Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- absorption
- academic market
- Académie des sciences
- Accelerators
- Access to information - Document supply - Document portal - Negotiations - Usage measurement - Text mining - Research data - Open Science
- Action research
- additive manufacturing
- administration
- Africa
- African researchers - France - United States - Africa - university field – relations.
- africanism
- aggregates
- AGLAE accelerator
- agnotology
- agrarian systemics
- agricultural development
- agricultural farming systems
- Agricultural policy
- Agricultural research
- Agronomic research
- Aimé-Cotton
- ancient music
- Anglophone Africa
- Animal
- animal democracy
- Animal ethics
- animal feeding
- animal legal status
- Animal model
- Animal models
- animal models
- Animal neglect and abuses
- animal rights
- animality
- Animals
- animal’s history
- annuity
- applied research
- Applied research
- Applied Sciences
- Arago laboratory
- Archaea
- archaeo-botany
- archaeo-environment
- archaeo-zoology
- Archaeological excavation
- Archaeology
- archeology
- archive
- archives
- association
- Astrobiology
- Astronautics
- Astronomy
- astronomy
- astrophysics
- atom probe
- atomic spectroscopy
- audio descriptors
- avatars of normal cellular functions
- Barthes
- beet
- Behaviour
- Beijing observatory
- Bellevue Laboratories
- Bhāratī Kṛṣṇa Tīrthajī
- bibliometrics
- Bibliometrics
- big science
- biocristallographie
- Biography
- biological oceanography
- biology
- Biology and the molecular revolution: selected stories (volume 2)
- bioluminescence
- biomedicine
- Biomolecular archaeology
- biomolecules
- biophysics
- biotechnology
- Bone densitometry
- Brazil
- Brittany
- bullfights
- cancers as genetic diseases
- Capes-Cofecub
- carpology
- cave art
- cellular or viral gene
- ceramics
- chemical engineering
- chemistry
- Chemistry
- chirality
- Citations
- Clersé
- climatology
- CNPq
- CNRS campus Gif
- CNRS national committee
- co-evolution
- cognition
- collection
- Collection management
- collective fieldwork
- College
- Colonial history
- colonial library
- commitment
- communication
- computational literary studies
- computer
- Computer science
- conferences
- conservation
- contemporary collections
- controversies
- cooperation
- Cooperation
- coordination
- Covid-19
- Creativity
- critical edition
- Critical Geography
- cross-linked polymers
- cruelty
- crystallographer
- crystallography
- CSS Bias
- cultural heritage
- cultural partnership
- cultural research
- cultural transmission
- culture
- culture ministry
- Cyclades
- Data
- data
- data dissemination
- de-occidentalized geography
- decentralisation
- decentralization
- deconstruction
- Degree for advanced studies
- demos
- Denisovans
- design
- Detector
- diffusion
- digital humanities
- digital platforms
- digitization
- diplomacy
- direct grafting.
- disciplinary trends
- discipline
- disciplines
- Dismantling
- DNA topoisomerases
- Documentation
- domination
- Doppler acoustic sounding; atmospheric boundary layer; Sodar micrometeorology; convective plumes and gravity waves; turbulence.
- drosophila melanogaster
- dynamics
- Earth observation
- Earth sciences
- École des Houches
- école normale supérieure
- ecology
- economic models
- economic sociology
- economics of knowledge
- écopoectics
- ecosystems.
- edition
- Education
- education.
- Electro-magnet
- electromagnetic radiation
- Electromagnetism
- electromagnets
- electronic microscopy
- Electronics
- electrophysiological preparations
- elementary mathematics curriculum in India
- Élysée-Treaty
- embryo
- empathy
- Empirical musicology
- energy transfer
- engagement.
- engineer
- engineering
- Enhanced Oil Recovery
- enhancement of scientific heritage
- Environment
- environment
- epistemic community
- epistemology
- epistemology.
- ethics
- Ethics of Knowledge Organization
- ethnology
- Ethology
- ethology
- Europe
- European commission
- european integration
- European research programs
- european scientific space
- European Space Agency
- Evaluation
- evaluation
- events
- evolution
- evolution tree
- evolutionary theory
- exhibition
- Exhibition
- exobiology
- exoplanets
- expatriation French research
- experimental instrumentation
- expertise
- Fake science
- federal university of Rio de Janeiro
- feminist epistemology
- Festival
- fictional narratives
- fieldwork
- Finalism
- flash photolysis
- Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS)
- fractal log-periodic law
- fragmentation
- France
- France)
- France-Brazil
- Franco-African State.
- Franco-German relations
- French Africanism
- French and European Law
- French Theory.
- French-Chinese institute
- Fundamental research
- fundamental research
- future
- galenic
- gender geography
- Gene mapping
- Généthon
- Genetics
- genome
- geocriticism
- geography
- geography of literature
- geography of scientific activities
- geolocation
- geomatics
- geonumeric
- geophysics
- geopoetics.
- geopolitics of sciences
- Germany; Humboldt Foundation; foreign policy; Heisenberg
- Germany ; Humboldt Foundation ; foreign policy ; research fellowships ; franco-german relations.
- Germany ; Humboldt Foundation ; foreign policy ; Weimar Republic ; Third Reich.
- globalization
- Glossary
- grafted polymers
- grammatology
- Graph Theory
- grass
- grassland
- Greater Nancy
- H2
- hand-carried ultrasound device
- Haute Provence observatory
- heavy artillery
- Heavy ions
- Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers
- hereditary genetics
- heritage
- heritage conservation
- heterarchy
- high definition images
- Hindu nationalism and vedic sciences
- historic monument
- Historiography
- historiography
- history
- history of agricultual sciences
- History of agricultural sciences
- history of biotechnology
- history of environmental science
- history of food science
- History of Inra
- history of institutions
- history of physics
- history of research
- history of science
- History of sciences; genetic manipulation; duck
- history of scientific institutions
- history of technology
- holism
- honey.
- hot nuclei
- humain
- Human and Social Sciences
- human and social sciences
- human pathologies
- Human Resources
- Human Resources Management
- HyperText standards
- hyperthermophiles
- iconography
- identification of persons
- Ifremer
- Ile de France
- image
- imaging
- impact index
- indexing
- industrial chemistry
- industrial heritage
- industrial policy
- industrial property
- infectious diseases
- informatique
- inheritance
- Inist
- innovations and loans
- inquiries
- INRA history
- Institut Michel Pacha (La Seyne-sur-Mer
- institution
- institutions
- instruments
- intangible heritage
- intellectual cooperation
- intellectual property
- interaction between laser and matter
- interdisciplinarity
- interferometer
- international
- international cooperation
- International programs of scientific cooperation
- Internet
- ionic liquids
- ionising radiations
- ionization tracks
- ionizing radiation
- issue
- laboratories
- laboratory astrophysics
- laboratory equipment
- language
- language sciences
- layering concepts
- learned humanist
- learned societies
- Liège university
- light absorption
- light beam
- light-matter interaction
- Linear Energy Transfer (LET) effect
- liquid and solid phase; radiolytic yields
- Liquid state of matter
- literarity
- literary fact
- literary field
- literary geography.
- literary theory and criticism
- literature
- local research policy
- Lorraine
- Lorraine Region
- Lorraine University
- Lucien Joliet
- luminescence
- Lyon observatory
- machine learning
- macro molecules
- magnetic dichroism
- magnetism
- Management
- Maritime archeology
- Marxism
- material (studies)
- matter analysis
- mechanism
- memory studies
- Météo-France
- meteorology
- metrics
- Miage
- micro emulsion
- Migrations
- milk
- Minister
- ministry of culture
- misconduct
- mobility
- Molecular biology
- molecular dynamics
- Molecular Dynamics
- molecular excitations
- molecular genetics
- molecular photophysics
- monographs
- Monte-Carlo method
- moral philosophy
- moral psychology
- multi-detector
- multidisciplinary laboratory and library without walls.
- multifragmentation
- Multilingual Database EROS
- muscular distrophies
- museum
- museum studies
- musical acoustics
- musical institutions
- Musical theory; compositional theory; musical aesthetics; musical time; ontology of music
- musicology
- Musicology
- mutants
- nano-clusters
- nano-structures
- nanosciences
- narratology
- narrator
- National Center for Scientific Research; Hubert Curien; physical sciences; planned research; international scientific relations.
- National Institute of Industrial Property
- national territory
- natural language processing
- nature
- network
- networks
- networks ; communities of practice ; collaborative work ; sharing of expertise ; support for researchers ; scientific information and publishing professionals
- neurodegenerative diseases
- neuropsychiatrics disorders
- neuropsychopharmacology
- Neuroscience
- new embryology
- new house
- Nuclear chemistry
- Nuclear facility
- nuclear physics
- Nuclear physics
- nucleation
- Numerical simulation
- numerization techniques
- observatory
- occupational cultures
- Ocean science in the 80’s; interdisciplinarity; world scale programs; climate change; pollutions analysis
- ocean-atmosphere
- Oil crisis
- oncogene paradigm
- Open access
- open repository
- open science
- Operational Research
- Organic matter radiation effects
- origin of life
- Orsay
- Orstom
- overhaul
- pacifism
- Painted cave copy
- painting
- paleo-genetics
- paleo-history
- paleogenomic
- pan-narrator theory
- pandemia
- particle accelerator
- Particles accelerator
- partnerships
- patent
- PATSTEC mission
- Paul Painlevé
- peroxidated polymers
- PERT Graphs
- pharmacology
- phase transition
- philology
- philosophy
- philosophy of science
- photochemistry and photophysics in fluid
- Photoelectron spectroscopy
- photoelectrons
- photogrammetry
- photography
- photon source
- photonics
- Physic-Chemical analysis of artistic objects
- physical geography
- physical science
- physicist
- physics
- Pierre Bourdieu
- piloting tools
- Planning
- pluri and inter-disciplinarity
- Pocket-sized ultrasound
- policy of science
- political and syndical fight
- politics
- ponerotropism
- Popularisation
- porous solids mechanisms of formation
- positivism
- post graduate
- Postcolonial Studies; Cultural and Social Geography; Southern Countries; Domination; Inequalities.
- postcolonialism
- Postmodernism
- power-knowledge
- Prague
- prebiotic chemistry
- predatroy journals
- prehistory
- preservation
- preventive archeology
- preventive maritime excavations.
- primates.
- profession
- professional directory
- Progrès scientifique
- promotion
- protection
- Prototype
- prototype
- psychoacoustics
- psychoanalysis
- public and science
- Public Institution
- Public Policy
- public policy
- Public research
- public research
- publication
- pulse radiolysis
- Pulse radiolysis ; electron accelerator ; radiation chemistry ; radical reactivity
- racialization
- Radiation-induced reactions in gas
- radiationless relaxation
- Radical Geography
- radical yields
- Radiochemistry
- radioluminescence
- radiolysis
- Raphaël Dubois (1849-1929)
- rapid prototyping
- re-confessionalization of mathematics
- reception of Antiquity
- recognition
- reduction potential
- reductionism
- reforms
- regionalisation
- relationship between artist and researcher
- relativity
- Relocation
- Renater
- research
- research and development
- research budget
- research center
- research evaluation
- research facilities
- research for development
- research front
- research funding
- research organisation
- research programs
- responsibility
- reverse gyrase
- revising Dogma
- rights
- ring of electron-positron collision
- risks
- Roscoff biological station
- routes of knowledge
- rural studies
- safeguarding
- safeguarding heritage
- safeguarding scientific heritage
- Scale invariance
- scholarly publishing
- science
- Science academy
- science and industry.
- Science and politics
- science and the Indian nationalist movement
- science museums
- science policy
- science politics
- Science studies
- Science-technique-society
- sciences and conflicts
- Sciences of the Universe
- Science ; agronomics ; France ; international ; post-1945
- Scientific and Technical Information
- scientific and technical information (STI)
- scientific collections
- scientific community
- Scientific contribution
- scientific cooperation
- scientific culture
- scientific data
- scientific error
- scientific heritage
- scientific information.
- scientific instruments
- scientific integrity
- scientific knowledge graphs
- scientific literacy
- scientific literature
- scientific networks
- scientific paper
- scientific policies
- scientific policy
- scientific popularization
- scientific project
- Scientific publications
- scientific publications
- scientific publishing
- scientific research
- scientometric analysis
- Scientometry
- scierntific journal
- score
- sculpture
- selectivity
- self-archiving
- semantic network
- semiology.
- sensor LiDAR
- sigma virus
- silicium
- Site
- social fact
- Social Geography
- social sciences
- society
- Socio-history of science
- socio-political turning point
- sociology
- Sociology
- Sociology of science
- sociology.
- solid and gaseous media ; electronic absorption
- solvated electron
- solvents
- sorting
- Sound localization
- sound representation
- soundscape
- space
- space activities
- space exploration
- space policy
- space sciences
- spatial altimetry
- spatial archeology
- Spatial Justice
- spatial justice
- spatial scientometrics
- spatial turn
- Spatial turning point
- specialisation index
- Spectral and spatial resolution
- spectroscopy
- state servant
- statistical mechanics
- statistical physics
- Statistics
- stellar spectroscopy
- STI professionals
- storage ring
- stroboscopy
- Students
- studies
- stylometry.
- sugar
- Summer School
- surfactant
- synchrotron
- synchrotron radiation
- Synchrotron radiation
- Synchrotron; Archaeology; Cultural heritage; Palaeontology; Past environments; Ancient materials
- taphonomy
- teaching
- technical heritage
- technical institutes
- technical lineage
- technical vulgarization
- technology
- technoscience
- telescope
- Téléthon
- territory
- the crisis of the clinic
- the new stethoscope
- thematic school
- theoretical physics
- three-phasic
- Tiget collection
- tomography
- topic mapping
- trademark
- tradition change
- training
- trans-disciplinarity
- transcendental meditation.
- transgenic animals
- Transition from LURE to SOLEIL
- transitional object
- tropical agronomy
- tropical products