Single-Stemmed Wormwood, Pinecones and Myrrh: Expense and Availability of Recipe Ingredients in the Greek Magical Papyri
Bibliographical reference
Lynn R. LiDonnici, “Single-Stemmed Wormwood, Pinecones and Myrrh: Expense and Availability of Recipe Ingredients in the Greek Magical Papyri”, Kernos, 14 | 2001, 61-91.
Electronic reference
Lynn R. LiDonnici, “Single-Stemmed Wormwood, Pinecones and Myrrh: Expense and Availability of Recipe Ingredients in the Greek Magical Papyri”, Kernos [Online], 14 | 2001, Online since 14 April 2011, connection on 12 February 2025. URL:; DOI:
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