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Corpus Eve : Emergence of the vernacular in Europe is an electronic journal of the University of Savoie (Chambéry – France), created in the LLS Research Center (Languages, Literature, Society).
Babel Eve Research Project is directed by the GADGES Research Team of the CEDFL Research Center, University Jean Moulin – Lyon 3.
Publishing Director
Denis Varaschin, President of University of Savoie (Chambéry – France).
Sabine Lardon, University Jean Moulin – Lyon 3. Member of the GADGES Research Team of the CEDFL Research Center, University Jean Moulin – Lyon 3, affiliated to the LLS Research Center (University of Savoie).
Editorial board
Anne Cayuela (Université de Grenoble III, Stendhal).
Paola Cifarelli (Università degli Studi di Torino).
Silvia D’Amico (Université de Savoie).
Sabine Lardon (Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3).
Corpus Eve’s editorial board has overall responsibilty for the Revue :
Language Consultants
English: Ardis Butterfield (Yale University).
German: Delphine Pasques (Université de Paris-IV Sorbonne), Thérèse Robin (ESPE-UPEC : Université de Paris-Est-Créteil).
French: Sabine Lardon (Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3).
Spanish: Anne Cayuela (Université Grenoble-III, Stendhal).
Italian: Silvia D’Amico (Université de Savoie).
International Advisory Commitee
Monica Barsi (Università degli Studi di Milano).
Bruno Berthier (Université de Savoie).
Olivier Bertrand (Université de Cergy-Pontoise).
Ardis Butterfield (Yale University).
Anne Cayuela (Université de Grenoble-3 Stendhal).
Dario Cecchetti (Università degli Studi di Torino).
Jean Céard (Université de Paris-10, Nanterre).
Paola Cifarelli (Università degli Studi di Torino).
Silvia D’Amico (Université de Savoie).
Véronique Duché (The University of Melbourne).
Anne-Madeleine Goulet (CNRS).
Mireille Huchon (Université de Paris-4 Sorbonne).
Sabine Lardon (Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3).
Dominique Lagorgette (Université de Savoie).
Serge Lusignan (Université de Montréal).
Michele Mastroianni (Università del Piemonte Orientale).
Silvia Morgana (Università degli Studi di Milano, Accademia della Crusca).
Delphine Pasques (Université de Paris-4 Sorbonne).
Thérèse Robin (ESPE-UPEC : Université de Paris-Est-Créteil).
Pedro Ruiz Pérez (Universidad de Córdoba).
The International Advisory Committee is responsible for the scientific quality of the articles and projects. Articles, proceedings and research projects are submitted to the publishing director or to the language consultants who submit them for review to a member of the International Advisory Commitee based on his or her field of expertise. Because the review is multidisciplinary and multilingual, the International Advisory Committee reserves the right to submit the article for review to an external expert who is a renowned specialist in his or her field.