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General Foreword

Linda Collinge-Germain, Emmanuel Vernadakis, Michelle Ryan-Sautour, Gérald Préher et François Hugonnier
p. 11

Texte intégral

1We are pleased to present the Spring 2018 issue of the Journal of the Short Story in English, which derives from the “Haunting in the Short Story and Its Adaptations” conference held at the University of Angers in November 2015. This event was organized by Michelle Ryan-Sautour (University of Angers), Ailsa Cox (Edge Hill University) and Elke D’hoker (University of Leuven). The papers were peer-reviewed for publication either in the Journal of the Short Story in English or Short Fiction in Theory and Practice. Volume 7.2 (2017) of the latter has come out and our special issue will now provide a strong companion piece.

2The editorial board is especially thankful to Anne-Laure Fortin-Tournès for accepting to co-author the introduction to this issue after all the articles had been selected. We would also like to thank our colleague Yannick Le Boulicaut for the photograph featured on the cover that captures the very essence of this issue. We want to acknowledge the help of the CIRPaLL for allowing our devoted Research secretary, Aurélie Reuillon, time to work on articles and make the Journal’s publication possible.

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Référence papier

Linda Collinge-Germain, Emmanuel Vernadakis, Michelle Ryan-Sautour, Gérald Préher et François Hugonnier, « General Foreword »Journal of the Short Story in English, 70 | 2018, 11.

Référence électronique

Linda Collinge-Germain, Emmanuel Vernadakis, Michelle Ryan-Sautour, Gérald Préher et François Hugonnier, « General Foreword »Journal of the Short Story in English [En ligne], 70 | Spring 2018, mis en ligne le 01 juin 2020, consulté le 17 janvier 2025. URL :

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Linda Collinge-Germain

JSSE Director of Publication

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Emmanuel Vernadakis

JSSE Editor

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Michelle Ryan-Sautour

JSSE Editor

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Gérald Préher

JSSE Associate Editor

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François Hugonnier

JSSE Editorial Assistant

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