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HomeNuméros2018-2 et 3

2018-2 et 3 | 2019
Les imaginaires de la traduction

The Imaginaries of Translation
Edited by Christina Bezari, Riccardo Raimondo and Thomas Vuong
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How can one describe and identify all the characteristics of a translation? How can scholars probe all that exists beyond the translated text? This study proposes new theoretical tools in order to define the “imaginaries of translation” that allow us to understand, on the one hand, the translator’s subjectivity (the imaginaries of translators), and on the other hand, the various conceptions and representations of translation (the imaginaries of translating) involved in the circulation and transmission of texts from one linguistic reality to another. The articles in this volume examine the notion of the imaginary in different European languages and through the prism of the most important translation theories.

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