Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- ability to act
- acceleration
- accident
- acting work
- activities
- activity analysis
- adult education
- advertising publishing
- aesthetic
- aestheticism
- aesthetics
- agricultural education
- agricultural strikes
- agriculture
- Algerian war
- Allan Sekula
- allochrony
- Alps
- amateur photography
- analog
- analytic table
- animated diagrams
- animation
- anthropology
- apprenticeship
- appropriation
- archive
- art film
- art in process
- art photography
- arte povera
- artisanat
- artist
- artist's residence
- artistic professions
- artistic work
- arts and crafts
- assembly line
- audio slideshow
- audiovisual filming
- audiovisual works
- authorial dimension
- authority
- author’s right
- auto-confrontation
- automotive industry
- campaign poster
- candidate
- care
- care relationships
- cartoonist
- cartoons
- catholic missions
- Central America
- Chaplin (Charlie)
- Charlot
- cheese
- child care assistant
- cinema
- cinematic sociology
- cinematographic works
- circumstances of commitment
- city
- clients
- clothes
- clothes at work
- clothing
- co-op
- coal
- coal mine
- code
- coeducation
- collective
- collective interviews
- colorists
- comic book authors
- comic books
- comics
- commented visits
- commitment
- community of practice
- community social work
- company
- concept of “establishment” (as in “instauration”
- contemporary art
- controversy
- corporate photography
- Costa Rica
- costume
- Costume design
- Courbet (Gustave)
- couriers
- crafts
- craftsman
- craftsmanship
- creation
- critical realism
- crossing
- crunch
- cryptic teaching
- cult of ancestors
- cultural industry
- cultural materialism
- cyberpunk
- dance
- data collection
- decolonisation
- decriminalization
- digital platform workers
- direct cinema
- direct observation
- discourse
- diversity
- division of labor
- document
- documentary
- documentary film
- documentary filmmaking
- domestic economy
- domestic space
- domestic work
- dramatisation
- drawing
- drawing line
- dress-code
- economic rights
- education
- educational artefacts
- effort
- El Salvador
- election
- employee-artist
- employee
- employer power
- employer’s duty of care
- engaged cinema
- equity
- ethnofiction
- ethnographic approach
- ethnography
- ethnography of drawing
- euphemisation
- Evans (Walker)
- excavation site
- exhibition film
- exoticism
- experience
- explanatory interviews
- expropriation
- extra-conjugality
- factory
- families
- farm union movement
- feminization
- fiction
- fieldwork
- figurative idiom
- figure of the shop steward
- figurine
- film
- film crew
- film studies
- film theory
- filmed and photographed anthropology
- filmed anthropology
- filmed interview
- filmic ethnography
- filmic geography
- filmic self-confrontation
- filmic sociology
- filmmaking
- forest
- formation
- framing
- France
- François Kollar
- fraternities
- fraternity
- fundamental rights
- hairstyle
- harness
- health and social care
- heritage
- higher vocational education and training
- history
- history of photography
- history of women and gender at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century
- history of workers’ education
- homework / sweating-system
- Honduras
- horse
- House painter
- household
- housework
- Huizinga
- humanitarianism
- hunting
- iconography
- iconography of trades
- illumination
- image
- images
- images of hands
- imaginary
- impressionism
- improvisation
- inclusion
- industrial accidents
- industrial civilisation
- industrial design
- industrial film
- industrial films
- industrial training
- industry
- inequalities
- initiatic group
- instrumentalist-instrument
- interactions
- interdisciplinarity
- intertextuality
- interview
- intimacy
- investigation
- invisibility
- invited-artist
- machines
- machining conflict
- Madagascar
- making-of
- man at work
- management consulting
- manual training
- mechanic
- mechanistic metaphor
- media framing
- medias
- mediation
- medical research
- medicine
- Medvedkine
- memorialization
- memory
- mental load
- method
- methodology
- Mexico
- Middle Ages
- migrant journey
- migration
- migratory experience
- militant cinema
- militant movies
- mimesis
- mise-en-scene
- misrepresentations
- modernist documentary
- monastery
- Mondineu (Étienne)
- money
- moral rights
- movie
- movie editing
- musical role
- mutual assistance
- painter
- painting
- palliative care
- Panama
- Paris
- participatory science
- pastorality
- paternity
- performativity
- personal freedoms
- personal protective equipment
- Peugeot
- pharmaceutical industry
- photo documentation
- photo elicitation
- photographic notes
- photography
- pictures
- place for teaching
- plan
- play
- playing cards
- ploughman
- poetic metaphor
- point of view
- policemen
- policewomen
- political and union involvement
- political anthropology of art
- political epistemology
- politics
- portrait
- Portugal
- post-industrial
- post-war
- postcards
- poster
- posters
- potential spectator
- practice based PHD
- priest
- primary source
- productivism
- profession
- professional baccalaureate
- professional education
- professional groups
- professional identity
- professional integration
- professional rhetoric
- professional space
- professionnal skils
- profilmic
- promotion campaigns
- propaganda
- prostitution
- public health
- public parks
- public policies
- pupil
- racecourse
- radiation protection
- radioactive risk
- railway workers
- railways
- re-enactment
- re-use
- realism
- reality TV
- recognition
- reflective analysis
- reflexive analysis
- reflexivity
- regulation
- related rights
- relation between people filming and people being filmed
- relational work
- relations between people filming and people being filmed
- Renault
- representation
- representations
- research
- research-training
- restitution
- retirement home
- risk
- roller derby
- Roty (Louis-Oscar)
- Sander (August)
- school policy
- scientific norms
- seasonal workers
- secrecy
- secularism
- self representation
- self-confrontation
- self-Portrait
- sensations
- serendipity
- serial
- servant
- services
- sex work
- shipbuilding
- shipping
- shopfloor work
- situation of work
- sketch
- sketching work
- skill
- skills
- slaughterhouse
- Sochaux
- social and cultural history
- social drama of work
- social housing
- social intervention film
- social justice
- social networks
- social question
- social relations
- social representations
- social sciences
- social semiotic
- social status
- social struggles
- social work
- socio-Semiotics
- sociological reflexivity
- sociology
- solidarity
- Souriau)
- spectator
- St Luke
- stained
- steel making
- stereotype
- stereotypes
- street
- street job
- strike
- striving
- strong ties and weak ties
- student
- studio
- Super Hexagon
- survey report
- symbols
- symphonic orchestra
- taking pictures
- teachers at work
- teaching and scientific Research
- technical press
- technique
- technography
- technological progress
- television
- television archives
- temporary work
- territory
- testimony
- thirty minutes
- tourism
- toy
- Toyotaism
- trachoma
- trade
- trade school
- trade union
- trade union language
- trade unionism
- training discipline
- transidentities
- transmission
- Turkey
- TV series
- video game
- video game production
- video games
- video-elicitation
- videofilature
- videogames
- violin making
- visual anthropologie
- visual anthropology
- visual archive
- visual methods
- visual production
- visual sociology
- vocation
- vocational and technical education
- vocational education
- vocational school
- vocational training
- wall painting
- warning
- webdocumentary
- West Africa
- wetnurse
- wild uses
- wildlife film
- women
- women’s magazine
- women’s work
- work
- work of social relations
- work practices
- work show
- worker
- worker of slaughterhouse
- workers’ word
- working class
- working class culture
- working class district
- working class painting
- working clothes
- working conditions
- working history
- working woman
- workman without class
- workplace photography
- workplace social relations
- workshop
- world of work