Bylaws (January 11, 2002)
Amended (Art. 5) October 7, 2005.
Amended (Art. 5) June 15, 2012.
Amended (Art. 8) October 6, 2012.
Art 1. Études irlandaises is dedicated to publishing high-caliber original texts, interviews, articles, and reviews of books and theses about the literature, arts, history and politics and the languages of Ireland, and generally to supporting various publishing projects provided they are, directly or indirectly in accordance with its purposes, and its related activities.
Art 2. At all stages of the conception, elaboration, marketing and distribution of issues, Études irlandaises is the main publishing outlet of the Irish Studies research groups accredited by the French Department of Research and/or by the CNRS, or by a university, and of all individuals and institutions, in France and abroad, with an interest in Irish Studies.
Art 3. The founding academic centres – (Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, Rennes 2-UEB and Caen-Lower Normandy) – agree, by convention, to contribute financially in a significant and equable way to the elaboration and the distribution of Journal issues. Other accredited academic centres will be allowed to join the first three if the Journal Board is satisfied with their research record in Irish Studies, and if a convention has been signed between the Journal and the academic centres. Should the case arise, bylaws will be amended to include the new research centre.
Art 4. Each participating centre appoints a representative to the Executive Committee for a renewable three-year term. The Executive Committee will also include an external member and a Treasurer who will belong to the university in charge of the Journal. The President of the Société française d’études irlandaises or SOFEIR is an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee. If s/he is already designated as a representative of a research centre, s/he will hold those two functions concurrently. The Executive Committee meets at least once a year and warrants the good progress and sound financial health of the Journal.
Art 5. The Journal Board is the decision-making body. Using the majority list poll without vote-splitting, and after posting a call for applications, it elects an Editorial Board for a renewable three-year term which will seek to reflect the balance between literature and history and politics. In the case of a by-election, a call for individual applications will be posted which will also take into account, as much as possible, the research area of the person to be replaced. The election then takes place during the next meeting of the Journal Board. The Editorial Board includes but is not limited to a member responsible for promoting the Journal, one for book reviews as well as reviews of journals, theses, conferences and more generally of research activities, one for the on-line development of the Journal, one for literature, one for history and politics, and one for art and image studies. The Editorial Board meets at least twice a year. It warrants the scientific level of the Journal and oversees its publication. It chooses the contents of each issue. The Editorial Board will associate a network of French and international experts to its work.
Art 6. The Editorial Board includes : – the Executive Committee ; – The Editorial Board – four members designated by each research centre accredited by the Department of Research and/or the CNRS ; – a member of a research group accredited by a university ; – six members designated by the SOFEIR in the discipline or in other disciplines or international members.
Art 7. Journal Board members serve for a duration of three years. The Journal Board meets at least once a year. The decisions concerning the Journal are taken by Journal Board in plenary session by simple majority of those present or represented by proxy. The contents of those meetings shall be recorded into minutes.
Art 8. The Journal is domiciled at the headquarters of its publisher : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Campus de la Harpe, 2 rue du Doyen Denis-Leroy, 35044 RENNES Cedex, France.
Art 9. Notifications of plenary meetings of the Journal Board shall be sent in turn by one of the three universities. After consulting other members, this university decides on the date of the meeting, on its location – preferably Paris – and sets the agenda. It sends notifications at least four weeks in advance.
Art 10. These bylaws can be amended by the Journal Board meeting in plenary session by simple majority of those present or represented by proxy.