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Editorial process


Frontière·s, revue d’archéologie, histoire et histoire de l’art offers an Open Access medium to specialists of Ancient societies and consequently a wide and quick circulation among the scientific community, ensuring thoroughness by a peer review process.

Frontière·s is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal: the identities of both reviewers and authors are concealed throughout the review process.

The journal publishes a main issue in the autumn and a supplement in the first half of each year. The supplements usually contain proceedings of symposia or seminars: as this particular format does not guarantee the anonymity of the authors, who have mostly given a public presentation, the review is carried out on a blind basis: only the reviewer is anonymous.


In the case of a current issue, a call for papers for a thematic dossier is published in the first half of each year. The deadline for submissions is the end of May of the following year.

Authors may also submit articles outside the calls according to the permanent call. Articles submitted under this procedure will be treated in the same way as those submitted for the thematic dossiers. To be published in that year's issue, they must be submitted by 31 May.

In the case of a supplement, the scientific directors set the deadline for submission of articles, but always at least seven months before the planned publication date. The Scientific Directors of a supplement may also choose to enrich the issue by issuing a call for papers at least one year before the deadline for submitting full papers.

Contributors must state their status and their organisation. Articles should not exceed 25,000 characters (excluding spaces). They should be written in French or English and follow the submission guidelines of Frontière·s.

Reviewing process

For current issues, the Scientific Directors of the issue and the Editorial Board evaluate and select articles on the basis of compliance with the submission instructions, editorial and bibliographical standards, and the scientific rigour expected. They decide whether or not to forward articles to reviewers according to the principle of double-blind peer review: this means that reviewers are not informed of the identity of the author and vice versa. The reviewers are selected as a matter of priority from the Reading Committee, based on their area of expertise and as close as possible to the topics addressed in the paper. The scientific directors also reserve the possibility, depending on the specific nature of a paper, of selecting experts from outside the Reading Committee, but always in agreement with the Editorial Board. Similarly, a reviewer who declines to review a paper (for ethical reasons, because his or her field of expertise is too far removed from the subject matter, because he or she is temporarily unavailable, etc.) may propose another expert who is in a better position to evaluate the paper. Any person outside the reading committee who is consulted to provide expertise will receive an invitation to join the committee on a permanent basis.

For supplement issues, the scientific directors of the issue evaluate and select the articles on the basis of compliance with the submission guidelines, editorial and bibliographical standards, and the expected scientific rigour. They decide whether or not to forward the articles to reviewers, following the principle of single-blind peer review: only the reviewers are anonymous. The reviewers are selected by the scientific directors of the issue on the basis of their area of expertise and as close as possible to the topics addressed in the paper.

The procedure for evaluating a submission, whether for a current issue (thematic dossier and varia) or a supplement (proceedings), is as follows:

  1. The scientific directors send the article to two reviewers. The reviewers have eight days to accept or reject the review and inform the Scientific Directors. If no response is received within this period, or if the reviewer declines, the article will be sent to other reviewers, who will also have eight days to accept or decline the review.

  2. Once a reviewer has agreed to review an article, they have two months to submit their review to the scientific directors (see the attached review form).

  3. The expertise of the reviewers can lead to four outcomes:

    • Accepted without reservation: the article can be published as it is in the journal Frontière·s.

    • Acceptance with revisions: the article can be published on condition that the revisions are in line with the reviewer's request. o Rejection as is: the article can be published on condition that the revisions are in line with the reviewer's request.

    • Rejection as it stands: the article can be published on the condition that substantial changes are made and that the reviewer re-evaluates it.

    • Rejection.

  1. If the two reviews are in agreement, and only in the first case, the author will be informed immediately that his/her article has been accepted. If the two reviews differ drastically, the issue editors, in agreement with the journal's editorial board, may consult a third reviewer or decide to accept or reject the article based on only one of the two reviews.

  2. If changes are requested, the author will receive a summary of the two reviews. The author will then have one month to submit a new version. For major changes, the Editorial Board will ask the reviewers to re-evaluate. Note: In the third case, if the requested corrections require too much time, the Editorial Board may suggest that the author publish the article in the next issue.

  3. Once the final versions have been submitted by the author, the managinf editor will make the necessary spelling, editorial and bibliographical corrections. He or she will then send the first proofs of their articles to the authors, who will be able to suggest editorial corrections.

  4. Once the managing editor has approved the corrections, he or she will send the authors their second proofs in PDF format. At this stage, authors can only make minor corrections.


When the final versions are submitted, all the contributions will be checked with the anti-plagiarism software ‘Compilatio’.


At the time of submission of the final version, Frontière·s will send the author an agreement (see model agreement attached) granting the journal the non-exclusive right to distribute the article under a Creative Commons : Attribution – Non-Commercial – Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

This non-exclusive licence means that authors retain full copyright to their article and can re-publish it, provided they acknowledge Frontière·s.

However, the edited version (PDF editor) remains the property of the journal Frontière·s. The author may distribute it in any institutional open archive (e.g. HAL), but under no circumstances on commercial sites or academic social networks, in accordance with the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence.

Distribution and archiving

Creative Commons License

All content in the journal is licensed under the Creative Commons: Attribution – Non-Commercial – ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

The user is free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

Under the following terms :

  • Attribution — The user must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. The user may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses them or their use.

  • NonCommercial — The user may not use the material for commercial purposes.

  • ShareAlike — If the user remix, transforms, or build upon the material, they must distribute their contributions under the same license as the original.

The journal cannot revoke these freedoms as long as the user follows the license terms.

Images or other third-party material appearing in the journal are subject to the same Creative Commons licence unless explicitly stated otherwise in the caption of the material in question. If the material is not included in the Creative Commons licence of the article and the use you wish to make of it is not permitted by the rules or exceeds the permitted use, you must obtain permission directly from the copyright holder.

Open repository policy

Once the proofs have been approved and the agreements signed, the articles are ready for publication. Each author will receive their article in PDF format (published version). The latter may not be published on commercial academic networking platforms such as or On the other hand, authors are encouraged to deposit the published version of their article on the HAL platform or any other institutional platform for scientific archiving in Open Access.

If they wish, they can also deposit both the submitted version (preprint) and the accepted version (postprint), on the condition that they explicitly state that the deposited version is not the version approved by Frontière·s.

Archiving policy

Six months after the publication of the issue, all articles will be uploaded by the journal to the HAL open archive in their edited version, if they have not already been uploaded by the author.

All issues are uploaded to the Internet Archive platform in the weeks following publication.

Documents annexes

  • Contract specimen (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document – 74k)
  • Evaluation form (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document – 94k)
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