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Contesting Integration, Engendering Migration

Contesting Integration, Engendering Migration

Theory and Practice
Floya Anthias, Mojca Pajnik, Contesting Integration, Engendering Migration. Theory and Practice, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 280 p., ISBN : 9781137293992.
Notice publiée le 15 mai 2014

Présentation de l'éditeur

The book provides an evaluation of some of the problems with current processes and policies on integration in Europe, both in relation to broader aims of democratization and in relation to the ways in which gendered assumptions and practices are embedded in the policies and outcomes of European migration regimes. The book analyses integration as a contested concept, providing a cross-disciplinary theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented analysis of the integration-migration nexus. Integration is analysed sociologically, politically and legally as a concept that reinforces boundaries of ethnicity and problematizes difference and diversity. Particular foci of the book include theoretical and empirical aspects of migrant incorporation in Europe; citizenship, belonging and migration; gendered structures, experiences and policies; and the strategies of migrants in coping with nationally embedded protectionism. The book also explores notions of solidarity, cosmopolitanism and interculturalism, which can inform a more coherent and sustainable approach to social incorporation and inclusion within modern societies.

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Floya Anthias

Floya Anthias is Professor of Sociology at the University of East London, UK. She has written extensively on migration, intersectionality and stratification with publications including Racialised Boundaries; Ethnicity, Class, Gender and Migration;Gender and Migration in Southern Europe; Rethinking Anti-Racisms; and Paradoxes of Integration.

Mojca Pajnik

Mojca Pajnik is Senior Research Associate at the Peace Institute, Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, Ljubljana, and Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her recent books includeProstitution and Human Trafficking: Perspectives of Gender, Labour and Migration and Precarious Migrant Labour across Europe.

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