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A European rurality in the New World

Spanish farmers and wheat cultivation in a conquest society: colonial Mexico in the sixteenth century
Une ruralité européenne dans le Nouveau monde. Agriculteurs espagnols et culture du blé dans une société de conquête : le Mexique colonial au xvie siècle
Jerónimo Bermúdez et Antoine Duranton
p. 24-50


The Spanish colonisation of American territories had an important environmental dimension since the colonists sought to replicate the Iberian countryside across the Atlantic. The acclimatisation and the cultivation of European cereals in colonial Mexico (New Spain) were carried out by a category of Spanish peasants referred to as labradores in the documentation. Little is known about this group of rural immigrants despite their participation in the adaptation of wheat to the Americas and the consequence of their presence on the constitution of colonial society.

La colonisation espagnole de l’Amérique comporte une importante dimension environnementale puisque les colons espagnols cherchèrent à répliquer les campagnes ibériques de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique. L’acclimatation et la culture de céréales européennes au Mexique colonial (Nouvelle-Espagne) ont été menées par un groupe de paysans espagnols, décrits sous le nom de labradores dans les sources. Bien que peu de choses soient connues sur ces immigrants d’origine rurale, leur participation à l’adaptation du blé en Amérique et à la constitution de la société coloniale eut des conséquences majeures.

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A countryside of wheat and paper
Notarial contracts
A new Old World rurality in an old New World rurality
New resources for an old country
Producing wheat: European practices and tools
Seasons of wheat, seasons of maize
Labradores: a social group or a historical conjuncture?
Working Spaniards

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In March 1531, the royal tribunal of New Spain complained to Charles V that the conquistadores “do not dedicate themselves to any kind of work because they believe they deserve better”. At the same time, they added, Spaniards who were not conquistadores but owned “oxen to plough” could not find any land to work. This letter provides an interesting insight into the debates on the society that the Spaniards were building. After the fall of Tenochtitlán, the Spanish conquistadores took control of densely populated territories, notably the valleys of Mexico, Toluca and Tlaxcala. Although they had replaced the previous lords through conquest, they refused to work.

The seigneurial pretensions of the conquistadores worried the Catholic Monarchy, which tried to limit them by denying noble titles and granting titles of encomienda instead, the right to perceive the tribute due to the Crown, including direct labour [Zavala 1935, 1984]. The Crown also supported projects of colonisation centred o...

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Référence papier

Jerónimo Bermúdez et Antoine Duranton, « A European rurality in the New World »Études rurales, 213 | 2024, 24-50.

Référence électronique

Jerónimo Bermúdez et Antoine Duranton, « A European rurality in the New World »Études rurales [En ligne], 213 | 2024, mis en ligne le 02 janvier 2027, consulté le 13 janvier 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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Jerónimo Bermúdez

historian, doctoral student, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Centre de recherches historiques (UMR 8558), Paris

Antoine Duranton

historian, doctoral student, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Centre de recherches historiques (UMR 8558), Paris

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