Texte intégral
1The forty-eighth issue of the JSSE contains seven essays and two reviews.
2In “Coding and Decoding in ‘The Red Circle’” Edward H. Cohen reads an atypical Sherlock Holmes story in which he points out significant departures from the conventional patterns as strategies for decoding the shape and meaning of the case. His study of the above particulars leads him to claim that it stands as a milestone on the road to World War I and prefigures the ethnic violence that has littered the landscape of recent human history.
3Richard Rankin Russell’s “Escaping the Examined Life in George Moore’s ‘Home Sickness,’” owing to a technical failure, was first published in JSSE 45 without its works cited page. It is republished here with its bibliography.
4“Feminine Expansion and Masculine Immobilization” by Rachel Lister examines the representation of gender identity in the modern American short story cycle, a form which has become particularly popular with female authors. Based on Eudora Welty’s The Golden Apples and on Joyce Carol Oates’s All the Good People I’ve Left Behind, Rachel Lister’s analysis explores how both Welty and Oates employ the form to engage with masculine dilemmas and to question dominant models of masculinity. In particular, the readings focus on the immobilization of the male quest figure and the isolated male artist.
5Joyce Carol Oates is again dealt with in Michele D. Theriot’s “The Eternal Present in Joyce Carol Oate’s ‘Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been ?’” The paper focuses on the protagonist’s inability to see or appreciate the past and future and how sources for the story aid in shaping that idea.
6In the fifth essay of the volume, Jennifer Murray proposes to reevaluate Margaret Laurence’s “The Loons” in view of the central role of the loss of the father in its construction of meaning.
7In “Hatching the Posthuman: Margaret Atwood’s ‘Bluebeard’s Egg’” Carol Merli explores the relationship between body and text through Atwood’s use of post-modern strategies. The open-endedness and undecidability within the story may be unsettling and even confronting, but can also be liberating, opening up a space for new stories and new selves.
8In her article on Emily Prager’s “A Visit from the Footbinder”,Judie Newmann explores the relations of mother to child, the oppositions between West and East, male and female, and the commodification of trauma in art. According to Professor Newmann, Prager confronts and subverts a readerly politics of western domination, engaging directly with the theories of Julia Kristeva.
- 1 Gaïd Girard, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu : une écriture fantastique, Honoré Champion, Bibliothèque de (...)
- 2 Hélène Machinal, Conan Doyle : de Sherlock Holmes au Professeur Challenger, Presses Universitaires (...)
9The volume ends with Girard Gaïd’s book on Le Fanu1 reviewed by Laurent Lepaludier and Hélène Machinal’s work on Conan Doyle2 reviewed by David Le Barzic.
1 Gaïd Girard, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu : une écriture fantastique, Honoré Champion, Bibliothèque de littérature générale et comparée, Genève 2005.
2 Hélène Machinal, Conan Doyle : de Sherlock Holmes au Professeur Challenger, Presses Universitaires de Rennes , coll. “Interférences”, 2004.
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Référence électronique
Emmanuel Vernadakis et Linda Collinge-Germain, « Foreword », Journal of the Short Story in English [En ligne], 48 | Spring 2007, mis en ligne le 01 juin 2007, consulté le 18 février 2025. URL : http://0-journals-openedition-org.catalogue.libraries.london.ac.uk/jsse/677
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