Texte intégral
1We are pleased to present this Special Issue of the Journal of the Short Story in English on “Transgressing Borders and Borderlines in the Short Stories of D.H. Lawrence” proposed by Guest Editors Shirley Bricout and Christine Zaratsian. Specialists of D.H. Lawrence, the Guest Editors propose not only articles on Lawrence’s stories, but also a short story inspired by Lawrence’s life and writing style as well as commentary upon it. They include in this issue a very elaborate bibliography on Lawrence’s short story writing which will no doubt be of service to those conducting research in the field. We sincerely thank them for their proposal and for the meticulous and efficient editorial work they conducted in preparation of this issue.
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Référence papier
Linda Collinge-Germain, Michelle Ryan-Sautour, Gérald Préher et François Hugonnier, « Foreword », Journal of the Short Story in English, 68 | 2017, 11.
Référence électronique
Linda Collinge-Germain, Michelle Ryan-Sautour, Gérald Préher et François Hugonnier, « Foreword », Journal of the Short Story in English [En ligne], 68 | Spring 2017, mis en ligne le 01 juin 2019, consulté le 17 janvier 2025. URL :
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