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23 | printemps 2023
Folies et masculinités

Les miroirs inversés de la virilité
Masculine madness
Locuras masculinas
Edited by Francesca Arena, Camille Bajeux, Aude Fauvel and Joëlle Schwarz
Folies masculines
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ISBN 978-2-8107-1253-3

Since the 1990s, many works have been devoted to masculinity and virility within the history of gender. This research has made it possible to break down a divide that made women's history the only possible object of gender studies and to enrich its interpretations. They also put into perspective the need to consider the agency of women and to problematize an approach that presents them as passive figures in an essentially masculine history. The history of gender has also made it possible to emphasize that men are also objects of a dichotomous thinking of masculine versus feminine that constantly assigns them to a standardized definition of masculinity and virility.

In contrast to the important literature on women's madness, men's madness remain an area of research that is still little explored by historiography. We hope that this issue will question the intersection of social relations in order to reveal the interweaving of power, knowledge and health practices. From the masculinities, we want to problematize the role of medicine in the construction of knowledge and practices on male alienation. 

  • Folies et masculinités

    • Francesca Arena
      The inverted mirrors of virility
      Los espejos invertidos de la masculinidad
    • Marie Walin
      Approche psychologique des troubles de l’érection en Espagne, années 1840-1910
      From “nervous impotence” to “psychic impotence”. Psychological approach to erectile dysfunction in Spain, 1840-1910
      De la “impotencia nerviosa” a la “impotencia psíquica”. Una aproximación psicológica a la disfunción eréctil en España, 1840-1910
    • Camille Bajeux and Aude Fauvel
      Urology and Psychiatry in Belle Époque France
      Le testicule nerveux. Urologie et psychiatrie dans la France de la Belle Époque
      El testículo nervioso. Urología y psiquiatría en la Francia de la Belle Époque
    • Anatole Le Bras
      Les hommes à l’asile d’aliénés en France dans la seconde moitié du xixe siècle
      Troubles in masculinity. Men in the insane asylum in France in the second half of the 19th centuryTrastornos en la masculinidad. Los hombres en el manicomio en Francia en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX
    • Nemola Chiara Zecca
      Le rôle de la psychiatrie militaire italienne dans la construction d’une masculinité normalisée
      Tra folli e degenerati. The role of the Italian military psychiatry in the construction of a normalized masculinity
      Tra folli e degenerati. El papel de la psiquiatría militar italiana en la construcción de una masculinidad normalizada
  • Sources et documents

    • Marie Leyder
      Lettre d’un soldat à son ancienne infirmière et marraine de guerre
      Health and epistolary practice during the First World War. Letter from a soldier to his former nurse and wartime godmother
      La salud y la práctica epistolar durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. Carta de un soldado a su antigua enfermera y madrina de guerra.
  • Entretien

    • Francesca Arena and Hervé Guillemain
      Entretien avec Hervé Guillemain
      Ego history with a man historian of madness. Interview with Hervé Guillemain
      Ego historia con un hombre historiador de la locura. Entrevista con Hervé Guillemain
  • Varia

    • Damien Bouliau
      La mutation des savoirs toxicologiques et la sécularisation du crime de sorcellerie en France (xvie-xviiie siècle)
      Animal bodies and poisons. The mutation of toxicological knowledge and the secularization of the crime of witchcraft in France (16th-18th centuries)
      Cuerpos de animales y venenos. La mutación de los conocimientos toxicológicos y la secularización del crimen de brujería en Francia (siglos XVI-XVIII)
    • Nicolas Sueur
      Success and decline of a therapeutic agent: the leech
      Éxito y declive de un agente terapéutico: la sanguijuela
    • Baptiste Baylac-Paouly
      Informer et vacciner contre la maladie dans les années 1960
      “Ridding France of Polio”. Informing and vaccinating against the disease in the 1960s
      “Librar a Francia de la poliomielitis”. Informar y vacunar contra la enfermedad en los años 60
  • Sources et documents

    • Raphaël Tinguely
      Enquête sur un film réalisé à la clinique des Rives de Prangins en 1940
      First uses of electroconvulsive therapy in Switzerland. Investigation of a film made at the Clinique des Rives de Prangins in 1940
      Primeros usos de la terapia electroconvulsiva en Suiza. Investigación sobre una película realizada en la Clinique des Rives de Prangins en 1940
  • Comptes rendus

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