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15 | été 2019
Nouvelles recherches en histoire contemporaine

New Researches on Contemporary History
Nuevas investigaciones en historia contemporánea
Couverture du n° 15 | été 2019
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16 x 24 cm - 176 p.
ISBN 978-2-8107-0651-8

This new delivery offers thematic features dealing with new researches on contemporary history which highlight the innovative work of young doctors, whether men or women, who are currently completing or have just defended their theses on the history of health or medicine. The great vitality of this field of research, notably regarding the current period, is put into perspective with an introductory paper by Anne Rasmussen. Four other young researchers present either an overview of their research-work or one of their research problematics. From the quantification of the disabled populations in XIXth century France (Pauline Hervois) to the health prevention measures of the Greek State in 1830-1840 (Athanasios Barlagianis) through the links between medical expertise and the advent of the Japanese imperial army in the second half of the XIXth century (Ken Daimaru), this documentation concludes on the mobilization of LSD in XXth century medicine (Zoé Dubus).  This extensive selection of themes, which are intentionally taken from different timescales and sociopolitical contexts constitutes an illustration of the recent renewals in medicine social and cultural history.

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