Haut de pageManuscript submission
Manuscripts for submission have to be sent par e-mail (Word and PDF files) to A printed version by postal mail is unnecessary. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed. The editorial norms below are not mandatory at the submission stage, except the use of a UNICODE font. Once the submitted manuscript is accepted, the norms must be applied to the final version.
Manuscript preparation (once accepted)
Manuscripts must be typeset in a 12-point UNICODE font. Bold fonts should be avoided (use italics not underscoring to signal italics). Additional space should not be inserted routinely between paragraphs or between notes; use subheads when necessary to signal a division between sections of the text. Notes should be typeset as footnotes (after punctuation in English). Bibliography and captions should be placed at the very end. Illustrations will be sent as separate files (with copyright). An abstract of 1000 signs maximum will be provided.
Citation practice in brief
In the footnotes, proper names are in lower-case for ancient authors, in small caps for modern ones. Arabic numerals are to be used for part and section numbers. This is true for journal volume numbers, for volume numbers and other subdivisions in a series. It is also the case for the subdivisions of classical texts. Roman numerals are to be used for volume numbers in a multivolume work, be it ancient or modern.
Primary sources
– Author, Opus III, 2, 8 or Author, Opus, 3.2.8
– Author, fr. 2 (Editor) or Editor
The first occurrence of a reference is given in full. Then it can be abbreviated (LSJ or OCD).
Regarding the epigraphic evidence, collections are mentioned in italics by the more common abbreviations: CIL, IG, Syll.³, OGIS, ILS, SEG…
Examples : CIL XIII 8553; ILS II 5318; IG XII 3, 328, l. 20; IG II 2, 1792; IG II² 452; SEG 40, 835
Secondary works in the final bibliography
– C. Sourvinou-Inwood, ‘Reading’ Greek Culture. Texts and Images, Rituals and Myths, Oxford, 1991.
– E. Aston, Mixanthropoi: Animal-human Hybrid Deities in Greek Religion, Liège, 2011 (Kernos, suppl. 25).
– C. Sourvinou-Inwood, “Persephone and Aphrodite at Locri: a Model for Personality Definitions in Greek Religion”, JHS 98 (1978), p. 101-121 [republished in Sourvinou-Inwood (1991), p. 147-188].
– R. Parker, “The Cult of Aphrodite Pandamos and Pontia at Cos”, in H.F.J. Horstmanshoff, H.W. Singor, F.T. Van Straten, J.H.M. Strubbe (eds.), Kykeon. Studies in Honour of H.S. Versnel, Leiden, 2002 (Religions of the Graeco-Roman World, 142), p. 143-160.
For journal titles, abbreviations from L’Année philologique will be used.
Secondary works in the footnotes
Sourvinou-Inwood (1991), p. 5-8; Parker (2002), p. 144.
When a manuscript is accepted
– Only one set of proofs is sent to the authors; author’s corrections are to be avoided.
– The author receives a PDF file of his or her contribution and a print copy of the journal.
– The author assigns to the journal the rights to the contribution that is accepted for publication.