Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- abortion
- abundance
- academic world
- accident
- action poetry
- actor
- acts
- adaptation
- adjective bolivariano
- Adonis
- advertising
- aesthetic
- aesthetic cosmopolitanism
- aesthetic engagement
- aesthetic modeling
- aesthetics
- affect
- Africa
- African American language
- African American Vernacular English
- African critique
- african literature
- African literature
- African rap
- African Renaissance
- african women
- Afrodescendency
- afrofeminism
- afropeanity
- afropolitanism
- Alain-Fournier
- Albert Camus
- Algeria
- Algerian war
- algorithm
- Aline et Valcour
- allegory
- Allen (Woody)
- Almodóvar
- alterity
- alternative modernities
- amazons
- American poetry
- american popular music
- Aminata Aidara
- anachronism
- anamorphosis
- anaphora
- Andrews (Guy)
- androgynous
- androgyny
- Anglophone
- animal
- animal agency
- animal cognition
- animal discourse
- animal discursivity
- animal language
- animal languages
- Animal Rights
- anime
- anosmia
- anthropo-logic
- anthropocentrism
- anthropodenial
- anthropomorphism
- anticapitalism
- Anticipation
- anticolonialism
- antifeminism
- Antonin Artaud
- apathy
- apocalyptic literature
- apparatus
- appropriation
- Arabian Nights
- Aragon
- architecture
- architext
- archival research methods
- archive
- archives
- art
- art geography
- art of diction
- Artaud (Antonin)
- artist web project
- artistic creation
- artistic manifesto
- artistic writing
- artivism
- Association for autobiography
- astroturfing
- attentats du 11 septembre 2001
- Aubervilliers
- auctoriality
- audiobooks
- audiovisual musicality
- audiovisual space
- aura
- aurality
- Austen (Jane)
- austere harmony
- authenticity
- author's house
- author-publisher
- author/character relationship
- authorial postures
- authority
- authors in politic
- authorship
- autobiographical archives
- autobiographical pact
- autobiography
- autoethnography
- autofiction
- automatic writing
- avant-garde
- axiology
- backlash
- Ballard (James Graham)
- Balzac (Honoré de)
- Bankim
- banlieue
- bar
- Barbusse (Henri)
- Barthes (Roland)
- Batman
- Baudelaire
- Baudelaire (Charles)
- Bayard (Pierre)
- beauty
- Beauvoir (Simone de)
- Bengal
- Benjamin (Walter)
- bibliography
- Bibliothèque rose
- Big Story
- binge-watching
- bioculturality
- biofiction
- biography
- biopic
- biopower
- birth-control movement
- Black bodies
- black feminism
- black male studies
- Blaise Pascal
- blog
- blogs
- blogzine
- bodies
- body
- body in literature
- Body of Proof
- Bones
- Bonillas (Iñaki)
- Bontemps
- Booba
- book
- book for the youth
- border
- Boubacar Boris Diop
- Bouvard et Pécuchet
- Bradley (Marion Zimmer)
- brand content
- brazilianity
- Breaking Bad
- British cinema
- Brooks (Gwendolyn)
- Burckhardt (Titus)
- Burke (Edmund)
- Burroughs (William)
- Butor
- buzz marketing
- cab
- Cabello de Carbonera (Mercedes)
- Cairo
- California
- Cameroon
- candidate image
- Candide
- canon
- cantology
- canton
- captions
- care
- Caribbean area
- caribbean novel
- carmina epigraphica
- Carroll (Lewis)
- cartography
- case of Marseille
- Casey
- catastrophe
- Cavalier (Alain)
- cave
- censorship
- center
- Césaire (Aimé)
- Chaka
- chanson
- chapter
- character
- Chateaubriand (François-René de)
- Chaton (Anne-James)
- Chekhov (Anton)
- Chevallier (Gabriel)
- child welfare
- child-woman
- childbirth
- childhood
- children’s literature
- China
- chinelo okparanta
- Chinese
- Chinese Americans
- Chinese Revolution
- chivalry
- choreographed movement
- christendom
- chronicle
- cinema
- cinematic signifier
- cinephilia
- cinergy
- Cioran (Emil)
- circulation
- circus
- citadinity
- cities
- citizenship
- city
- civil society
- Cixous (Hélène)
- Clairwil
- Clarté Movement
- classicism
- clichés
- close listening
- close reading
- closure
- clothing
- clown
- cognitive environment
- Colette
- collage
- collapse
- collapsology
- collection
- collective dimension
- collective memory
- collective reading
- collective works
- collective writing
- colonial and postcolonial writings
- colonialism
- coloniality
- colonisation
- colonization
- colorism
- colour
- comedy
- comic
- comic book
- comic books
- comics
- commitment
- common
- commonplace
- commons
- communication
- communicational approach
- communism
- communist culture
- communist party
- communities
- community
- comparative literature
- compared literature
- complaint
- compound statement
- conceptual photography
- conceptual poetry
- conceptualization
- Congress of Writers in Defense of Culture
- consciousness
- conservative revolution
- consolation
- contemporary
- contemporary African literature
- contemporary art
- Contemporary Art
- contemporary cinema
- contemporary English
- contemporary fiction
- contemporary French novel
- contemporary literature
- contemporary native art
- contemporary poetry
- contemporary theater
- contemporary writing
- context
- contract of reading
- contrastive phraseology
- conversation
- Correspondance
- correspondence
- cosmopolitics
- counterculture
- course
- cowgirls
- creation
- creative experience
- creative-feminine
- creativity
- crenel
- creole
- crime
- crime fiction
- crime novel
- critical approaches
- critical race theory
- critical theory
- criticism
- culinary
- cultural expression
- cultural heritage
- cultural imaginary
- cultural memory
- cultural nationalism
- cultural studies
- cultural transfers
- cultural transmission
- culture
- curtain
- cut-up
- cyborg
- cycle
- cycles
- Cyrano de Bergerac (Savinien de)
- Dada
- Dakar
- dance
- Dany Laferrière
- Darien (Georges)
- Darrieussecq
- data
- David Antin
- De la Calle (Ángel)
- dealing with the past
- death
- decentering
- decolonial
- decoloniality
- decolonization
- decolonization of knowledge
- delinearization
- delinquency
- delirium
- democracy
- Democratic Transition
- departure
- deportation
- Depression Quest
- Derek Jarman
- desire
- detective novel
- detective story
- deviance
- device
- devised theater
- Dexter
- Dia Foundation
- dialogic pact
- dialogical art
- dialogue
- diaries
- diary
- diaspora
- diction
- Didier Daeninckx
- diegetic ethos
- differend
- difficulty in saying
- digital
- digital culture
- digital discourse analysis
- digital ethos
- digital humanities
- digital identity
- digital links
- digital literature
- digital parrhesia
- digital pedagogy
- digital poetry
- digital technology
- digital textuality
- digital tracks
- digital transition
- digital writing
- Dimitri Kirsanoff
- Diome (Fatou)
- disadvanteged neighbourhoods
- disappearance
- discourse
- discourse analysis
- discourses
- discursive body
- discursive ethos
- discursive event
- discursive memory
- disfiguration
- disguise
- Disiz
- disorder
- dispositif
- disposition
- disruption of the story
- dissemination
- distortion
- district
- disturbing strangeness
- diversity
- dog
- Dominique Manotti
- Dora Bruder
- Dorst
- Dos Passos (John)
- Dostoevsky (Fyodor)
- double
- Doubrovsky
- Dragon Ball
- drama
- drawing-room
- dream
- drugs
- duality
- duplicity
- DVD (publishing)
- dwellings
- dynamics
- dys-memory
- dystopia
- e-campaign
- e-diary
- e-lecture
- e-reputation
- Eberhardt
- ecocriticism
- ecofeminism
- Ecofeminism
- Ecofeminist Arts
- ecology
- ecopoetics
- ecotone
- editing semiotics
- edition
- editorial genre
- effeminacy
- Egypt
- eighteenth century
- ekphrasis
- election campaigns
- electoral statements
- electronic literature
- Éloge des bâtards
- eloquence
- emasculation
- embodiment
- emergence of intimacy
- emigration
- Emile Verhaeren.
- emotion
- emotional community
- emotions
- empowerment
- emptiness
- encyclopedia
- ending
- Endymion
- engagement
- English-speaking
- enhanced eBooks
- enlightenment
- Enlightenment
- Enlightenment philosophy
- Entangled history
- entertainment
- entrails
- enunciation
- enunciation places
- enunciative event
- enunciative heterogeneity
- enunciative modalities
- environment
- epic
- Epic
- epic poetics
- epidemics
- epigenetic
- episode
- épistemic position
- epistemology
- epistemology of translation
- eptistemology of the body
- equality
- Eros
- erotic
- erotic capital
- erotic literature
- erotics
- essay
- essence-construction
- Essomba (Jean-Roger)
- esthetics
- ethics of care
- ethno-pop
- ethogram
- ethos
- Eugène Humbert
- Eugénie de Franval
- Eugénie Grandet
- Eurocentric diffusionism
- European empire
- European neoclassicism
- Europeanism
- event names
- everyday
- everyday writing
- Evita
- evolution
- excess
- exemplary memory
- exhibition
- exhibition catalogue
- exile
- exile of language
- existence
- expansion
- experience
- experiential knowledge
- experimental poetry
- experimentation
- extimity
- extradiegetic music
- Extrêmement fort et incroyablement près
- extrinsic ethos
- fable
- Fables
- fabulation
- face
- Facebook groups
- fact
- factography
- failure
- faith
- faithfulness
- false reviews
- fanfiction
- fantasy
- fanzine
- Faulkner
- federalism
- fellow traveler
- Female dancing-corporeality
- feminine emancipation
- feminine resistance
- feminine specificity
- femininity
- feminism
- feminism TM
- feminisms
- feminist discourses
- feminist magazine
- feminist self-defence
- feminist waves
- feminist writing
- feminization
- Fes
- fiction
- fiction effect
- fiction texts
- fiction transfuge
- fictional literature
- fictional proper name
- fictional reference
- fictionality
- fictionalization
- field
- field theory
- fight against speciesism
- figuration
- figuration and abstraction
- film
- film actress
- film editing
- film noir
- film poetics
- film press
- film Vandal
- fine arts
- finlande
- first literary field
- first-person account
- first-person narrative
- fixed discourse
- Flaubert
- flaws
- Flem (Lydia)
- Flemish theatre
- flow
- flux
- focus
- Forest
- formal identity
- forms of life
- founding discourse
- fragment
- fragmentary writing
- France
- France/United States
- François Bon
- francophonie
- Frantext
- fraternity
- Frederic II
- French
- french banlieues
- French cinema
- French Communist Party
- french contemporary literature
- French ecofeminism
- French Eighteenth Century
- French Foreign Legion
- French Guiana
- French literature
- French nation
- French national library catalogue
- French popular fiction
- French rap
- French Revolution
- French West Indies
- French writers
- French-speaking
- Freud
- friendship
- frontier
- Fukushima
- fungible
- futurism
- G124
- Gaiman (Neil)
- galerist
- game
- gangs
- Garrick (David)
- Gaumont
- gender
- gender studies
- generations
- generic
- generic transposition
- genericity
- Genet (Jean)
- genetic criticism
- Genette
- Gennevilliers
- genre
- genre of discourse
- genre painting
- genre theory
- genre/gender
- genre/gender subversion
- geocriticism
- geographic priorities
- geographical novel
- Gérard Philipe
- Germany
- gesture-imitation
- gestures
- gestus
- ghetto
- Gilbert Sorrentino
- Giono
- girondins
- Gisèle Prassinos
- glances
- globalization
- Goddess·es
- Goldsmith (Kenneth)
- gothic novel
- graffiti
- graphic novel
- graphical imagination
- Great Depression
- Grignan
- ground
- habitation
- Hachette
- hack
- Haiti
- Haitian Creole
- Haitian Revolution
- handing down
- handwritten news
- Hannah Höch
- hardcore
- Harlem Renaissance
- harte Fügung
- Haushofer
- Havana
- healing
- hegemonic identity
- hegemonic masculinity
- Hegland
- Heidsieck (Bernard)
- Hélène Cixous
- Hellingrath
- Hemingway
- Henri Pichette
- heritage
- Hermann Bahr
- hermaphroditism
- hermeneutics
- heroïsm
- heterolingualism
- heteronormativity
- heterosexuality
- heterotopia
- heuristic quality
- hidden communication
- hip hop
- hip-hop
- Hippolytus
- Hispanic
- historical genealogy
- historical novel
- historically repressed memories
- historicism
- historiography
- history
- history of feminism
- history of intimacy
- history of literature
- history of mentalities
- history of rap
- history of sensibilities
- history of the calque
- history of the French Communist Party
- history of the novel
- history writing
- Hölderlin
- Hollinghurst (Alan)
- homoerotic
- homoeroticism
- homograph
- homophobia
- homosexual
- homosexuality
- homosocial
- homosociality
- Houellebecq
- Huchu (Tendai)
- Hugo
- human body
- humanism
- humor
- hybridity
- hybridization
- hyperfiction
- hypergenre
- hypertext
- hypertextuality
- iconotextual scenography
- ideal
- identities
- identity
- identity construction
- identity issues
- ideology
- idiolect
- idiomatic expressions
- illegibility
- illness
- illustrations
- image
- image of the self
- image-based discourse
- images
- imaginaries
- imaginary
- imaginary languages
- imaginary of translation
- imaginary world
- imagination
- imagination of translators
- imitation
- immigrant identity
- immigration
- imperialism
- improvisation
- improvisatory performances
- in situ dance
- incest
- incorporation
- independance
- index
- indexicality
- Indians
- Indigenous cinema
- Indigenous literature
- indigenous peoples
- indiscipline
- individual
- individual mythologies
- individualism
- individualization
- inner life
- insularity
- intellectual autobiography
- intellectual life
- intellectuals
- intentionality
- interaction
- interactions
- interactive fiction
- interactive narrative
- interactivity
- interartiality
- intercomprehension
- intercultural
- interculturality
- interdisciplinarity
- intermediality
- international zone
- internet
- Internet
- internet photography
- interpretation
- interpretation of the masculine
- interpretative dismissal
- intersectionality
- intersectionnality
- intersex
- interspecies communication
- interstice
- intersubjectivity
- intertextuality
- intimacy
- intimate
- intimate and political emotions
- intrinsic ethos
- investigation
- investigation and field literature
- inwardness
- iPad app
- irony
- irrational
- Islam
- Islamic reformism
- island novels
- Istanbul
- Italy
- La Farge
- La Fontaine
- La Nouvelle Revue française
- La Philosophie dans le boudoir
- La Rochejaquelein
- labyrinth
- Lacan
- Laferrière (Dany)
- landscape
- lane
- language
- language arts
- language of writing
- languages
- late modernity
- Latin epigraphy
- Latin literature
- law
- Le scarabée d’or
- learning
- learning theories
- Lebanon war
- Leftah
- legal deposit
- legitimacy
- legitimation
- Léonore
- lesbianism
- letter
- Lettres françaises
- Levinas (Emmanuel)
- Levine
- lexicometry
- lexiculture
- libertinage
- libertinism
- life literary recomposing
- life stories
- life story
- linguistic anaphora
- linguistic imaginary
- linguistics
- linguistics of literature
- list
- literacy
- literal memory
- literary analysis
- literary arts
- literary awards
- literary commitment
- literary criticism
- literary culture
- literary emotions
- literary exhibitions
- Literary festival
- literary genre
- literary genres
- literary history
- literary journalism
- literary journals
- literary manifesto
- literary materiality
- literary modernity — Italy (1919-1939)
- literary sociabilities
- literary space
- literary theories
- literary thing
- literature
- literature and politics
- literature and sociology
- litterary history
- live action role-playing game
- lived space
- loan phonology
- loan translation (calque)
- loanwords
- lobbying
- lockdown
- lodyans
- logocentrism
- loneliness and writing
- look
- Louis Aragon
- Louise Michel
- Louvet
- love
- love mythology
- Loving Captive
- Lukacs
- lyricism
- L’Étranger
- Mabanckou (Alain)
- Macbeth
- madness
- Madonna
- magic
- make kin not babies
- Mallard (Alain-Paul)
- Malle (Louis)
- Man Ray
- Manart
- manga
- manifesto
- manuscript
- map
- Maple Spring
- mapping
- Margaret Sanger
- marginal cultures
- marginal discourse
- marginality
- marginalization
- mark
- Marquis de Sade
- marquise de Lambert
- Masaoka Shiki
- masculinities
- masculinity
- mask acting
- Masłowska
- mass-media
- Matriarchy
- matriarchy
- matter of concerns
- matter of facts
- Mauritius
- Max Ophuls
- May 1968
- McCafferty (Owen)
- meaning
- Meddeb (Abdelwahab)
- medfan
- media
- media coverage
- media discourse
- media event
- media mix
- medical literature
- medicine
- medieval drama
- medievalism
- Médine
- medium
- melodrama
- Melusine
- memoirs
- Memoirs
- memoirs of Loss
- memory
- memory and strategy
- mending
- mental representation
- merchant mediation
- meta-mediation
- metadiscourse
- metaforms
- metaphor
- metaphor/metonymy
- metaphorization
- metatextual
- metatextuality
- metatheatre
- metis
- metonymy
- Miano (Léonora)
- Michael Joyce
- Michel Foucault
- Michel Houellebecq
- Michelet (Jules)
- microblogging
- Middle Ages
- Middles Ages
- migrant African literature
- migration
- Miloudi Chaghmoum
- minority culture
- mirror
- miscegenation
- mise en abyme
- misogyny
- missionaries
- Mistère
- Mitry
- Mme Roland
- mobile device
- mobility
- modern aesthetic
- modern novel
- modern temporalities
- Moderne Dichtung / Moderne Rundschau
- modernism
- modernity
- modernization
- modernizing
- modes of historicity
- Modotti (Tina)
- Mohammed Dib
- monograph
- monologue
- monstrosity
- montage
- Montherlant (Henry de)
- Montreal
- morality
- Moroccan literature
- Morocco
- motherhood
- Mounin (Georges)
- mourning
- movie
- Mudimbe
- Mugabe (Robert)
- mulatoo woman
- multilingualism
- multimedia
- multimedia franchise
- multimodality
- multispecies kinship
- muscularity
- museum
- museum without walls
- music
- music and image
- musical
- musical arranger
- musical engagement
- musical performance on screen
- musical persona
- musicality
- musicology
- musique
- Musset (Alfred de)
- Myriam Hornard
- mystical
- mystification
- myth
- myth-making/unmaking
- Nairobi
- name-using practice
- naming
- Napoleon
- narration
- narrative
- narrative prose
- narrative section
- narrative structure
- narrative technique
- narrative thought
- narrativity
- narratology
- nation
- National library of France
- national modernities
- National Socialism
- nationalism
- nationality
- Native American children
- Native Americans
- Natsume Sôseki
- natural history
- Naturalism
- naturalization
- nature
- Negro
- Némirovsky (Irène)
- neo-Malthusians
- Netflix
- neurosciences
- new journalism
- New Man
- New Novel
- new-media
- news
- nexus
- Nganang
- Ngandu Nkashama (Pius)
- Ngoye (Achille)
- Nicaragua
- Nihon-shoki
- nineteenth century
- nineteenth century literature
- ninja
- Nirmal Verma
- noir fiction
- non-art
- non-fiction texts
- non-literature
- noncommunicative enunciation
- norm
- Northern Ireland
- Northern Ireland conflict
- nostalgia
- Nothomb (Amélie)
- novel
- novel of manners
- nudity
- numerical writings
- pacifism
- painting
- Palestinian revolution
- panoramic literature
- paranoia
- paremiology
- parenthetical value
- parody
- Parole de Queer
- parrhesia
- part
- participative
- participatory artistic workshops
- participatory role-playing games in virtual environment
- Pasolini (Pier Paolo)
- Passion
- past versus history
- pastiche
- Pater (Walter)
- patriarchy
- Patrick Deville
- Patrick Modiano
- patrimonialization
- patriotism
- Paulhan (Jean)
- Performance
- performance
- performance analysis
- performance art
- performance poetry
- performances
- performative arts
- performativity
- performativity of gender
- peripheral universe
- persona
- personal journal
- personnality
- perspective
- Peru
- Peruvian literature
- petit-nègre
- phantasm
- philology
- philosophy
- phonocentrism
- photo-literature
- photography
- photos
- phototext
- pictorialism
- Pina Bausch
- Pindar
- Pinget
- placard
- Place (Vanessa)
- place of enunciation
- plan
- plastic dimension
- play
- play elements of culture
- playful writing
- playing it down
- Poe
- Poe (Edgar Allan)
- poetic device
- poetic of ambiguity
- poetic spatiality
- poetical forms
- poetics
- poetics of songs
- poetry
- poetry and performance
- poetry in the expanded field
- poetry reading
- poets translators
- police
- police procedural
- policymaking
- Polish
- political Bildungsroman
- political commitment
- political commitment and literature
- political communication
- political discourse
- political life
- politically correct
- politician
- politics
- politics of reading
- polycentric modernities
- polyphony
- polysemy
- popular arts
- popular culture
- popular literature
- popular memory
- popular music
- popularization
- pornography
- pornotypes
- possibilities
- post apocalypse
- post-colonialism
- post-media
- post-revolutionary literature
- postclassical narratology
- postcolonial
- postcolonial imaginary
- postcolonial studies
- postcolonialism
- posture
- postcolonialism
- potentialisation
- poverty
- power
- power of speech
- practice of writing
- practices
- pragmatics
- pragmatism
- predominantly narrative texts
- prepping
- presentation of self
- presentism
- pretuguês
- Pride and Prejudice
- primitive art
- privacy
- private experience
- pro-am
- procedural ethos
- process
- productive translation
- profession
- professional digital social networks
- professional discourse
- professional identity
- profile
- projection
- proper name
- prosopopeia
- prostitutes
- protection
- protolanguage
- prototype
- Proust
- Proust (Marcel)
- proverbs
- pseudo-translation
- pseudonymity
- psychoanalysis
- psycholinguistics of reading
- psycholinguistics of writing
- psychology
- psychosis
- public baths
- public reading
- public space
- publication
- publication.
- publishing
- publishing genre
- purism
- race
- Rachel Rosenthal
- racialization
- Raconter la vie
- radio
- Raoul Walsh
- rap
- rap artists
- rap créole
- rap in France
- rapper
- re-documentarizing process
- reader
- readers
- reading
- reading in public
- ready-made
- Réage (Pauline)
- real space
- realism
- realistic novel
- reappropriation
- reboot
- reception
- reception hermeneutics
- reception studies
- reclaim
- recognition
- reconciliation
- recurring characters
- referentialism
- referentiality
- reflection
- reflexivity
- refuge
- regulation
- reliance
- Rem Koolhas
- remediation
- remix
- Renaissance
- renarrativisation
- René Char
- René Girard
- repairing
- repetition
- replicator
- reported speech
- representation
- representation of the self
- representations
- Reşad Ekrem Koçu
- resilience
- resistance
- Restauration
- restoration
- retail
- retcon
- reterritorialisation
- retroaction
- Reunion Islanders in the Creuse area
- revenge
- reversal of stigma
- reverse shot
- revolution
- revolutionary discourse
- revolutionary lyricism
- rewriting
- Reznikoff (Charles)
- rhetoric
- rhyme
- rhythm
- Rigoni (Mario Andrea)
- Rimbaud
- rite
- Rite of Spring
- ritual
- Robbe-Grillet
- Robin Blaser
- Robin Hood
- rock
- role of the architect
- role playing game
- role-playing game
- roleplaying games
- Rolin (Olivier)
- romance
- romance novel
- romanced biography
- romances
- romanticism
- Rousseau
- ruins
- rules
- rumor
- Ruppersberg (Allen)
- rwandan genocide
- Ryman
- sacralization
- sacred
- Sade
- Sade’s theatre
- safe
- Saint-Gelais (Richard)
- Salvayre (Lydie)
- Sandman
- Sapinaud
- Sarkozy (Nicolas)
- Sarracens
- scenery
- school
- school librarian
- science
- Science fiction
- science-fiction
- scriptural tattoos
- scriptwriting
- sea-travel
- Second Life
- Second World War
- secondary forms of narrative
- Seine-Saint-Denis
- Self
- self rewriting
- self-censorship
- self-expression
- self-narrative
- self-presentation
- semantics
- semiology
- semiosis
- semiotic of vagueness
- semiotics
- Senegal
- Senghor (Léopold Sédar)
- sense
- sensitive areas
- sensitivity
- sensorial film experience
- sensoriality
- sensory experience
- sentence
- sentience
- serial
- serial narration
- serialization
- serialized novel
- series
- Set setal
- sex
- sexology
- sexual identity
- sexual scripts
- sexuality
- SF
- Shakespeare (William)
- shamanism
- Shelley
- short story
- show
- silence
- silo
- Simone de Beauvoir
- simulacrum
- singularity
- situated knowledge
- situated knowledges
- skin ship
- slaves’ speech
- slums
- Snapchat
- snobbery
- sociability
- social constructivism
- social discourse
- social life
- social network
- social network sites
- social networks
- social order
- social performance
- social representations
- social specialization
- social strategy
- social violence
- social world
- socialization
- socio(logical) reading
- socio-political reception
- socio-technical networks
- sociolinguistics
- sociology of literature
- sœurcière
- Solaria (periodical)
- song
- sonnet
- Sophie Taeuber
- sorcery
- sorority
- sound animals verbs
- sound poetry
- sound recording
- South Africa
- space
- Spain
- Spanish texts
- spatialism
- speciesism
- spectrality
- speculative formalism
- speech
- speech act
- spirituality
- Staël (Madame de)
- staging
- staging of the sacred
- star studies
- star system
- Starcherone Books
- starting point of the story
- Stendhal
- Stendhalian critique
- stereotype
- stereotypes
- story
- storytelling
- storytelling of evil
- streaming
- street art
- strereotype
- stress
- structure
- stuff
- stumbling blocks
- style
- stylistics
- subaltern
- subjectivity
- sublime
- sublime point
- substractive cinema
- suburb
- suburban studies
- suburbs
- subversion
- sufism
- Sufism
- superheroes
- support
- surface and depth
- surrealism
- surrealist political fights
- surveillance
- suspense
- suspension of disbelief
- Symbolism
- synchronisation
- synecdoche
- systems of representation
- T. S. Eliot
- table of contents
- taboo
- tale
- Tangier
- Tanguy Viel
- tanned skin
- Tanya Tagaq
- Tatsumi Yoshihiro
- tattoo
- Tchicaya U Tam’si
- techno-discourse
- technobody
- technodiscourse
- technology
- technospeech
- teenagers
- television series
- Tempest
- territorial inequalities
- territories
- territory
- testimony
- text
- text and image relationships
- texts
- textual memory
- The Camille Stories
- The Criterion
- The Federal-State-Tribal Triangle
- the French Revolution
- The Gold-Bug
- the image of the woman
- The Knight and his Shadow
- The Last Man
- the myth of Pygmalion
- the other
- the West
- theater
- theatre
- theatre of reading
- theatrical conversations
- theatrical renewal
- theorem
- theories of art
- theory
- theory of literary genres
- theory of resemblance
- theory of translation
- thermal baths
- Thief (The)
- Third Reich
- third space
- Thomas Mofolo
- Tiananmen
- time
- to eat
- to start from oneself
- to suffer
- Tolkien
- Tom of Finland
- Tommy J. Curry
- toponyms
- total spectacle
- touch screen
- town
- trace
- Tracy (Spencer)
- tradition
- trajectory
- transfer
- transfers
- transfiction
- transfictionality
- transfiguration
- transformative ethos
- transgender
- translatability
- translating subject
- translation
- translation project
- translation studies
- translator
- translators writers
- transmedia
- transmédialité
- transmediality
- transmediatisation
- transmission
- transmission of literary heritage
- transparency
- transracial adoption
- transsexuality
- transtextualisation
- transtextuality
- trauma
- travel
- travel literature
- travel writing
- Tristram Shandy
- triviality
- true/false
- truth
- turn of the eighteenth century
- TV series
- twentieth century
- twentieth century history
- typography
- typology
- vagabond
- vagabondage
- Vaillant-Couturier
- values
- Vargas (Fred)
- veduta
- Vendée
- Venezuelan political speech
- Venezuelans
- Venuti (Lawrence)
- verba sonandi
- verse
- verse inscriptions
- Victor Klemperer
- video
- video game
- video games
- Video on Demand
- videoclip
- Vienna modernity
- view
- Vila-Matas
- Vincent Tholomé
- violation
- violence
- violence against women
- virilism
- virility
- virtual space
- visual
- visual arts
- visual arts/text
- visual experience
- visual poetry
- visual rhythm
- vocalizations
- vocation
- voice
- Volodine
- Voltaire
- vorticism
- Wa Thiong’o (Ngugi)
- walking
- Wapikoni mobile
- war
- war movie
- war narratives
- wargaming
- Web
- Web media writing
- weblog
- webnative discourse
- webnetwork
- website
- West Indies
- western movie
- western world
- Where I Was From
- white enunciation
- whiteness
- whole
- Wildean critic as artist
- Wiredu (Kwasi)
- witch
- witches
- withdrawal of Myself
- woman
- woman’s writing
- women
- Women artists
- women surrealists
- women writers
- women’s magazines
- women’s studies
- women’s violence
- wonder
- world building
- world modernity
- World War I
- World War II
- writer
- writer's home
- writers
- writer’s blogs
- writing
- writing and the body
- writing functions
- writing gesture
- writing process
- writing the self
- writings and poetics of the body
- Wu-Tang Clan