laurent Warlouzet, Governing Europe in a Globalizing World. Neoliberalism and its Alternatives following the 1973 Oil Crisis, Oxon ; New York, Routledge, coll. « Routledge Studies on Government and the European Union », 2018, 274 p., ISBN : 9781138729421.
Notice publiée le 06 avril 2018

Présentation de l'éditeur

The complex relationship between globalization and European integration was largely shaped in the 1970s. During this decade, globalization began, for the first time, to threaten Western European prosperity.

Using an innovative approach, the book shows how western Europeans coped with the challenges of globalization during a time of deep economic crisis during the period 1973-1986. It examines the evolution of economic and social policies at the national, European and global level and expands beyond the European Economic Community (EEC) by analysing the various solutions envisaged by European decision-makers towards regulating globalization, including the creation of the Single Market. Based on extensively examined archives of transnational actors, international organizations and focusing on the governments of France, Germany and the UK, as well as the European Commission, the book uncovers deep, previously unknown, economic divisions among these actors and the roles they played in the success of the EEC.

This book will be of key interest to students, scholars and practitioners of political science, European studies, history, comparative politics, public policy and economic history.

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Laurent Warlouzet

Laurent Warlouzet is a Professor in History at the University of Littoral-Côte d’Opale, Boulogne-sur-mer, France. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK, and the European University Institute of Florence, Italy. His work has appeared in journals such as the Journal of Common Market Studies and Contemporary European History and is also the co-editor-in-chief of the French global history journal Monde(s).

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