Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Palabras claves
- abortion
- Academy of Medicine
- acupuncture
- al-Andalus
- alcohol
- alcoholism
- alienism
- alopecia areata
- alternative medicine
- alternative medicines
- alternative therapies
- Americanism
- anarchism
- anatomical wax models
- anatomy
- Ancient Greece
- anguish
- animal
- animal intelligence
- animals
- animals
- anthropozoological relations
- anti-alcoholism
- antibiotics
- antiquity
- Antoine Baumgartner
- Antwerp
- anxiety
- apothecary
- apparatus
- appareance
- architecture
- archives
- army
- arsenic
- art of memory
- Arthur Ramos
- Assistance for mothers and infants
- associations
- associative press
- astrology
- astromedicine
- astrometeorology
- Austrian Netherlands
- autonomy
- Auzoux
- cadaver
- calculation
- cancer
- cannabis
- care
- Carmes déchaux
- Carmes’ water
- castrati
- castration
- Catholicism
- Celse
- cemeteries
- censorship
- census
- cerebral theories of mental pathologies
- Charcot
- charismatic figures
- charity
- Chinese plants roots
- class
- classification of diseases
- clergy
- Clifford Beers
- clinic
- cobra
- cold water
- colonial administration
- colonial district nurse
- colonial law
- colonial medicine
- colonial psychiatry
- colonial war
- colonization
- comic
- compassion
- competition
- complaint
- compression
- conception
- condolor
- confinement
- Congreso Internacional de Higiene Mental
- conjecture
- connivance
- consumption
- contraception
- contraception
- controversy
- convent
- cooperation
- corporatism
- corpse
- corpses
- Counter-Reformation
- court
- courts history
- crack
- creativity
- criminal jurisdiction
- criminal law
- criminal responsability
- criminality
- Cuba
- Cureau de La Chambre
- Daseinsanalysis
- databases
- death tolls
- decency
- degeneration
- deities
- deontology
- depression
- deviance
- diagnosis
- diet
- diet
- dietetics
- diffusion of drug use
- disabilities
- discipline
- display
- dissection
- doctor
- doctor
- doctor of colonization
- doctors
- drug addiction
- drug recipes
- drugs
- drugs
- Dutch-German relationship
- Early modern period
- early modern period
- eating disorders
- Édouard Toulouse
- effects of power
- eighteenth century
- Eighteenth Century
- electrotherapy
- embalming
- emotion
- empathy
- empire
- endocrinology
- England
- environment and health
- epidemic
- epidemiology
- epistemic virtues
- epistolary
- epistolary consultation
- epistolary consultations
- epizootic
- eroticism
- Etienne-François Geoffroy
- eugenics
- Europe
- evaluation
- exile
- experiments
- expert
- expert report
- expertise
- expression
- H.I.V./A.I.D.S.
- Haitian Revolution
- hallucinogenic mushrooms
- hazard
- healing
- health
- health and police
- health data
- health economics
- health expenditures
- Hellenistic period
- herbalists
- heredity
- higiene mental
- Hindus
- hippiatric treatises
- Hippocrates
- hippocratism
- hippology
- hippopotamus
- historical sociology
- historiography
- history
- history of death
- history of hashish
- history of medicine
- history of medicine and health
- history of ophthalmology
- history of pharmacy
- history of psychiatric neurosciences
- history of science
- history of the body
- homeopathy
- homoerotic literature
- homosexuality
- hormones
- horse
- hospital
- hospital pricing system
- hospital sisters
- hospitals
- Hotel-Dieu of Paris
- humours
- hygienic
- hygienics
- hygienics
- hygienism
- hypnosis
- hysteria
- illness
- illness experiences
- impotence
- incest
- indesirability
- index
- indigeneity
- indigenous knowledge
- indigenous mentality
- induced abortion
- infanticide
- information campaign
- information system
- inquiries
- insane asylums
- insanity
- Institut Mérieux
- institutional biographies
- institutional psychotherapy
- Instrumentarium
- interactions
- internment
- interpretation
- intersexuality
- intersubjectivity
- interwar period
- intoxication
- intuition
- invisibilization of drug addiction
- Isis
- Islamic Middle Ages
- Italian sexology
- Italy
- Ivory Coast
- Macedonia
- Madagascar
- madness
- madness
- Maghreb
- magnetism
- maintenance staff
- mal français
- male sexualities
- malthusianism
- manuals of horsemanship
- manufacturers' catalogues
- Marian apparitions
- market of death
- masculinities
- masculinity
- material and visual culture
- Mayerne
- media discourse
- medical certainty
- medical coding
- medical consultations
- medical data
- medical exam
- medical examination
- medical expertise
- medical experts
- medical holism
- medical imagins
- medical inquiries
- medical inspector
- medical instruments
- medical market
- medical pluralism
- medical profession
- medical professions
- medical specialization
- medical theories
- medical thought
- medical topographies
- medical topography
- medical treatises
- medicalisation
- medicalization
- medicina sacra
- medicinal plants
- medicine
- medicine
- melancholy
- memory
- mendicant friars
- mental health
- mentally ill
- mesmerism
- meteorology
- miasmatic theory
- microhistory approach
- midwive
- military
- military fitness
- military health
- military masculinities
- military medicine
- military surgery
- military-virile model
- mineral and medicinal waters
- mineral springs
- mineral water
- mineral waters
- miraculous springs
- misogynistic prejudice
- mnemotechnics
- modelling
- models
- modern cremation
- Modern Japan
- modern times
- modesty
- Moisselles
- Montaigne
- moral madness
- moral psychopharmacology
- motherhood
- music
- Muslim medicine and psychoactive substances
- mysticism
- Namur
- Napoleonic Empire medicine
- Napoleonic Wars
- narcotics
- narrative construct
- native
- native medical auxiliaries
- native medical care
- natural history
- naturist
- naturist medicine
- Near East
- needs
- neo-hippocratism
- neohippocratism
- New World
- nineteenth century
- North America
- nosographies
- notarial acts
- nudity
- numerical method
- nuns
- nurse
- nurses
- nurses handbooks
- nursing homes
- nutrition
- pain
- parenthood
- Paris
- Paris Medical School
- Parliament of Paris
- parodic discourse
- passion for love
- patient
- patients
- patients records
- patients’ association
- patient’s feelings
- patronage
- pedophily
- pellagra
- perception
- performance
- Perray-Vaucluse
- personalism
- pharmacists
- pharmacopeia
- pharmacopoeia
- pharmacy
- phenomenology
- philanthropic association
- philosophy
- phrenology
- physician
- physicians
- plague
- plants
- Pliny the Elder
- poison
- polio
- polio vaccination
- politics
- popular medicine
- post-mortem treatment
- Pougues-les-Eaux
- pregnancy
- premature burial
- preparations
- press cartoon
- priest
- printing shop
- process of contagion
- procreation
- production of medical knowledge
- profession
- professionalization
- professions
- prognoses
- prostitute
- psilocybin
- psychedelic
- psychiatric expertise
- psychiatric experts
- psychiatric hospitals
- psychiatry
- psychiatry
- psychoactive substances
- psychodysleptic drug
- psychology
- psychotropic drugs
- public doctor
- public health
- public health
- public health medicine
- public health nutrition
- public hygiene
- public policy
- public problem
- public sphere
- pulse
- Sabin vaccine
- sacralisation
- Saint Luc Society
- saint-simonism
- Sainte-Anne asylum
- sanatorium
- sanitary policies
- sanitary policy
- sapphism
- satiric italian literature
- satirical humour
- scale of beings
- schizophrenia
- scholastic medicine
- scientific travel
- secularization
- Seine
- self-medication
- self-medication
- semiology
- semiotics
- senses
- senses history
- Serapis
- servants
- seventeenth century
- Sévigné
- sexology
- sexual behaviors
- sexual crime
- sexual disorders
- sexual impotence
- sexual medicine
- sexual perversion
- sexuality
- sexuality
- Sharia and psychoactive substances
- shower
- signs of death
- similitudo
- sixteenth century
- slavery
- social mobilization
- social policies
- social reform
- social representations
- social sciences
- social security
- social status
- sociohistory
- sociology of economic knowledge
- sociology of health
- somnambulism
- Spain
- Spain
- Spanish Civil War
- spas
- spas
- spiritual experience
- statistical errors
- statistics
- statistics
- steam baths
- strategies
- students
- style
- subjectivities
- sugar
- surgeon
- surgeons
- surgery
- Switzerland
- syphilis
- system of social assistance
- testes
- testimony
- textile
- the Middle Ages
- the pill
- the retro-C.I. project
- the Social Hygiene Movement
- the W.H.O.
- theology
- therapeutic agent
- therapeutic consumption
- therapeutic fountains
- therapeutic market
- therapeutic relationship
- therapeutics
- therapeutics
- therapy
- thermalism
- Tiber
- torture
- tourniquet
- Toussaint Rapou
- toxicity
- training
- training in mental health
- translation and circulation of knowledge
- travel literature
- trust
- tuberculosis
- Tunbridge Wells
- Turks