About Historia Crítica
The objective of Historia Crítica is to publish previously unpublished articles (in Spanish, English and Portuguese) written by national and international authors that will contribute to the study of History and the Social and Human Sciences, for a better understanding of the social, political, economic and cultural environment of the past and the present. In this sense, it seeks to strengthen historical research, academic reflection and the elaboration of updated balances that will make it possible to construct dialogues within the national and international academic community. The journal is a quarterly publication (January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December) that comes out at the beginning of each of the periods indicated, created in 1989 and funded by the School of Social Sciences of the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).
The sections of the journal are the following:
The Letter to the Readers or Presentation of the Dossier informs about the content of the issue and the relevance of the topics presented in it.
The Dossier presents texts that revolve around a specific central theme, which the Editorial Team announced in a formal call for articles.
The Open Theme section includes articles on a variety of historiographical interests, different from those gathered in the Dossier.
The structure of presentation of the different sections of the journal changes in issues that consist exclusively of articles on freely chosen topics, in which case the Dossier section does not appear. Some issues of Historia Crítica also include a Translation section containing articles published in languages other than Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Keywords: history, social sciences, human sciences, research, historiography, historiographical balances.
Historia Crítica is an Open Access journal. The journal declares that all the articles it receives are submitted to a plagiarism detection test; the contents that are published in the digital version are freely available and can be downloaded in PDF and HTML format and in e-book version; the authors should manifest that the text they present is of their own authorship, unpublished, and that they respect the intellectual property rights of third parties; and the evaluators should indicate on the evaluation format that they have no conflict of interest with the authors and topics on which they are going to render judgment.
Historia Crítica received 131 contents in 2021, of which it approved 24% and rejected 76%.