Revue des actes de colloques, ouvrages collectifs et anthologies
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Ampolo Carmine (éd.), Sicilia occidentale. Studi, rassegne, ricerche, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2012 (Seminari e Convegni, 29).
L. Nigro, Scavi e restauri dell’Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’ a Mozia 2007–2009: il Tempio del Kothon, il Temenos Circolare, il Sacello di Astarte e il Tofet, p. 207–218; M. De Bernardin, Per un’analisi della figura di Eracle in Sicilia: dal VII sec. a.C. all’età romana, p. 305–312; B. Lietz, Il santuario e la dea di Erice: una vocazione politica?, p. 313–318.
Augoustakis Antony (éd.), Ritual and Religion in Flavian Epic, Oxford, OUP, 2013.
A. Augoustakis, Introduction: Representing Ritual and Religion in Flavian Epic, p. 1–13; M. Fucecchi, With (a) God on Our Side: Ancient Ritual Practices and Imagery in Flavian Epic, p. 17–32; G. Manuwald, Divine Messages and Human Actions in the Argonautica, p. 33–51; H. Lovatt, Competing Visions: Prophecy, Spectacle, and Theatricality in Flavian Epic, p. 53–70; A. Tuttle, Argive Augury and Portents in the Thebaid, p. 71–87; E. Manolaraki, ‘Consider in the Image of Thebes’. Celestial and Poetic Auspicy in the Thebaid, p. 89–107; A. Huber, Malae preces and their Articulation in the Thebaid, p. 109–126; F. Bessone, Religion and Power in the Thebaid, p. 145–161; R. Parkes, Chthonic Ingredients and Thematic Concerns: The Shapping of the Necromancy in the Thebaid, p. 165–180; N. Dee, Wasted Water: The Failure of Purification in the Thebaid, p. 181–198; R. Joy Littlewood, Patterns of Darkness: Chthonic Illusion, Gigantomachy, and Sacrificial Ritual in the Punica, p. 199–215; R. Cowan, Back Out of Hell: The Virtual Katabasis and Initiation of Silius’ Minucius, p. 217–232; N.W. Bernstein, Ritual Murder and Suicide in the Thebaid, p. 233–248; R. Ganiban, The Death and Funeral Rites of Opheltes in the Thebaid, p. 249–265; M.T. Dinter, Epitaphic Gestures in Statius and Silius Italicus, p. 267–283; A. Keith, Medusa, Python, and Poine in Argive Religious Ritual, p. 303–317; Ch. Chinn, Orphic Ritual and Myth in the Thebaid, p. 319–334; V. Panoussi, Dancing in Scyros: Masculinity and Young Women’s Rituals in the Achilleid, p. 335–351.
Bonnechere Pierre, Gagné Renaud (éd.), Sacrifices humains. Perspectives croisées et représentations /Human sacrifice. Cross-cultural perspectives and representations, Liège, Presses universitaires, 2013 (Collection Religions. Comparatisme – Histoire – Anthropologie, 2).
P. Bonnechere, R. Gagné, Introduction. Le sacrifice humain : un phénomène au fil d’Ariane évanescent, p. 7–20 ; P. Bonnechere, Victime humaine et absolue perfection dans la mentalité grecque, p. 21–60 ; J. Mylonopoulos, Gory Details? The Iconography of Human Sacrifice in Greek Art, p. 61–85 ; J.N. Bremmer, Human Sacrifice in Euripides’ Iphigenia in Tauris: Greek and Barbarian, p. 87–100 ; R. Gagné, Athamas and Zeus Laphystios: Herodotus 7.197, p. 101–118 ; A. Henrichs, Répandre le sang sur l’autel : ritualisation de la violence dans le sacrifice grec, p. 119–144 ; R. Parker, Substitution in Greek Sacrifice, p. 145–152.
Calderone Anna (éd.), Cultura e religione delle acque. Atti del Convegno interdisciplinare ‘Qui fresca l’acqua mormora…’ (S. Quasimodo, Sapph. fr. 2,5) Messina 29–30 marzo 2011, Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, 2012 (Archaeologica, 167).
C. Giuffrè Scibona, Osservazioni sul valore liminare dell’acqua nella religione greca, p. 35–49; C. Masseria, Verso un altro mare, con incerto tragitto. Hera e la metopa con ‘l’eroe sulla tartaruga’, p. 51–69; M. De Cesare, Le nymphai e l’acqua in Sicilia: l’imagerie vascolare, p. 141–168; E.C. Portale, Le nymphai e l’acqua in Sicilia: contesti rituali e morfologia dei votivi, p. 169–191; C. Greco, V. Tardo, A proposito dei santuari lungo il fiume Modione a Selinunte, p. 193–206; F. Pizzi, L’acqua delle Ninfe. Il caso ‘complesso’ di Locri, p. 221–234.
Castiglione Marianna, Poggio Alessandro (éd.), Arte-Potere. Forme artistiche, istituzioni, paradigmi interpretativi. Atti del convegno di studio tenuto a Pisa. Scuola Normale Superiore, 25–27 Novembre 2010, Milano, Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2012 (Archeologia e Arte antica).
F. Santi, Myth and Images on the Acropolis of Athens in the Archaic Period, p. 87–95; C. Marconi, Altari e potere, p. 195–200.
Cusset Christophe, Prioux Évelyne, Richer Hamidou (éd.), Euphorion et les mythes. Images et fragments. Actes du colloque international (Lyon, 19–20 janvier 2012), Naples, Centre Jean Bérard, 2013 (Études, 9).
St. Wyler, Dionysos chez Euphorion, p. 17–39 ; F.-H. Massa-Pairault, Orion, p. 41–61 ; É. Prioux, Figures de devins et signes du destin, p. 63–90 ; C. Pouzadoux, Figures de devins et signes du destin dans la céramique apulienne, p. 91–109 ; N. Icard, A.-V. Szabados, Des couronnes pour Mélicerte, p. 111–140 ; R. Robert, Euphorion, entre Claros et Grynium, p. 143–162 ; P. Linant de Bellefonds, L’ ‘ardente’ Sémiramis : fragments d’une image contrastée, p. 163–180 ; E. Magnelli, Myth and History in Euphorion’s Eastern Tales, p. 181–194 ; Ch. Cusset, B. Acosta-Hugues, Euphorion et Lycophron, p. 199–207 ; V. Gigante Lanzara, La ‘Musa sottile’ alla corte di Antioco, p. 209–224 ; E. Sistakou, The Dark Side of Euphorion, p. 225–246 ; J. Pagès Cebrian, Euphorion dans les scholies mythographiques à l’Iliade, p. 247–264 ; J.A. Clúa, Serena : Euphorion, la malédiction mythique et le comique intentionnel, p. 267–279 ; A. Kolde, Les chevaux d’Asbotos et les génisses de Téléboens : les fragments du Thrace comme échantillons de la poétique d’Euphorion, p. 281–298.
Cusumano Nicola, Gasparini Valentino, Mastrocinque Attilio, Rüpke Jörg (éd.), Memory and Religious Experience in the Greco-Roman World, Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013 (Postdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 45).
N. Cusumano, Memory and Religion in the Greek World, p. 17–19; N. Cusumano, Glaucus and the Importance of Being Earnest. Herodotus 6.86 on Memory and Trust, Oath and Pain, p. 21–53; I. Solima, The Perpetuation of Memory in the Myths and Cults of Artemis in the Peloponnese, p. 55–61; D. Bonanno, Memory Lost, Memory Regained. Considerations on the Recovery of Sacred Texts in Messenia and in Biblical Israel: A Comparison, p. 63–80; G.F. Chiai, The Origins and Deeds of our Gods: Inscriptions and Local Historical-Religious Memories in the Hellenistic and Roman World, p. 81–114; D. Motta, Heroic Memory and Polis: Achilles and Athens in Zosimus’ Historia Nova, p. 115–131.
Denti Mario, Tuffreau-Libre Marie (éd.), La Céramique dans les contextes rituels. Fouiller et comprendre les gestes des anciens. Actes de la table ronde de Rennes (16–17 juin 2010), Rennes, Presses Universitaires, 2013 (Archéologie & Culture).
M. Denti, Pour une archéologie de l’absence. Observations sur l’analyse intellectuelle et matérielle de la céramique en contexte rituel, p. 13–23 ; M. Tuffreau-Libre, La céramique dans les contextes rituels et religieux, p. 25–27 ; S. Huber, Le cratère, l’hydrie et la cruche à haut col. Des céramiques au service des premiers rituels à Érétrie (Grèce), p. 75–93 ; M. Denti, Dépositions de céramique et significations des contextes rituels à l’époque proto-archaïque en Italie méridionale, p. 95–112 ; G. Bron, Amphores et gestes rituels. Usages et fonctions d’une catégorie céramique aux périodes proto-archaïque au sein du monde grec, p. 113–126 ; J.-P. Morel, Des céramiques aux ‘gestes’, des ‘gestes’ aux rites. Impressions finales d’une table ronde, p. 203–213.
Funke Peter, Haake Matthias (éd.), Greek Federal States and Their Sanctuaries. Identity and Integration. Proceedings of an International Conference of the Cluster of Excellence ‘Religion and Politics’ Held in Münster, 17.06.–19.06.2010, Stuttgart, Steiner, 2013 (Ancient History).
P. Funke, Greek Federal States and Their Sanctuaries: Identity and Integration. Some Introductory Remarks, p. 9- 12; A.D. Rizakis, États fédéraux et sanctuaires : Zeus Homarios et la construction de l’identité achéenne, p. 13–47; P. Funke, Thermika and Panaitolika. Alte und neue Zentren im Aitolischen Bund, p. 49–64; K. Freitag, Die Akarnanen: Ein Ethnos ohne religiöses Zentrum und gemeinsame Feste?, p. 65–83; A. Ganter, A Two-Sided Story of Integration: The Cultic Dimension of Boiotian Ethnogenesis, p. 85–105; J. Roy, Olympia, Identity and Integration: Elis, Eleia, and Hellas, p. 107–121; M.P. Fronda, Southern Italy: Sanctuary, Panegyris and Italiote Identity, p. 123–138; G. Daverio Rocchi, Ethnic Identity, Cults and Territorial Settlement: East and West Locrians, p. 139–161; M. Hatzopoulos, Was Dion Macedonia’s Religious Centre?, p. 163–171; K. Buraselis, Confederacies, Royal Policies and Sanctuaries in the Hellenistic Aegean: The Cases of Nesiotai, Lesbioi and Kretaieis, p. 173–183; J. McInerney, Making Phokian Space: Sanctuary and Community in the Definition of Phokis, p. 185–203; R. Bouchon, B. Helly, Construire et reconstruire l’État fédéral thessalien (époque classique, époque hellénistique et romaine). Cultes et sanctuaires des Thessaliens, p. 205–226; Th. Heine Nielsen, Can ‘Federal Sanctuaries’ Be Identified in Triphylia and Arkadia?, p. 227–244.
Gildenhard Ingo, Zissos Andrew (éd.), Transformative Change in Western Thought. A History of Metamorphosis from Homer to Hollywood, Oxford, Legenda, 2013.
I. Gildenhard, A. Zissos, The Transformations of Ovid’s Medea (Metamorphoses VIII. 1–424), p. 88–130; S. Macrì, Lynx-stone and Coral: ‘Liquid Rocks’ between Natural History and Myths of Transformation, p. 131–152; M. Baumbach, Proteus and Protean Epic: From Homer to Nonnos, p. 153–162; Z. Jaques, Arboreal Myths: Dryadic Transformations, Children’s Literature, and Fantastic Trees, p. 163–182.
Kajava Mika (éd.), Studies in Ancient Oracles and Divination, Rome, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, 2013 (Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae, 40).
S.-I. Kittelä, Dodona and Neoptolemus: Heroic Genealogies and Claims of Ethnicity, p. 29–47; A. Lampinen, Θεῷ μεμελημένε Φοίβῳ — Oracular Functionaries at Claros and Didyma in the Imperial Period, p. 49–88; M. Buchholz, Questions to Oracles in Graeco-Roman Egypt: A Quantitative Approach to the Papyrological Evidence, p. 89–109.
Markantonatos Andreas (éd.), Brill’s Companion to Sophocles, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2012.
R. Rehm, Ritual in Sophocles, p. 411–427; J.D. Mikalson, Gods and Heroes in Sophocles, p. 429–446.
Martzavou Paraskevi, Papazarkadas Nikolaos (éd.), Epigraphical Approaches to the Post-Classical Polis. Fourth Century BC to Second Century AD, Oxford, OUP, 2013 (Oxford Studies in Ancient Documents).
S. Kravaritou, Thessalian Perceptions of the Ruler Cult: archegetai and ktistai from Demetrias, p. 255–275; A. Schachter, F. Marchand, Fresh Light on the Institutions and Religious Life of Thespiai: Six New Inscriptions from the Thespiai Survey, p. 277–299.
Niemeier W.-D., Pilz O., Kaiser I. (éd.), Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit. Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums am Deutschen Archäologischen Institut, Abteilung Athen 27.-29. Januar 2006, München, Hirmer Verlag, 2013 (Athenaia, 2).
M. Melfi, The Lithos and the Sea. Some Considerations on the Cult of the Greek Sanctuary at Kommos, p. 355–365; O. Pilz, Die Kulte von Praisos in der spätgeometrischen und archaischen Zeit, p. 367–382; K. Sporn, Kretische Mythen versus Mythen über Kreta. Zur Einführung von Mythenbildern kretischer Thematik auf Kreta, p. 395–408; M. D’Acunto, The City Siege and the Lion. The Fortetsa Bronze Belt and Quiver between Near Eastern Models and Heroic Ideology, p. 471–487.
Paschalis Michael, Panayotakis Stelios (éd.), The Construction of the Real and the Ideal in the Ancient Novel, Groningen, Barkhuis Publishing/Groningen University Library, 2013 (Ancient Narratives, suppl. 17).
G. Rosati, The Loves of the Gods: Literature as Construction of a Space of Pleasure, p. 89–103; F. Létoublon, Mythological Paradigms in the Greek Novels, p. 127–145; M. Paschalis, The Basic Plot of Callirhoe: History, Myth, and Aristotelian Poetics, p. 161–177.
Perra Rosella (éd.), Il significato delle immagini. Numismatica, arte, filologia, storia. Atti del secondo incontro internazionale di studio del Lexicon Iconographicum Numismaticae (Genova, 10–12 Novembre 2005), Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, 2012 (Università degli Studi di Genova. Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità, del Medioevo e Geographico-Ambientali. Serta Antiqua et Mediaevalia, 14).
M. Caccamo Caltabiano, Dea e nymphe. L’ideologia della personificazione della Città nell iconografia monetale, p. 27–50; B. Lichocka, Aphrodite et les émissions monétaires Chypriotes, p. 51–67; S. De Pace, Le emissioni isiache: nuove riflessioni, p. 503–510.
Rüpke Jörg (éd.), The Individual in the Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean, Oxford, OUP, 2013.
J. Rüpke, Individualization and Individuation as Concepts for Historical Research, p. 3–38; C. Bonnet, The Religious Life in Hellenistic Phoenicia: ‘Middle Ground’ and New Agencies, p. 41–57; J.A. North, Disguising Change in the First Century, p. 58–84; C. Ando, Subjects, Gods, and Empire, or Monarchism as a Theological Problem, p. 85–111; F. Graf, Individual and Common Cult: Epigraphic Reflections, p. 115–135; R. Gordon, The Religious Anthropology of Late-Antique ‘High’ Magical Practice, p. 163–186; K. Waldner, Dimensions of Individuality in Ancient Mystery Cults: Religious Practice and Philosophical Discourse, p. 215–242; N. Belayche, Individualization and Religious Rhetoric in Imperial Anatolia, p. 243–266.
Schubert Charlotte, Weiß Alexander (éd.), Amazonen zwischen Griechen und Skythen. Gegenbilder in Mythos und Geschichte, Berlin/Boston, de Gruyter, 2013 (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 310).
A. Ivantchik, Amazonen, Skythen und Sauromaten: Alte und moderne Mythen, p. 73–87; Ch. Schubert, Amazonen und Transvestiten. Zur Konstruktion von Mythen, Riten und Krankheiten, p. 89–110; J. Fornasier, J.N. Burg, Der Amazonenmythos in der Kunst griechischer Schwarzmeerstädte, p. 185–219; R. Fleischer, Die Amazonen und das Asyl des Artemisions von Ephesos, p. 259–263.
Toumazou Michael K., Kardulias P. Nick, Counts Derek B. (éd.), Crossroads and Boundaries. The Archaeology of Past and Present in the Malloura Valley, Cyprus, Boston (MA), American Schools of Oriental Research, 2011 (Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 65)
S. Fourrier, Pots for Goods and for Gods: the Iron Age Ceramics from the Malloura Sanctuary, p. 125–132; E.W. Averett, The Ritual Context of the Malloura Terracotta Figurines, p. 133–147; C.M. Cofer, Cypriot Pan at the Crossroads in Late Classical and Hellenistic Cyprus: the Evidence from Athienou-Malloura, p. 163–177; N.G. Blackwell, J.A. Johnson, Exploring Sacred Space: GIS Applications for Analyzing the Athienou-Malloura Sanctuary, p. 291–302.
Trzaskoma Stephen M., Smith R. Scott (éd.), Writing Myth: Mythography in the Ancient World, Leuven/Paris/ Walpole (MA), Peeters, 2013 (Studies in the History and Anthropology of Religion, 4).
R.L. Fowler, Herodotos and the Early Mythographers: The Case of the Kabeiroi, p. 1–19; K.A. MacFarlane, Choerilus Mythistoricus?, p. 21–35; D.W. Berman, Greek Thebes in the Early Mythographic Tradition, p. 37–54; J.N. Bremmer, Local Mythography: The Pride of Halicarnassus, p. 55- 73; L.E. Patterson, Geographers as Mythographers: The Case of Strabo, p. 201–221; C.A. Gibson, True or False? Greek Myth and Mythography in the Progymnasmata, p. 289–308.
Van der Stock Luc, Titchener Frances, Ingenkamp Heinz Gerd, Pérez Jiménez Aurelio (éd.), Gods, Daimones, Rituals, Myths and History of Religions in Plutarch’s Works. Studies Devoted to Professor Frederick E. Brenk by the International Plutarch Society, Málaga/Logan, Universidad de Málaga/Utah State University, 2010.
B. Boulet, The Use of Myths and Superstition in Plutarch, p. 59–64; R. Caballero, La estructura tripartita del alma de los dioses en la tradición platónica: los testimonios de Alcínoo, Plutarco y Plotino, p. 85–110; G. D’Ippolito, Plutarco il mito dell’esule Cadmo, p. 137–142; J.A. Fernández Delgado, Héroes, enigmas y edad de los démones, de Hesíodo a Plutarco, p. 163–176; F. Frazier, Quand Plutarque actualise le mythe d’Er. Delphes, la Justice et la Providence dans le mythe de Thespésios ( De sera 22.563B-33.568A), p. 193–210; J. Geiger, Plutarch, Dionysus, and the God of the Jews Revisited (An Exercice in Quellenforschung), p. 211–220; A. Georgiadou, Plutarch’s Amatorius: towards a Reconstruction of a Cult of Eros, p. 229–254; D. Gigli Piccardi, Giuliano, Nonno e l’avvento di Dioniso, p. 255–264; I. Muñoz Gallarte, Ciencia y religión en conflicto: fantasmas y sucesos paranormales en Plutarco, p. 295–314; R. Scannapieco, Circe, la Luna e l’anima. Il frammento plutarcheo 200 Sandbach, p. 363–396.
Vignolo Munson Rosaria (éd.), Oxford Readings in Classical Studies. Herodotus: Volume 2. Herodotus and the World, Oxford, OUP, 2013.
J. Gould, Herodotus and Religion, p. 183–197; W. Burkert, Herodotus on the Names of the Gods: Polytheism as a Historical Problem, p. 198–209.
Contributions particulières
Bernabé A., « The Sixth Definition (Sophist 226a-231c): Transposition of Religious Language », in B. Bossi, Th.M. Robinson (éd.), Plato’s Sophist Revisited, Berlin/Boston, 2013 (Trends in Classics, suppl. 19), p. 41–56.
Bonnet Corinne, « Lorsque les ‘autres’ entrent dans la danse… Lectures phéniciennes des identités religieuses en contexte multiculturel », in P. Payen, É. Scheid-Tissinier (éd.), Anthropologie de l’Antiquité. Anciens objets, nouvelles approches, Turnhout, 2012, p. 101–119.
Cairns Douglas, « Divine and Human Action in the Oedipus Tyrannus », in D. Cairns (éd.), Tragedy and Archaic Greek Thought, Swansea, 2013, p. 119–171.
Camia Francesco, « Theoi Olympioi e Theoi Sebastoi: alcune considerazioni sull’associazione tra culto imperiale e culti tradizionali in Grecia », in E. Franchi, G. Proietti (éd.), Forme della memoria e dinamiche identitarie nell’antichità greco-romana, Trento, Università degli Studi di Trento, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Storia e Beni Culturali, 2012 (Quaderni, 2), p. 93–110.
D’Oriano R., Pietra G., « Stratificazione dei culti urbani di Olbia fenicia, greca, punica et romana », in S. Angiolillo, M. Giuman, Ch. Pilo (éd.), Meixis. Dinamiche di stratificazione culturale nella periferia greca e romana. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi ‘Il sacro e il profano’. Cagliari, Citadella dei Musei 5–7 maggio 2011, Roma, 2012 (Archaeologica, 169), p. 173–188.
Gasent A., « Corònides i Asclepi. Un exemple d’intervenció divina a la Periègesi de Pausànies », in C. Padilla, J. Redondo (éd.), El sobrenatural a les literatures mediterrànies des de l’època clàssica fins a les societats actuals, Amsterdam, 2012 (Classical and Byzantine Monographs, 77), p. 127–140.
Morgan C., « Sanctuaries, the State and the Individual », in J. König (éd.), Greek Athletics, Edinburgh, Edinburgh UP, 2013 (Edinburgh Readings on the Ancient World), p. 23–35.
Osborne R., « Democracy and Religion in Classical Greece », in J.P. Arnason, K.A. Raaflaub, P. Wagner (éd.), The Greek Polis and the Invention of Democracy. A Politico-cultural Transformation and Its Interpretations, Chichester, 2013, p. 274–297.
Paleothodoros D., « Dionysus and the Tyrrhenian Pirates », in V. Bellelli, Le origini degli Etruschi. Storia, archeologie, antropologia, Roma (Studia Archaeologica, 186), p. 455–485.
Parra M.C., Facella A., « L’area centrale di Entella tra spazio civico e spazio cultuale », in C. Ampolo (éd.), Agora greca e agorai di Sicilia, Pisa, 2012 (Seminari e Convegni, 28), p. 239–244.
Reinhardt U., Mythische Mischwesen in Literatur und Kunst der Antike, in M. Kunze (éd.), Vorsicht Lebensgefahr! Sirenen, Nixen, Meerjungfrauen in der Kunst seit der Antike. Katalog einer Ausstellung im Winckelmann-Museum vom 20. Oktober 2013 bis 19. Januar 2014, Ruhpolding/Mainz, 2013 (Ausstellungskataloge der Winckelmann-Gesellschaft), p. 11–14.
Sporn K., « ‘Der göttliche Helikon’. Bergkulte oder Kulte auf den Bergen in Griechenland », in R. Breitwieser, M. Frass, G. Nightingale (éd.), Calamus. Festschrift für Herbert Graßl zum 65. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden, 2013 (Philippika, 57), p. 465–477.
West St., « Divine Anger Management: The Greek Version of the Myth of the Sun’s Eye (P.Lond.Lit. 192) », in T. Whitmarsh, St. Thomson (éd.), The Romance between Greece and the East, Cambridge, 2013, p. 79–90.