Data Sharing Policy
Laboreal is committed to the fundamentals of Open Science. For that reason, it encourages the authors to give free access to the data that support the findings presented in the papers.
Data that compromise protection, privacy or safety of those involved in the research cannot be revealed under no circumstances. In addition, no legal or ethical principles can be jeopardized.
The data must be made available before or at the time the paper is submitted.
It is recommended the use of a data repository with a long-term file preservation plan and a record of persistent identifiers. A few suggestions of Public Repositories are made at to assist the authors. They can also use a general repository such as Zenodo, Open Science Framework, Dryad, DataVerse.
Authors are also encouraged to follow quoting best practices in data sets. When applicable, information must be provided on where the data associated with the paper are located and under what conditions they can be accessed, using persistent identifiers, URL and DOI, when possible.
To ensure the blind assessment of the paper in double peer review, such information cannot be mentioned in the manuscript itself. Instead, it must be added in the submission dossier and the editor informed in the comments.