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About the journal

Études irlandaises is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal publishing articles in English, Irish and French which explore all aspects of Irish literature, history, culture and arts from ancient times to the present. Études irlandaises publishes articles on a wide range of subjects including: poetry, fiction, drama, film, music, politics, economy, social studies, archeology, architecture, etc. Inter/transdisciplinary approaches are also encouraged.

Études irlandaises is aimed at scholars, postgraduate students, institutions specialising in Irish studies as well as people who have an informed interest in the subject.

There are two issues per year.

The Autumn/Winter issue is a general one or Varia, which publishes individual articles that may be submitted at any time during the year. For publication in the Autumn/Winter issue of the same year, authors must submit their article by 1st March of that year.

The Spring/Summer issue revolves around a particular theme chosen by guest editors, which should generally lend itself to treatment in different fields, from literature and art to history and society — although there may be more specialised exceptions.

Prospective guest editors may submit proposals to the editorial team.

Each issue also includes book reviews, which may be submitted for publication at any time.

The journal is published by the Presses universitaires de Caen from issue 44-1.

In the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) since 2011.

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