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1We are very pleased to present this special issue – "Representation and Rewriting of Myths in Southern Short Fiction" – devoted to short stories of the American South. It is a voluminous issue which includes a selection of the papers presented at the conference held at Lille Catholic University in 2013, as well as interviews with writers from the American South and a short story. We would like to sincerely thank the Editors of this issue, Gérald Préher, Professor and specialist of American Literature at Lille Catholic University, Alice Clark, Associate Professor of English at the University of Nantes, and Emmanuel Vernadakis, Professor of English-Language Literature at the University of Angers and specialist of the study of myth and mythology, for their enlightening introduction to the issue and their meticulous editorial work in the preparation of this volume. We would also like to thank our colleague Yannick Le Boulicaut, University Professor and professional photographer, for the photograph featured on the cover of this issue.

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Référence électronique

Michelle Ryan-Sautour et Linda Collinge-Germain, « Foreword »Journal of the Short Story in English [En ligne], 67 | Autumn 2016, mis en ligne le 01 décembre 2018, consulté le 10 décembre 2024. URL :

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Michelle Ryan-Sautour

JSSE Editor

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Linda Collinge-Germain

JSSE Director of Publication

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