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Instructions for authors

Submission guidelines

Instructions for submitting an article

One or two calls for papers are published each year. Each call is open for at least 6 months. The conditions of participation and the publication schedule are specified in each call. Open and closed calls can be consulted under ‘Calls’.

The journal also allows authors to submit unrestricted papers dealing with borders, boundaries, limits or separations (see Permanent CFP). These papers will be published in the Varia section of each issue within 6 to 12 months, according to the editorial calendar.

In both case, each submission should be sent to and will include the following files and comply with the journal’s editorial standard:

  • the contribution, consisting in a single text file (.odt or .docx format) containing the following elements:

    • the article’s title;

    • the full name of the author(s);

    • the status and the organisation(s) to which the author(s) belong;

    • the abstract in the language of the article, between 800 and 1,200 characters, excluding spaces;

    • a list of keywords in the language of the article, between 5 and 10 words, separated by commas: the keywords will be selected as a priority from the Pactols thesaurus;

    • the manuscript: manuscripts are limited to 35,000 characters, excluding spaces. Do not use any style sheets. Titles should be ranked according to a tree system (and not on style sheets): 1., 1.1., 1.2., 1.2.1., 1.2.2., etc. Do not exceed three levels (example of maximum level: 1.3.2). Do not place a dot at the end of a title;

    • the bibliography: for bibliography formatting, see the section on bibliographic standards below;

    • figure and table legends (if applicable);

  • the figures, gathered in a separate folder and not inserted in the body of the text (see below: Instructions for the illustrations).

Proposals that do not meet these guidelines and the journal's editorial and bibliographic standards will be rejected.

Instructions for submitting a book review

Reviews of books dealing with borders, boundaries, separation, etc. can be submitted for publication. These will be published in the reviews section of the next issue. A list of books available for review is published twice a year in our newsletter and on the page Books available for review.

Your review, between 4,000 and 10,000 characters, should be received within six months of receiving the book. It should be formatted according to the journal’s editorial standards (see below) and sent to

Book reviews that do not meet these guidelines and the journal's editorial and bibliographic standards will be rejected.

To publishers and authors: if you would like to include a book in our list, please contact us at the same address. Please do not send books directly to us, but send them to the address of the person who will be responsible for the review.

How to propose a thematic issue or a CFP ?

Proposals for thematic issues and calls for papers should be sent in the form of a 4,000-6,000 characters argument, with or without a table of contents, to They will be evaluated by the editorial board of the journal. The authors of the proposal are responsible for writing and translating the call for papers into English, as well as for the evaluation and standardisation of the articles in the volume. They will also ensure that the journal’s publication policy is adhered to.

Editorial standards

Internal and external references

Bibliographic references

Bibliographic references are placed in footnotes according to the so-called Harvard system (see Bibliographic Standards below).

Footnotes should be added automatically using the ‘Insert footnote’ function in a word-processing software, in the format 1, 2, 3 etc.

Figures and tables

All figures or tables are referenced in the text in sequence. They are numbered in Arabic numerals: (fig. 1), (figs. 2 and 5), (figs. 4 to 10); (tabl. 1), (tabl. 2 and 11), (tabl. 4 to 10). In case of a numbering within a figure, the following standard should be adopted: ‘the Bibracte site (fig. 12, no. 3)’ or ‘the Bibracte and Alesia sites (fig. 12, nos. 3 and 4)’.


Punctuation marks

No space before the punctuation marks : ; ! ? nor %

References to footnotes are placed after the final punctuation:

The question of the genre may also be introduced here,8


Use italic for:

  • foreign words or citations, without quotation marks (ancient or modern language) by using the plural of the language: villa/villae, oppidum/oppida.

  • Latin locutions: e.g. ad hoc, ad libitum, a fortiori, a posteriori.

Use single quotation marks for direct speech or a quote, and double quotation marks for direct speech or a quote within:

‘I have never been to Norway,’ he said, ‘but I have heard it described as “the Wales of the North”.’

Long quotations (more than three lines) should be in a smaller font size and the paragraph should be indented, so that any quotation marks disappear. The omission of a part of the quoted text is marked by square brackets […]. References to quotations should be given in footnotes.

For epigraphic quotation

  • use the character | for line breaks (not /):

    • with a space on either side, if the line break occurs between two words

    • without space, if the line break occurs in a middle of a word.

  • field breaks are materialized by || (same rule as for spaces).

Capitalisation and Typography of Proper Nouns

Cardinal points: when it comes to a direction, an exposure, a situation, an orientation or an adjective setting, one should write ‘north’, ‘south’, ‘east’, ‘west’ and derived adjectives in lower case. When it is a geographical area:

  • a capital when the orientation is in addition to the name or the name itself: Northern Italy, in the South (region)

  • a lower-case letter when the orientation is followed by a complement to the name: the south of Egypt.

Common abbreviations

Use abbreviations ‘st’, ‘nd’, ‘rd’, ‘th’ for ordinal numbers:

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 17th etc.

Page = p., pages = pp., chapter = chap. (not ch.), volume = vol., editor = ed., editors = eds), et cetera = etc. (not etc…).

Units of measurement: metre = m; centimetre = cm; square metre = m²; kilometre = km; hectare = ha.

Titles: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, Pr

Other abbreviations: circa = c., exempli gratia = e.g., id est = i.e., including = incl., miscellaneous = misc., number = no (pl. nos), translation = transl.


Years and centuries:

100 BCE; 100 CE; 4th century BCE


3rd millennium BCE

Radiocarbon dating: ‘2680 ± 40 BP (95% probability)’, cal. BCE, cal. BP, cal. CE

Dates are not abbreviated: 1914-1918 (not 1914-18).


Use commas to punctuate large numbers:

The population of New York City is estimated to be 8,008,278.

Always use figures and symbols for percentages, measurements and currency.

Units of measure

Units of measure and other counts are written in figures. The metre is the basic unit, except for measures under 0.20 m, in which case use cm or mm.

Spell out whole-number words for measures up to ten when measures are isolated, for a count or a listing.


Acronyms (CIL, LIMC ou NMI) can be used if they are made explicit at the first occurrence.


Greek terms should be entered in Unicode. The following convention of transliteration shall be adopted: ω=ô; ο=o; η=è; ε=e; ʋ=u; χ=ch; θ= th; κ=k. The subscripted iota should be ascribed: τῷ = tôi. L’esprit rude en initiale est signifié par la lettre h : ἡ = hè.

Generally speaking, always use an Unicode font (e.g. Greek extended Palatino type or the IFAO Unicode keyboards available on IFAO’s website).

Instructions for the illustrations

Each illustration, picture and graphic cited in the manuscript should be supplied in a separate folder. Contributors will make sure that provided illustrations are in the highest quality: preferably vector format or raster format over 300 dpi.


For illustration in raster format, supply .jpg, .tiff or .png.

For illustrations in vector format (Illustrator, Inskape…), provide files in the following formats: .ai, .eps or .dwg.

Maps, plans and sections should necessarily include a graphic scale. Numeric scales (1:20, 1:100, 1:1000, etc.) are prohibited.

Tables should be produced with Word or OpenOffice.

Filename should respect the following format: Authors’ name + figure:

Name-fig1.jpg,, etc., Name-tab1.xslx


Captions of illustrations should be supplied at the end of the manuscript file.

For each artwork, contributors should ensure that each caption contains the mention to the right owner e.g. author’s name (photographers, CAD’s author, etc.) and/or organization.

Use the following terms:

  • ‘CAD’ for Computer-assisted drawing (relating to maps, plans, sections, plates, etc. created with image processing software)

  • ‘picture’ for photographs shot during an excavation, a study, etc.

  • ‘after’ followed by a bibliographical reference specifying the original number and pagination of the figure.

Make explicit abbreviated terms in legends e.g.:

frequency seriation (FS), minimum number of individuals (MNI), etc.

Legal Notices

Contributors have to:

  • be the right holders of the images they submit


  • provide written authorization from the rights holders of the images authorizing them to publish them as part of their contribution to Frontière-s magazine. The licence under which the image is published is at the discretion of the rights holder, who must, where appropriate, indicate the licence under which he or she wishes to publish the image: CC licence of his or her choice, ‘all rights reserved’, etc.


  • have to ensure that images are in the public domain or under a licence that allows their sharing (ideally Creative Commons Licences CC0, CC BY, CC BY-SA, CC BY-NC-SA). Whatever the licence, it is necessary to specify it in the caption and to quote the source.

The editors reserve the right not to accept illustrations that may give rise to contention.

Please note the following:

  • scans from paper publications are not authorized;

  • images downloaded from the web are not free of rights: authors of articles must ensure that the rightful owners of the image authorize its distribution, and if so, under what conditions. If no authorization information is explicitly mentioned for an image, the most restrictive right applies, i.e. the image is all rights reserved: in this case, the author of the article must obtain authorization to distribute from the rightful owner;

  • in the case of images published in a printed or digital work, the images are most often the property of the publishers; in this case, the publisher must be approached to obtain permission to distribute the image.

Bibliographic standards

References are abbreviated in footnotes and expanded at the end of the article (so-called Harvard system).


  • The author's name, written in lower case, is followed by the year and the relevant pages:

Durand 1980, pp. 181-188 (and not 181-8 ou 181-88).

  • References by the same author published in the same year are distinguished by the use of lower-case letters a, b, etc. after the year, without spaces:

Martin 1974a, pp. 1-12.

  • In the case of two authors, the second is indicated by ‘and’:

Smith and Stevens 1996.

  • For three or more authors, use ‘et al.’:

James et al. 2012.

  • In the final bibliography, author names are expanded.

  • Semicolons are used to separate multiple references:

Hodder 1980, p. 26; Winkler 2009, p. 11.

Ancient authors

The name of the author is separated by a comma from the title of the work or the number of the chapter and/or passage quoted. If the passage quoted is a translation, it should be stated whether the translation is that of the author of the article. Only if the translation is from a reference edition, it should be cited in a section entitled ‘Ancient Sources in the final bibliography (see below). Do not abbreviate the title of the cited work:

Sophocles, Electra, 4-6.

Pausanias, Description of Greece, II, 20, 3-5.

Isodorus Hispalensis, Etymologiae, XIV, 6, 12.


  • The final bibliography is arranged in the following order:

  1. List of abbreviations in alphabetical order.

  2. Ancient sources.

  3. Epigraphic sources.

  4. Works.

  • For bibliographical references in a foreign language, English punctuation should be used.

  • The surname, followed by the initial(s) of the first name(s), should be written in small capitals, with initials in capital:

Hodder I.

  • Only the first letter is needed to abbreviate first names:

Christophe Thiers = Thiers C.

  • The initials of French compound forenames are separated by a hyphen:

Jean-Philippe Lauer = Lauer J.-P.

  • Initials of Anglo-Saxon compound forenames are separated by a full stop, without a space:

Cecil Mallaby Firth = Firth C.M.

  • In the case of several authors or publishers, the last one is preceded by ‘and’:

Miller J.F. and Newlands C.E. 2014, A Handbook to the Reception of Ovid, Malden-Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell.

Morel J.-P. 1983, ‘La céramique comme indice du commerce antique (réalités et interprétations)’, in P. Garnsey and C.R. Whittaker (eds), Trade and Famine in Classical Antiquity, Cambridge, Cambridge Philological Society, Proceedings of the Cambridge philological society. Supplementary Volumes 8, pp. 66-74.

  • No comma is required between the author’s name and the year:

Dupond J. 1992.

  • ‘(ed.)’ are placed before the year of publication:

Laubenheimer F. (ed.) 2001.

  • Reprints: use the terms 2nd, 3rd ed., etc. (instead of ‘1980²’ or ‘[1972] 1980’):

Will É. 1980, Le monde grec et l’Orient. Tome I. Le ve siècle : 510-403 (2nd ed.), Paris, Presses universitaires de France, Peuples et civilisations 2.

  • If no date is given (n.d.), (in press) or (forthcoming) are used.

  • Volume numbers of journals are given in Arabic numerals. The name of the periodical and its number are not separated by a comma:

Syria 42.

  • Place of publication:

    • must be given systematically in English: ‘London’ and not ‘Londres’, ‘Padua’ and not ‘Padova’, etc.

    • if there are several places of publication, they should be separated by a hyphen:

Redman C. (ed.)1978, Social Archaeology. Beyond subsistence and dating, New York-San Francisco-London, Academic Press, Studies in Archaeology.

  • The publisher must always be indicated.

  • If the work is part of a collection, it must be mentioned, together with its number in Arabic numerals.

Volume authored

Morris I. 1992, Death-Ritual and Social Structure in Classical Antiquity, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Paranavitana S. 1970, Inscriptions of Ceylon. Vol. I. Containing cave inscriptions from 3rd century B.C. to 1st century A.C. and other inscriptions in the early brāhmī script, Colombo, The Department of Archaeology Ceylon, Archaeological survey of Ceylon.

Trendall A.D. and Cambitoglou A. 1982, The Red-Figured Vases of Apulia. Volume II Late Apulian, Oxford, Clarendon Press, Oxford monographs on classical archaeology.

Editions and translations

Bachelard G. 1956, L’eau et les rêves. Essai sur l’imagination de la matière (2nd ed.), Paris, Éditions Corti.

Tschipke T. 2003, L’humanité du Christ comme instrument de salut de la divinité (transl. P. Secrétan), Fribourg, Academic Press, Studia Friburgensia 94.


Check whether the mention of the proceedings is part of the title or whether it is the subtitle (i.e. it appears on the title page inside the book). If not, it should not be indicated.

  • ‘Proceedings... is part of the title

Barthèlemy D. and Lamoine F. 2000, ‘La céramique pré-augustéenne et augustéenne de Mâcon : essai de synthèse’, in L. Rivet (ed.), Actes du congrès de Libourne, 1er-4 juin 2000, Marseille, SFECAG, pp. 197-210.

  • ‘Proceedings…’ is the subtitle

Caire E. 2012, ‘Le bruit des assemblées: Athens, Sparta, Taranto’, in M.T. Schettino and S. Pittia (eds), Les sons du pouvoir dans les mondes anciens. Actes du colloque international de l’université de La Rochelle, 25-27 novembre 2010, Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, Institut des sciences et techniques de l’Antiquité, pp. 71-95.


Extended serie’s name is written in Roman:

Pouderon B. (ed.) 2005, Lieux, décors et paysages de l’ancien roman des origines à Byzance. Actes du 2e colloque de Tours, 24‐26 octobre 2002, Lyon, Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, Collection de la Maison de l’Orient méditerranéen ancien 34. Série littéraire et philosophique 8.

Exhibition catalogues

Information about the exhibition itself can be specified (optional); it is then placed in brackets.

Vivier M.-F. (ed.) 2007, Ideqqi. Art de femmes berbères, exh. cat. (Paris, Musée du Quai Branly, 19 June – 16 September 2007), Milan-Paris, 5 Continents, Musée du quai Branly.

If it is not possible to quote the authors:

Collective 2000, D’après l’antique, exh. cat., Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux.

Authored article in journal

Extended journal title is written in italics:

Dickie M.W. 1991, ‘Heliodorus and Plutarch on the Evil Eye’, Classical Philology 86, pp. 17-29.

Pollini A. 2012, ‘Limites et occupation de l’espace dans les colonies grecques du sud de l’Italie’, Pallas 89, pp. 123-142.

Authored article in journal with thematic dossier

Lavaud S. 2018, La fabrique historiographique et mythographique de la croisade albigeoise (xixe-début xxe siècle), Médiévales 74. Chanter la Croisade Albigeoise, ed. K. Bernard, pp. 9-26, DOI :

Dictionary or encyclopaedia items

Balty J.-C. 1981, ‘Antiocheia’, Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae I, Zurich, Artemis, pp. 840-851.

Authored paper in edited volume

The title of the collective work is introduced by ‘in’. The names of the scientific editors are in lower case.

Dussart O. 2000, ‘Quelques indices d’ateliers de verriers en Jordanie et en Syrie du Sud de la fin de l’époque hellénistique à l’époque islamique’, in M.‑D. Nenna (ed.), La route du verre. Ateliers primaires et secondaires du second millénaire av. J.-C. au Moyen Âge, Lyon, Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient méditerranéen 33, pp. 91-96.

Unpublished dissertations and thesis

Castel G. 1979, Matériaux pour servir à une étude de l’habitat rural et bédouin en Égypte, PhD thesis, Université Lumière Lyon 2 (unpublished).

Moorti U.S. 1985, Megalithic Culture of South India, PhD thesis, University of Poona (unpublished).

Note: theses published should not be distinguished from monographs.

Ancient Sources

Only the reference editions used for the translations cited in the text should be listed in a ‘ancient sources’ section. They will be indicated in the form Author, Title of the published work, publisher and translator, city of publication, publishing house, date of the first edition:

Sophocle, Tragédies. Tome II : Ajax – Œdipe Roi – Électre, ed. A. Dain and J. Irigoin, transl. P. Mazon, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1958.

Platon, Œuvres complètes. Tome IV, 2e partie : Le Banquet, ed. and transl. P. Vicaire, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1989.

Plutarque, Œuvres morales. Tome IX, 3e partie : Traité 46. Propos de Table (Livres VII-IX), ed. and transl. F. Frazier et J. Sirinelli, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1996.

Epigraphic Collections and Corpora

Corpora are indicated in italics. The volume is cited in Roman numerals separated by a non-breaking space from the referring document in Arabic numerals.


ILS II 5318

P. Lond. V 1657

Electronic References

Leprince C. 2019, Le “Ahou” des gilets jaunes : petite histoire d’un cri de Sparte à Robespierre en passant par l’OL, France culture, 8 February, available on : [accessed in octobre 2024].

If the reference has a DOI, always use the DOI instead of the URL address. There is no need to include the date of consultation, as DOIs are permanent:

Katsaros T., Liritzis I. and Laskaris N. 2010, Identification of Theophrastus’ Pigments egyptios yanos and psimythion from Archaeological Excavations, ArcheoSciences 34, DOI:

Stevens B.E. 2020, “Not the Lover’s Choice, but the Poet’s”: Classical Receptions in Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Frontière·s 2, DOI:

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