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Michelle Ryan-Sautour et Gérald Préher

Texte intégral

1We are very pleased to present this special issue of the Journal of the Short Story in English devoted to the Irish short story in the twenty-first century. Bertrand Cardin, Professor of English at the Université de Caen Basse-Normandie and guest editor of the issue, has gathered a selection of groundbreaking articles, as well as an insightful introduction and thorough bibliography. As Bertrand Cardin indicates in his introduction, the Irish short story was of great interest to our founding editor, Ben Forkner. We are grateful to Professor Cardin for pursuing this interest and furthering research in the Irish short story. We thank him for his innovative approach to this project and his thoughtful editorial work.

2You will also note in the front pages of this issue that Michelle Ryan-Sautour has become Editor of the JSSE, and Gérald Préher has joined the team of the JSSE as Associate Editor. Emmanuel Vernadakis will continue on in his role as Consulting Editor, and Linda Collinge-Germain will now be Director of Publication, as she will also be developing other short story research projects.

3Michelle Ryan-Sautour, JSSE Editor
Gérald Préher, JSSE Associate Editor
Emmanuel Vernadakis, JSSE Consulting Editor
Linda Collinge-Germain, JSSE Director of Publication

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Référence papier

Michelle Ryan-Sautour and Gérald Préher, “Foreword”, Journal of the Short Story in English, 63, Autumn 2014, 13.

Référence électronique

Michelle Ryan-Sautour et Gérald Préher, « Foreword »Journal of the Short Story in English [En ligne], 63 | Autumn 2014, mis en ligne le 01 décembre 2016, consulté le 19 février 2025. URL :

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Michelle Ryan-Sautour

JSSE Editor

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Gérald Préher

JSSE Associate Editor

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