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Founded in 1996 by Françoise Létoublon along with André Hurst (Genova) and Franco Montanari (Geneva), Gaia is meant as a crossroads of discussions concerning Archaic Greece in an original manner. It publishes articles by authors coming from different but complementary fields (literature, linguistics, philology, history, anthropology, archeology, reception of antiquity). It is also open from a linguistic point of view (articles published up to now in French, English, Italian and German).
The issues from 1997 à 2017 are available on Persée.

Latest issue
27 | 2024
Nomima 30 ans après. Épigraphie et histoire de la Grèce archaïque

Nomima 30 Years After. Epigraphy and History of Archaic Greece
Edited by Olivier Mariaud

It has been thirty years since the publication of the two volumes of the collection of Nomima inscriptions by F. Ruzé and H. van Effenterre has given several generations of French (and foreign) students and historians unprecedented access to Greek epigraphic documents from the Archaic period. Beyond the collection of translated texts, Nomima also aimed to convey, sparking from inscriptions, a certain idea of the archaic Greek world, its institutions, its social relations and power relations (economic, political).
In the last thirty years, no new text has revolutionized the discipline on its own. But important discoveries such as those of Methone or Eretria have made it possible, through their serial display, to shed new light on the practices and role of writing in Greece during the early periods. The objective of this dossier is therefore, through the homage paid to the Nomima, to take stock of these thirty years of discoveries and research on archaic Greek epigraphy by focusing on the links between epigraphy and history around a few epigraphic files in Crete or Greece proper. In doing so, we will question the insertion of epigraphy into the new questions about archaic Greece that tend to move away from a vision centered on the elites and on Athens.

Editor's notes

Nous remercions les experts qui ont participé à la relecture et à l’amélioration des articles de ce numéro. Merci également à toute l’équipe d’UGA Éditions pour son travail autour de ce numéro.

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