About the journal
Kentron is a multidisciplinary journal which is based on about 30 years of existence and continuous evolutions. Founded in 1985 by François Hinard (†), professor of Roman history, the review was then published in two to five parts each year and the articles dealt with ancient history, literature and philology.
Kentron, which means in ancient Greek riding crop and, by extension, stimulation, quickly appeared as a place of exchange and discussions for researchers from different areas, joining together with a similar aim: improving our understanding of Ancient World.
In 1994, Bernard Deforge, professor of Greek literature, and Jacquy Chemouni, professor of clinical psychology and psychopathology, both from the University of Caen Normandy, became the new directors of the journal and gave a new orientation to it. Kentron remained a journal about Ancient World, now guided by the willingness to study ancient history in comparison to present times, more precisely the mythical stuff and its psychoanalytical interpretations. That year, the two directors could write, in the journal’s editorial, that: “Our ambition is to offer a review which transcends the particularisms in which our disciplines have shut themselves in a self-satisfied way, especially in France more than in our neighbouring British countries. That’s the reason why we think it is urgent and essential that classical studies open themselves to the methods and results of social sciences, mostly depth psychology”.
Initially edited – and almost handmade – by its directors, the journal has been published since 2000 by the Presses universitaires de Caen (PUC).
In 2008, Pierre Sineux (†), professor of Greek history, was appointed as the journal’s new director. With a completely renewed scientific committee, Kentron became a peer-reviewed journal, without losing its originality: the willingness to establish dialog between different subjects and to enrich classical studies by crossing ways and multiplying angles of research.
After the unexpected death of Pierre Sineux, in 2016, Typhaine Haziza, lecturer in Greek and Ancient Egypt history, and Caroline Blonce, lecturer in Roman history, both at the University of Caen Normandy, have taken the charge of the journal’s direction. Their focus remains to facilitate interdisciplinary approaches and analysis of classical studies: Kentron, revue pluridisciplinaire du monde antique, still welcomes submissions from researchers in literature, history, philosophy, ethnology, anthropology, linguistics, philology, art history and archaeology.
Executive board
The journal’s organization is the following: two editors in chief, one assistant editor, and one editorial board composed of 8 members, all of them from the University of Caen Normandy. The scientific committee is composed of Europeans and North American researchers to ensure the journal’s international coverage in literature, history, philosophy, ethnology, anthropology, linguistics, philology, art history and archaeology.
The journal
The journal welcomes contributions in French, English, German, Spanish and Italian. The publication is annual and composed of three sections: “Topics”, “Varia” and book reviews. A call for papers for the “Topics” section is published in each issue for the following one. From the no. 33, 2017 on, it has been decided to join the former “Unpublished Material” section – which welcomed documents of various nature (textual, epigraphic, iconographic) not meant to be immediately included in a normalized collection – to the “Varia” section. A short abstract of each paper, together with the keywords list (10 words max.), are to be found at the end of the issue, both in the paper’s language and in English.
Evaluation criteria
Papers submitted are reviewed by two different lecturers (at least one of them not being member of the editorial board). The evaluations reports can be completed by annotations in the text concerning precise points. The experts notify if the paper can be directly published, or with some modifications, or if it can be published with conditions (in case of important modifications to bring to the paper), or if it cannot be published at all.
Each paper is also reviewed and potentially corrected by one of the two editors in chief and/or the assistant editor, who give the final validation, mostly if both experts disagree.
If the required corrections are not, or not enough, taken into account, the editors in chief can refuse the paper’s publication.
Authors are asked to follow the formatting guide available on the PUC website (https://www.puc-ed.fr/info/?fa=text41) under “Informations aux auteurs” section [“Guidelines for authors”]. Papers not following these guidelines or with an insufficient level of redaction can be rejected.