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Recommendations to authors

General recommendations to authors

The journal does not charge any fee for the submission and eventual subsequent publication of articles-All articles, reviews and research notes, must be sent without any reference to the authors in the text or in the file name and articles that do not comply with the rules explained below will be refused and must be adapted to be presented.-Articles from undergraduate students will not be accepted. We will not accept works from disciplines. Authors will not be able to publish more than one article every three years in  Geografares.-Plagiarism and self-plagiarism (when authors change some superficial aspects of texts already published in other journals for the purpose of republishing it) are obviously prohibited, if we identify any such article, the authors will no longer be able to send articles to the journal.-All articles must indicate in the part of the registration of the authors of which research is a result (partial or final) and must refer, on the registration page, to the Research Group and / or the Laboratories to which the research is associated, if they receive funding. for them or even if they are the product of Master's theses and Doctoral theses. Articles that do not comply with these rules will be rejected.-Authors are required to put their ORCID number in the appropriate place. ORCID is a non-profit organization that allows everyone who participates in research and innovation to be uniquely identified and connected to each other. To obtain your ORCID number see the link authors of articles must complete their biography in Metadata. The biography must contain information about the formation and the institutions in which the authors are affiliated, as well as the research carried out or in progress.-Titles, abstracts and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish (and optionally in French) must be filled in Metadata when submitting articles.-Geografares is a Geography journal that dialogues with other areas, but its scope is focused on the debate on territorial and spatial issues, so the articles should have these categories as a center of reflection. Articles from other areas that do not comply with these requirements will be rejected.-The normal time for evaluating an article is up to 6 months between receipt of the article and approval.-We receive articles in Portuguese, Spanish and French.-English translation of the approved articles in Portuguese: Authors who have their articles approved by the magazine can provide, assuming all related costs, the translation of them into English. These translations must be carried out by translators appointed by the journal, the latter must issue a certificate of conformity of the article in English which the author must send to the magazine together with the translation within the deadlines indicated by the editors of Geografares. This standard takes effect from January 2021.

Articles should be submitted electronically to the following address:

Standards for text submissions

I - Articles

A - Must have a maximum of 10,000 words and up to 25 pages in 1.5 space, including figures (maps, illustrations, photos, graphs, etc.), tables, notes, bibliographic references and abstracts, composed in word for windows, body 12, Times New Roman font.

B - The articles must come with duly corrected Portuguese. We will refuse articles that do not meet this requirement.

C - The first page of the article must contain the title and subtitle of the work (if any). The text can indicatively be structured in introduction, development, final considerations and references. Of course, respecting the particularity of the different types of research.

D - The texts must be accompanied by a summary in Portuguese of a maximum of 150 words and 3 keywords that identify the content of the work. The same abstract and keywords must be presented in English and Spanish and must be duly revised. Abstracts and keywords must come at the beginning of the article right after the title (they must also be placed, as already indicated, in Metadata). Below the title of the article in Portuguese should be the titles in English and Spanish.

E - Photos, drawings, maps, graphs must appear inside the work with the generic denomination of figure, numbered with Arabic numerals. Tables should also be numbered in the same way.

F - Footnotes should be avoided as much as possible and only those that are really necessary should be placed. They must be numbered sequentially and throughout the text. We will accept a maximum of 10 footnotes in each article and each note should be no longer than 50 words.

G - References must appear at the end of the paper, in alphabetical order and must follow the ABNT rules (papers not following the ABNT rules will be rejected). Authors should consult the book on Normalization and Presentation of Scientific and Academic Works published by UFES at:

As an illustration, we indicate some examples of bibliographic references:

-Book: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First name. Title. Edition. Location: Publisher, year. Pages or volumes.Thesis or dissertation: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First name. Title. Year. Pages or volumes. Type of work (degree and area of ​​concentration) - Teaching unit, Institution where the work was presented.-Articles in journals: SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR of the article, First name. Title of the article. Journal title, place of publication, volume number, issue number, initial and final page of the article, date.-Works presented at events: SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR of the article, First name. Title of the article. In: EVENT TITLE, number, year and location of the event. Title of publication. Location: Publisher, year. Indication of the referenced part.

H - all bibliographic references made throughout the text must be enclosed in parentheses, indicating the author's LAST NAME, date of publication and page number. Ex: (GEORGE, 1973, p. 68)

For more information visit the seção de normas or contact the editores.

Make a new submission to the Artigos section.

II - Interviews

A - They must follow the same recommendations for articles, plus the date and place of the interview and data of the interviewee, and there should be an introduction indicating the interest in publishing the interview.

B - Questions and answers must be preceded by the initials of the interviewer and the interviewee, respectively

For more information visit the seção de normas or contact the editores.

Make a new submission to the Entrevista section.

III - Research notes

This section is intended to publish texts and preliminary technical notes on ongoing research.

A - For this section, texts on scientific events held, reports of fieldwork, communications on ongoing research, among others, will be accepted.

B - They must follow the same recommendations for articles.

Make a new submission to the Notas de pesquisa section.

IV - Reviews

A - For this section, informative reviews of works (book, book chapter, specialized magazine, specialized magazine article, theses and dissertations, among others) of interest to geographic science, with or without critical appreciation, will be accepted.

B - They must follow the same recommendations for articles.

C - Complete data of the reviewed work must be sent. It is also requested to send a digital copy (with good quality) of the cover / cover page of the reviewed work. For more information visit the standards section or contact the editors.

For more information visit the seção de normas or contact the editores.

Make a new submission to the Resenhas section.

V - Thematic dossier proposal

The journal accepts proposals for thematic dossiers. The proposal must be accompanied by the objective, justification and describe the interest of the dossier. The person responsible for the dossier who must make the selection of the articles, the organization of the number and make a presentation of the same must be indicated in the proposal. Along with the dossier proposal, the list of proposed reviewers must be provided.

For more information, contact the editores

Make a new submission to the Thematic dossier proposal section.

VI - Translations

Proposals for translations of texts important for geographic thinking and unpublished in Portuguese are accepted. The translations must be accompanied, if applicable, by authorization from the authors of the original articles.

For more information, contact the editores

Make a new submission to the Traduções section.

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