24 | 2008
L’imaginaire utopique, de ses sources dans le monde grec à la Renaissance
Abréviations [Full text]
Dossier thématique : L’imaginaire utopique, de ses sources dans le monde grec à la Renaissance
L’imaginaire utopique dans le monde grec
Destined to serve as an introduction to a cycle of conferences on utopia, this study, the first part of which is published in this volume and the continuation of which will appear in a future issue, includes: 1) a development on the notion of utopia (definitions, problems); 2) a study of the Platonic texts generally considered as the founders of our conception of utopia; 3) a corpus of texts the historians of the utopian genre regard as its first milestones and a classification of these texts in three groups: serious utopias, exotic utopias and satiric utopias (counter-utopias or even dystopias). This introduction is followed by a thematic bibliography.
L’utopie, état de la question [Full text]
Bibliographie thématique [Full text]
Archéologie de l’utopie [Full text]
Utopie et religion chez Évhémère [Full text]
Mythe et allégorie dans l’œuvre de Lucien [Full text]
Comptes rendus