Índice | Keywords
Keywords | Palabras claves | Palavras chaves
- Abdias do Nascimento
- abolition
- abolition of craft guilds by the Constitution of 1832
- abortion
- abstraction
- abuse
- academic practices
- academics
- Academy
- access to information
- Acevedo brothers
- administration
- administration of justice
- administrative reform
- adoption
- advertising
- advertising agencies
- aesthetic reception
- Africa
- afro-american cultures
- afro-colombian
- Afro-Colombian
- afro-colombians
- Afro-Cuban art
- afrocolombians
- agency
- agrarian history
- agrarian policy
- agrarian reform
- Agrarian Reform
- agrarian structure
- agricultural enterprise
- agricultural policy
- agricultural production
- agricultural proletariat
- agriculture
- agustin
- air cargo
- album
- alcohol consumption
- alcoholism in science
- alfalfa
- Alfonso López Pumarejo
- almanacs
- Alta California
- alterity
- amateur sport
- Amazon
- Amazon region
- Amazonia
- Amazonian history
- Amazonian region
- America
- american viceroyalties
- americas chronicles
- amerindians
- amphictyonic council
- Añaquito
- anarchy
- ancien régime
- and names
- androcentrism
- animals
- Annales
- annals
- anopheles mosquitoes
- anthropocentrism
- anthropology
- anthropophagous
- anthropophagy
- anti-imperialism
- anti-liberalism
- anticlericalism
- anticommunism
- anticomunismo
- antiguo régimen
- antilles
- Antioquia
- antipodes
- antiquarianism
- Antonio Gramsci
- aponte’s conspiracy
- apprentice
- appropriation
- appropriation of children
- arab nationalism
- arbitration
- archaeology
- archbishoprics of mexico
- architecture
- Architecture
- archive histories
- archives
- Arciniegas
- Argentina
- Argentina frenchification
- Argentina/Chile
- Argentine
- Argentine military dictatorship
- Argentine State
- argentinean historiography
- Aristides Fernández
- armed citizenship
- armed conflict
- armed forces
- armed struggle
- arms control
- arms race
- army
- Army
- art criticism
- artisan
- artisan class
- artisanal fishermen
- artisans
- artists
- ascofame
- ashkenazim
- Asia
- asiento de esclavos (legal entry or recording of slaves in property registry for tax purposes
- Asociación de Mayo
- association
- Atacama
- atlantic
- Atlantic world
- atlantic world
- audience
- audiences
- audiovisual communications media
- audiovisual registers
- audiovisual representation
- Austria
- automobile
- avant-garde
- Ayacucho
- aymara
- Aymaras
- bacteriology
- bails
- banal nationalism
- barbacoas
- baroque experience
- barranquilla
- Bartolomé Mitre
- basic necessities
- basic sciences
- Basque Country
- Batallón Colombia
- beauty contest
- Benítez-Rojo
- Berkeley School
- bezoar stone
- bicycle
- bilateral relations
- bilingual education
- biography
- bistoric apologetics
- bistory
- black history
- black intellectuals
- black persons
- Black race
- black slavery
- blockade
- blogs
- blood
- body
- Bogotá
- bogotá
- Bogotá River
- bolivarian historiography
- Bolivia
- Bolivian government
- bolshevization
- book trade
- books
- bookseller
- bookstore
- border
- border conflict
- border conflicts
- border historical anthropology
- borders
- botany
- Bourbon
- bourbon period
- bourbon reforms
- Bourdieu
- braudel
- brazil
- Brazil
- brazilian Amazonia
- Brazilian trotskyists
- Bread Riot
- Brian Harley
- bribri indians
- British Empire
- British Socialism
- Bucaramanga
- Buenos Aires
- bull fights
- bullion flows
- bureaucracy
- bush administration
- cabecar indians
- cabildos
- Cadiz Courts
- Cali
- California
- camel caravan trade
- campesino class
- campo de la minoridad
- cancillerias (foreign relations offices)
- cannibal
- cannibalism
- capital
- capitalism
- captives
- carchi
- cards
- career
- caribbean
- Caribbean
- Caribbean coast
- caribbean region of new granada
- caribs
- Cartagena
- Cartagena de Indias
- cartography
- catalogues
- categories
- category of gender
- catholic church
- catholic missions
- catholic modernity
- catholic mutualism
- Catholicism
- catholicism
- cattle
- cattle breeds
- cattle ranching
- cattle theft
- cellular organization
- cemeteries
- censorship
- Centennial
- center-periphery model
- Central Eastern Europe
- Central Europe
- central government
- Central Patagonia
- centralism
- centralization
- Chaffanjon
- chaos
- Chapultepec zoo
- cheats
- chemistry
- child sexual abuse
- childhood
- Childhood
- children
- chile
- Chile
- chilean frontier
- chilean military mission
- chilean-bolivian border
- chilenization
- Chile’s Unidad Popular
- Chimila
- China-America
- China’s financial history
- chinese scholars
- chita
- Chocó
- christianity
- christopher columbus
- Chroniclers of the Indies
- church
- church-education relationship
- church-state relation
- cinema
- cinematographic news programs
- cinep
- cinephilia
- circularity and cultural mixtures
- circulation
- circulation of knowledge
- Citará
- cities
- citizen
- citizen education
- citizenship
- city
- city of god
- civic acts
- civic festivals
- civil holidays
- civil war
- civil wars
- civilization
- class
- classical political economy
- clemency
- clergy
- climate
- climate and weather
- climate history
- cliometrics
- clothing
- club
- coal mines
- coastal zones
- coca leaf
- cold war
- Cold War
- collaborative research
- collective memory
- Colombia
- colombia
- Colombia in the 19th century
- Colombian art
- colombian artistic field
- colombian caribbean
- Colombian Caribbean
- colombian politics
- Colombian-Venezuelan Alto Orinoco-río Negro
- colonial
- colonial economies
- colonial frontiers
- colonial history
- colonial hospitals
- colonial medicine
- colonial Santiago
- colonial situation
- colonial town councils
- colonialism
- coloniality
- coloniality of law
- colonization
- colony
- color
- comintern
- commerce
- Commercial Aviation
- commercial capitalism
- commercial circulation
- commercial interchange
- commercial muleteer activity
- commercial radio broadcasts
- commodities
- common goods
- communal land
- communication
- communications and culture
- communications media
- communism
- communist international
- communist parties
- communist party
- communist party of Cuba
- community
- community development
- comparative history
- competitions
- conceptions of the colonial period
- conceptual history
- concordat
- confessional state
- confucianism
- Congreso Científico Latinoamericano (1898-1909)
- Congreso Científico Panamericano (1915-1916)
- congress for cultural freedom
- connected histories
- connected history
- conqueror
- conquest
- conservation
- conservation of monuments
- conservatism
- conservative party
- conspiracy
- Constitution
- constitution
- constitution of Cádiz
- constitutionalism
- construction
- construction of the Other
- constructive cooperation policy
- consulate
- consumer society
- consumption
- consumption of goods
- contemporary art
- contemporary history
- contemporary issues
- contraband
- contracts
- control
- control of communications
- convents
- converts
- cooking
- cooperation and circulation of films
- Cordoba
- Cornélio Pires
- corporal discourse
- correspondence
- corruption
- cost of living
- councils
- court cases
- craftsman
- creole identity
- Crevaux
- crime of passion
- criminal law
- criminality
- criminalization
- criminology
- crisis of 1930’s
- critical cartography
- critical turn
- critical value theory
- critics
- crop fumigation
- cross-border circuits (author’s keywords).
- cross-cultural consumption
- crossbreeding
- crossbreeding between the white and indian races
- crown of castile
- cruzada
- crypto-Jews
- Cuba
- Cuban Revolution
- cuban revolution
- cult
- cult images
- cultural anthropology
- cultural cold war
- cultural consumption
- cultural development
- cultural differentiation
- cultural diplomacy
- cultural elite
- cultural exchange
- cultural historiography
- cultural history
- cultural identity
- cultural industry
- cultural institutionalization
- cultural mediators or passeurs culturels
- cultural mixtures
- cultural patrimony
- cultural pluralism
- cultural policy
- cultural politics
- cultural practices
- cultural representation
- cultural resistance
- cultural society
- cultural studies
- culture
- cultures
- curation
- customary law
- customs
- cycles of destruction and regeneration
- Czechoslovakia
- dactyloscopy
- daily life
- daily life history
- dairy
- dairy industry
- dancers
- Darien
- data mining
- death
- debate
- décimas
- delinquency
- democracy
- demographic self-reproduction
- demographics of slavery
- demography
- department of Cauca
- deregulation
- determinism
- development
- developmentalism
- diaspora
- dictatorship
- digital documents
- digital history
- digital humanities
- digital networks
- digitalization
- diocese
- diphtheria
- diplomacy
- diplomatic relations
- disasters
- disciplines
- discourse
- discourse analysis
- discoveries
- disease
- diseases
- displacement
- disputes
- divine order
- doctrinaire dispute
- doctrinas de indios
- documents
- domestic life
- domestic space public space
- domestic sphere
- domesticity
- domination
- Dominicans
- douglass north
- drivers' strike
- drought
- drug-trafficking
- drugs
- duration
- early-twentieth century
- earthly happiness
- earthquakes
- eastern Antioquia
- Eastern Plains of Colombia
- ecclesiastic judges
- Echeverría
- ecological imperialism
- econometrics
- economic aid
- economic government
- economic growth
- economic history
- economic liberalism
- economic policies
- economic recession
- Economic Structuralism
- economic structures
- economy
- Ecuador
- editorial
- editorial collections
- Edouard Tinchant
- education
- education reform
- education societies
- educational cinematography
- eighteenth century
- Eisenstein
- El Día
- el investigador [of Perú]
- El Salvador
- elections
- electricity
- emotional regime
- emotions
- empire
- enclosure
- encomenderas
- encomienda
- endogenesis
- energy systems
- engineering
- England
- enlightened spirit
- Enlightenment
- enlightenment
- entertainment
- Entomology
- entrepreneur
- entrepreneurs
- environment
- environmental conflicts
- environmental history
- ephemeral art
- epistemology
- espitemology
- eta
- eta terrorism
- ethics
- ethiopianism
- ethnic conflic
- ethnic groups
- ethnic minorities
- ethnic-racial relations
- ethnicity
- ethno-bistory
- ethnohistory
- ethnonational
- ette
- eurocentrism
- Europe
- european companies
- Eva Perón
- evangelization
- Evangelization
- event
- everyday life
- everyday nationalism
- executioner
- exhibitions
- exile
- experience
- experiences
- experiences of a historian
- experiences of nation
- expert
- exports
- expropriation.
- extractive economy
- factoria de esclaves (slave "factories" or fortified slave-trading posts)
- Falkland Islands
- family
- family networks
- family planning
- farmers
- Fascism
- fascism
- fear
- feather mosaic
- federalism
- feeding
- feeding the poor
- feminism
- Fernand Braudel
- fertility
- festivals
- festivity
- feudalism to capitalism transition
- fiction
- fifteenth century
- fifteenth to eighteenth centuries
- fifths
- film
- film clubs
- film festival
- film market
- film materials
- financial organization
- financial technology
- first jesuits
- first red scare
- first Republic
- fiscal fraud
- fishing
- fishing rights
- flooding
- floods
- flora
- food
- food regulation
- football
- foreign investment
- forest
- forests
- formal institutions
- formalism
- fourteenth century
- fourth Centenary
- fourth congress
- France
- franciscan missions
- Franciscan Order
- franciscans
- Francisco Franco
- Francisco José de Caldas
- Franco
- francoism
- Francoism
- francoist dictatorship
- Francoist ideology
- francoist spain
- free people
- freedom
- freedom and indenture
- freemen of color.
- french culture
- fronterization
- frontier
- frontiers
- fugitive slaves
- full employment
- fundamentalism
- funding agencies
- funera
- fur trade
- furniture
- gamblers
- gambling
- games
- gangs
- gas lighting
- gender
- Gender
- gender and museums
- gender studies
- general training for guilds
- genre
- genus
- Geographical imaginaries
- geography
- Germany
- global
- global bistory
- global era
- global history
- global relations
- global value relations
- globalization
- gold
- Gonzalo Fernández of Oviedo
- good treatment
- governability
- governance
- government
- Gran Colombia
- graphic humor
- graphic workers
- Great Divergence
- Green Revolution
- Gregorio Vásquez de Arce y Ceballos
- groups of buddies
- Guainia
- Guajira
- Guatemala
- guerra del pacífico
- guerrilla
- gymnastics
- H.I.J.O.S
- hacienda
- Haiti
- harlem renaissance
- health
- health policies
- health policy
- hegemony
- Herder
- hermaphrodites
- hermeneutics
- heroic image
- heterosexualities
- high school students
- Hilda Sabato
- Hispania
- Hispanic Monarchy
- hispanic world
- historian
- historic city
- historic derogatory term for jew in spanish)
- historical archaeology
- historical biography
- historical corpus
- historical experience
- historical fiction
- historical films
- historical geography
- historical method
- historical methodology
- historical narrative
- historical painting
- historical research
- historical sources
- historicity regime
- historiographic balance
- historiography
- historiology
- Historiophoty
- history
- History
- history and the internet
- history of argentina
- history of biology
- history of cartography
- history of education
- history of emotions
- history of geography
- history of libraries
- history of medicine
- history of reading
- history of russian philosophy
- History of science
- history of science
- history of senses
- history of sentiments
- history of sexuality in Latin America
- History of television
- history of television in Colombia
- history of the present
- history of the Present
- history of the self
- history of the senses
- Hollywood
- Holocaust
- Holstein exhibition
- holy see
- homosexuality
- honor
- horses
- household furniture
- housing
- human rights
- hydraulic engineering
- hydric resources
- hygiene
- hypertext
- hyphenated identities
- Iberian Peninsula
- Ibero-America
- Ibero-American cinema
- iconography
- ideas for a universal history
- identification
- identities
- identity
- identity narrative
- ideology
- idlers
- illegal trade
- illumination
- illustrated literature
- images
- imaginary
- imaginary spheres
- imperial officials
- imperialism
- imports
- Independence
- independence
- Independency
- indian
- indian (of the Americas)
- Indian Ocean
- indian resguardos
- indian tribute
- indian villages
- indians
- Indians
- indigenism
- indigenismo
- indigenistas
- indigenous
- indigenous agency
- indigenous communities
- indigenous culture
- indigenous enslavement
- indigenous peoples
- indigenous population
- indigenous reservations
- indigenous resguardos
- indigenous resistance
- indigenous theorizing
- indigenous women
- individual
- indultos
- industrial hygiene
- industry
- inequality
- Inflation
- inflation
- influence of radio
- informal institutions
- informal mediators
- information of merits and services
- information technology
- informe semanal
- infrastructure
- initiatives
- inquisition
- institutional ethnography
- institutional frameworks
- institutionalization
- integration
- intellectual history
- intellectuals
- intenational relations
- inter-ethnic coexistence
- inter-ethnic relations
- interculturalism
- interdiction
- interdisciplinary
- interest groups
- interest rate history
- intermediaries
- international
- international agencies
- international circulation of knowledge
- international communism
- international cooperation
- international exhibitions
- international insecurity
- international law
- international politics
- international relations
- international security
- international system
- international women's year
- internationalism
- interpreters
- interpretive communities
- interpretive framework
- intertextuality
- interwar period
- intra-state conflicts
- investment
- iraq
- irrigation
- islam
- Islam
- Island of San Andrés
- israel
- italian novecento
- Italy
- Japan
- jesuit missions
- jesuit schools
- jesuits
- jewish immigrants
- jewishness
- jews
- John Paul II
- jorge eliécer gaitán
- Jorge Tadeo Lozano
- José Antonio de Plaza
- José de Ballivián
- José de San Martín
- Joseph Lancaster
- journalism
- journeys
- Juan Méndez Nieto
- judaica
- judicial branch
- Jujuy province
- jungle
- Junta de Gobierno
- juntas de gobierno
- jurisdictional promotions
- justice
- justices
- La Malintzi
- la mama theater
- La Pampa
- La Ramada district
- la violencia
- labor history
- labor law
- labor migration
- labor relations
- laboratory
- ladinos
- Laishí
- land access
- land grants (mercedes)
- land reform
- land tenure
- land use
- landfill
- landholding
- landslides
- las casas
- late Francoism
- late-colonial
- Latin America
- latin american art
- Latin American history
- latin american history
- Latin American history (nineteenth century)
- Latin American History; Cultural History; hospitals; Colombia; New Granada; 18th century
- latin american scientific congress
- latin americanism
- Latin-America
- law
- law of nations
- lay intellectual
- Lebrija river
- left
- legal anthropology
- legal medicine
- legal proceedings
- legal profession
- legislation
- legislative committees
- legislative power
- legitimacy
- Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo
- letters
- LGBT movement
- liberal discourse
- liberal left
- liberal party
- liberal radicalism
- Liberal Republic
- liberalism
- Liberalism
- liberation
- liberation theology
- liberty
- library
- library associations
- lieux de mémoire
- lighting
- lights
- Lima
- lineage
- linguistic turn
- link
- Lisbon
- literary consuption
- literary criticism
- literary genre
- literary history
- literature
- loapa
- local
- local commerce
- local government
- local knowledge
- local markets
- local participation.
- long duration
- longue durée
- lower classes
- lower-class groups
- macro
- Madrid
- magazines
- Magdalena river
- malaria
- Manuel Zapata Olivella
- manumission
- mapuche
- mapuches
- Marco Fidel Suarez
- Margherita Sarfatti
- marginality
- María Elena Moyano
- marimba
- maritime navigation
- market
- market economy
- market imperialism
- maroon communities
- marriage
- maruno (literally: pig
- masculinities
- masculinity
- mass communications media
- mass culture
- mass media
- Mass of Saint Gregory
- material culture
- material life
- Mato Grosso
- matrimony
- May Revolution
- maya women
- meat
- Medellin
- Medellín
- media
- medical discourse
- medical education
- medical knowledge
- medical research
- medications
- medicinal
- medicinal plants
- medicine
- memory
- Memory Places
- memory policy
- memory practices
- Mendoza
- mental illness
- mercantile capitalism
- mercantilism
- merchant capital
- merchants
- mestizaje
- mestizo
- methodology
- Mexico
- Mexico City
- Mexico-Guatemala-Belize
- micro
- micro-bistory
- microhistory
- middle ages
- middle east
- Migrant women
- migrants
- migration
- migrations
- militarist nationalism
- military academies
- military autonomy
- military dictatorship
- military education
- military expeditions
- military intervention
- military memories
- military reforms
- Military School
- military units to aid production
- militias
- millennialism
- Ming and Qing dynasties
- Minimum wage
- mining
- mining camp
- ministries
- miracles
- missionary work
- missions
- mixture
- mobilizations
- mode of production
- modern art
- modern history
- modern liberal ideal
- modern times
- modernism
- modernity
- modernization
- Mompox
- monarchy
- money [or currency]
- monitorial method
- monopolies
- Montevideo
- monument
- moral censorship
- moral economy
- morality
- mosquera
- multiculturalism
- multilingualism
- municipalities
- municipality
- museum collections
- museums
- music
- music industries
- myth
- narration
- Nasa
- nasa indians
- naso indians
- Nation
- nation
- nation building
- Nation State
- nation states
- nation-building
- nation-state
- national bibliogrphy
- national border
- national guard
- national history
- national identification
- national identity
- national imaginaries
- national integration
- National Library of Colombia
- national parks
- national political cultures
- national self-image
- national territories
- Nationalism
- nationalism
- nationalist left
- nationalization
- natural disaster
- natural history
- natural resources
- nature
- nautical chart
- needlework
- neo-institutionalism
- Neoclassicism
- neoinstitutionalism
- networks
- new christians
- new france
- New Granada
- new granada
- New Kingdom of Granada
- New Spain
- New World slavery
- newspapers
- Nicaragua
- Nineteenth Century
- nineteenth century
- nineteenth-century
- nineteenth-century latin american histories
- nitrate-mining industry
- no-future
- noise
- non-written sources
- North Korea
- north-south relations
- notable family
- notaries
- notebooks of the congress for cultural freedom
- novel
- novena para el aguinaldo
- Nóvita
- Nueva Granada
- nutrition
- oath ceremonies
- Oaxaca
- obedience
- objects
- occupational disease
- occupational diseases
- occupational medicine
- occupational therapy
- ocote pine
- October
- office employees
- official
- oil
- old age
- Old Bolívar
- olympic games
- Ontology
- open spaces
- opposition-to-marriage
- oral history
- oral testimony
- order
- order of saint benedict
- ordinary writing
- organized crime
- Orinoco
- outsiders
- overthrow of the s. bussein regime
- pacific
- Pacific economy
- Pacific lowlands
- Páez
- páez indians
- painting
- palestinians
- paleto/campesino
- pamphlets
- Panama
- Panama Canal
- Panama canal
- paradise
- Paraguay
- parents
- Paris
- parks
- pasto
- pasto putsch
- Patagonia
- Patagonians
- paternalism
- patía
- patriarchy
- patrimonialism
- patron saints
- patronage
- peace
- peace corps
- peasant class
- peasant economies
- peasants
- pederasty
- pedro fermin de vargas
- penal codification
- people
- Pérez Lleras
- Peri-urban Landscape
- periodic press
- periodical press
- periodical publication
- periodicals
- periods of entitlement
- persian gulf wars
- Peru
- pharmaceutical industry
- pharmaceuticalization
- pharmacy
- philosophy
- philosophy of history
- philosophy of liberation
- phonographs
- photography
- physical education
- physicians
- pine trees
- places of transit
- planning history
- plurality
- pneumoconiosis
- police
- policy creation
- politic
- political art
- political citizenship
- political clientelism
- political conflict
- political culture
- political cultures
- political debate
- political discourse
- political doctrine
- political economy
- political emotions
- political headquarters
- political history
- Political history
- political identity
- political leadership
- political life
- political mobilization
- political participation
- political party
- political power
- political practices
- political prisoners
- political reform
- political regime
- political relations
- political repression
- political science
- political solidarity
- political subordination
- political system
- political systems
- political violence
- political-sexual violence
- politics
- polysemic object
- popular assemblies
- popular culture
- popular education
- popular jury
- popular liberalism
- popular libraries
- popular mobilizations
- popular music
- popular politics
- popular restaurants
- popular struggles
- Popular Unity
- population
- population census
- porfiriato
- port
- Portugal
- positivism in Latin America
- possession of land
- post-cold war
- post-emancipation
- post-structuralism
- postcolonial context
- postcolonial theory
- postmodernity
- postwar
- potlatch
- poverty
- power
- practices
- pre-Hispanic history
- preachers
- prefecture
- prehispanic societies
- present
- present history
- presentation
- press
- Price Control
- prices
- priests
- prison
- prisoners
- private channels
- private correspondence
- private history
- private property
- private sphere
- privilege
- privileges
- process
- production
- production of space
- productive resources
- profession
- professional football
- professional training
- progress
- prohibitions.
- propaganda
- property
- prophecies
- prostitution
- protest movement
- Protestantism
- Providence
- Province of Cartagena
- province of Cartagena
- Province of Popayan
- Province of Santa Marta
- province of Santafé
- Province of Santafé
- Province of Tunja
- provinces
- prt-erp
- psychoanalysis
- psychologization
- public administration
- public gardens
- public health
- public history
- public history.
- public life
- public memory
- public policie
- public primary schools
- public rights
- public space
- public television
- public transport
- publisher
- publishing history
- publishing world
- Puebla
- Puerto Rico
- punishment
- punk
- Putumayo
- race
- race as morality
- Racial discrimination
- racism
- radicalism
- radio
- radio audiences
- radio listeners
- rage
- railroad
- railroad transportation
- railroad workers
- railway transport
- rape
- rape legislation
- reader records
- reading
- realism
- rebellion
- reconciliation
- recopilación de las Leyes de Indias
- recruitment
- reducciones
- refugees
- Regeneration
- regeneration
- Reggio
- region
- regional cooperation
- regional identity
- regional stability
- registry file
- regulation
- relational approach
- relations between civilians and the military
- religion
- religiosity
- religious behavior
- religious community
- religious feasts
- religious institutions
- religious mission
- religious mobilization
- religious practice
- religious tolerance
- representation
- representations
- republic
- Republic of Colombia
- republican patronage
- republicanism
- Reputation and honor
- reservation
- residential segregration policies
- resin
- resistance
- Resnick
- rest
- retirement pension
- revolution
- revolutionary everyday life
- revolutionary identity
- revolutionary imaginaries
- revolutionary praxis
- revolutionary war
- rhetoric
- right of property
- río de la plata
- Río de la Plata
- risk
- rite
- ritual
- rituals
- Robert Owen
- rock’n’roll
- Romanticism
- rosism
- routes
- royal patronage
- rubber
- rubber mining
- runaway slaves (maroons)
- rural development
- rural environment
- Russia
- russian national identity
- russian revolution
- russian soul
- sadism
- salaries
- San Andres Island
- San Jorge River
- sanitary engineering
- sanitation
- Santa Fe
- Santafé
- Santander
- Santiago de Chile
- Santiago de Cuba
- São Paulo
- Sarmiento
- satirical press
- Scarcity
- school anniversaries
- school culture
- school newspapers
- school system
- school teacher
- science
- science and imperialism
- scientific community
- scientific congresses
- scientific cooperation
- scientific expedition
- scientific knowledge
- scientific networks
- scientific organization
- sculpture
- sea fishing
- second half of the 18th century
- second half of the 19th Century
- secondary school
- secret groups
- secret jews
- secret services
- secular clergy
- semanario del Nuevo Reino de Granada
- senior master
- sensitivity
- sensory experience
- sensory history
- sensuality
- sephardi
- sephardite
- sermons
- settlement
- settlement colonialism
- seventeenth-century
- Seville
- sewing machine
- sex-gender dissidence
- sexual crimes
- sexual dissidence
- sexual diversity
- sexual division of labor
- sexual violence
- shamans
- shame
- shi'ite muslims
- shi'ites
- Shining Path
- shortage
- silicosis
- simon bolivar
- Simon Bolívar
- Siqueiros
- sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
- sixteenth century
- slave population
- slave resistance
- slave ships
- slave trade
- slavery
- slavery and agriculture
- slavery and mining
- slavery and society in the 17th and 18th centuries
- slavery and urban services
- slaves
- smells
- smelter smoke
- smuggling
- social activism
- social change
- social class
- social conditions
- social conflict
- social control
- social differentiation
- social exclusion
- social groups
- social history
- social history of communications
- social history of law
- social logic of the text
- social memory
- social mobility
- social mobilizations
- social movement
- social networks
- social order
- social organization
- social pact
- social policies
- social regulation
- social representation
- social representations
- social research
- social sciences
- Social Sciences
- social security
- social structure
- social values
- social welfare
- socialism
- socialization
- societies for the protection of animals
- society
- socio-cultural impact
- socio-spatial ordering
- sociology
- sociology of change
- sodomites
- soft power
- Sogamoso river
- soils
- solidarity
- Somoza
- sorcery
- soundscapes
- sources
- South America
- South American communism
- south american independence
- south american secretariat
- South Korea
- southern district
- Southern Pacific Coast of Colombia
- sovereignty
- space
- space and time
- Space Production
- Spain
- spanish civil war
- Spanish colonies
- Spanish Communism
- spanish empire
- Spanish Empire
- spatial configuration
- spatial representation
- spatial turn
- spatial violence
- spectacles
- sport
- sports
- sports competition
- spreading literacy
- stalinization
- State
- state
- state and education
- state building
- state formation
- state of Cauca
- state of the economy
- state subsidies
- state-building
- state-church
- state-church relation
- State.
- states
- statistics
- statutory rape
- stockbreeding
- stonewall
- strategies
- strikes
- structuralism
- structure
- structures of knowledge
- student conferences
- Student movement
- student movement
- studies of limits
- subject
- subjectivity
- subjectivity.
- submunicipal headman
- Sudam
- sugar mills
- sunni muslims
- supermarkets
- sur
- Surat
- surveying
- sustainability
- Sweden
- swindlers
- symbolism
- symbols
- synods
- tactics
- tagua or vegetable ivory
- taínos
- talisman
- talking machines
- tax fraud
- taxation
- technology
- television
- televisión española
- television program
- temporalities
- temporality
- temporary dependency
- terminology
- territorial delimitation
- territorial organization
- territorial waters
- territoriality
- territory
- terrorism
- testimonies
- text editing
- text production
- textile industry
- the action of grace
- the Atlantic
- the Colombian Southwest
- the dissemination of culture
- the Expeditionary Army of Costa Firme
- the history of occupational medicine
- the left
- the Liberating Army of New Granada
- the state
- theoretical aspects
- theoretical assumptions
- theory and methodology of history
- theory of history
- theory of international relations
- thieves
- Thomas Gage
- those of afro-descendants
- time
- Tlaxcala
- tolerance
- torture
- total history
- toxic landscape
- trade
- trade routes
- tradition
- traditional
- traditional medicine
- traditional music
- traffic in slaves
- trafficking
- trans- state conflicts
- transcultural analysis
- transition
- transition to democracy
- translation
- translators
- transnational
- transnational history
- transnational networks
- transportation
- trata negrera
- travel
- travelers
- tribute
- tropics
- tuberculosis
- tumaco
- Tumaco
- túquerres
- turpentine
- turtles
- tve
- twentieth century
- twentieth century.
- u.s. military superpower
- ultramontanism
- unequal marriages
- Unidad Popular
- union
- union organization
- unionized artist
- United states
- United States
- United States of America
- university
- university teaching
- unsatisfied basic needs
- urban context
- urban culture
- urban development
- urban growth
- urban history
- urban periphery
- urban planning
- urban renovation
- urbanization
- Uruguay
- use of land.
- uses
- utopia
- war
- war against terrorism
- war captains
- war in the pacific
- war neurosis
- war of the castes
- war of the thousand days
- Wars of Independence
- waste management
- water
- wealth
- weavers
- welfare
- welfare state
- western
- westernization
- white and Indian crossbreeding
- William Beveridge
- William Gorgas
- woman
- Women
- women
- women and technology
- work
- work performance
- work-related accidents and professional illness
- worker
- worker circles
- worker culture
- worker education
- workers
- working class
- working class community
- world geography of accumulation
- world modernity
- world of dock work
- world war I
- World War I
- World War II
- world-systems analysis
- writing
- written sources
- www