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About the journal

Genre en séries : cinéma, télévision, médias is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scientific journal dealing with gender studies and feminist analysis of media and culture. It aims at participating to the late appropriation of gender approaches and analysis in the French academic field of media and film studies. The importance of the media in social life, as it participates to constructing gender identities and relations, entails us to analyze collectively power relations, social structures and gender norms at stake in media cultures. To this end, Genre en séries aims at promoting and discussing essays at the intersection of film and media studies, communication sciences, sociology and cultural studies. The editorial policy is not only to rely on feminist media studies heritage, but also to articulate epistemological debates of cultural and gender studies with the study of media cultures. Submitted articles will be subject to double-blind peer review, with the exception of translations and book reviews, which are supervised by the editorial committee. In order to make its editorial choices, the latter relies on the scientific committee as well as on the recommendations of the experts called upon to evaluate the papers submitted to the journal.

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