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Instructions for the reviewers

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts for submission have to be sent par e-mail (Word and PDF files) to A printed version by postal mail is unnecessary.

Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts must be typeset in a 12-point UNICODE font. Additional space should not be inserted routinely between

paragraphs or between footnotes. Any bibliography included should be referenced solely in the footnotes. The

typographical rules in use in the language of the review apply. The review should be no longer than 5000 characters

(with spaces included) if it is purely analytical and maximum 10 000 characters (spaced included) if it is a critical essay.

Citation practice in brief

The review is preceded by the references of the book:

Philippe Borgeaud, Exercices d’histoire des religions : Comparaisons, rites, mythes et émotions, édité par Daniel Barbu et Philippe Matthey, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2016. 1 vol. 16 × 24 cm, XVII+362 p. (Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture, 20). ISBN : 978–90–0431–632–4.

In the footnotes, proper names are in lower-case for ancient authors, in small caps for modern ones. Arabic numerals are to be used for part and section numbers. This is true for journal volume numbers, for volume numbers and other subdivisions in a series. It is also the case for the subdivisions of classical texts. Roman numerals are to be used for volume numbers in a multivolume work, be it ancient or modern.

Primary sources

– Author, Opus III, 2, 8 or Author, Opus, 3.2.8

– Author, fr. 2 (Editor) or Editor

Regarding the epigraphic evidence, collections are mentioned in italics by the more common abbreviations: CIL, IG, Syll.³, OGIS, ILS, SEG

Examples : CIL XIII 8553; ILS II 5318; IG XII 3, 328, l. 20; IG II 2, 1792; IG II² 452; SEG 40, 835

Secondary works in the final bibliography

– C. Sourvinou-Inwood, ‘Reading’ Greek Culture. Texts and Images, Rituals and Myths, Oxford, 1991.

– E. Aston, Mixanthropoi: Animal-human Hybrid Deities in Greek Religion, Liège, 2011 (Kernos, suppl. 25).

– C. Sourvinou-Inwood, “Persephone and Aphrodite at Locri: a Model for Personality Definitions in Greek Religion”, JHS 98 (1978), p. 101-121 [republished in Sourvinou-Inwood (1991), p. 147-188].

– R. Parker, “The Cult of Aphrodite Pandamos and Pontia at Cos”, in H.F.J. Horstmanshoff, H.W. Singor, F.T. Van Straten, J.H.M. Strubbe (eds.), Kykeon. Studies in Honour of H.S. Versnel, Leiden, 2002 (Religions of the Graeco-Roman World, 142), p. 143-160.

For journal titles, abbreviations from L’Année philologique will be used.

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