Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- Abbey
- Abbey Theatre
- abject femininity
- abortion
- abstraction
- abuse of power
- acoustic noise
- Act of Union
- activism
- Adam (Colonel Frederick)
- Aeneid
- affect theory
- agriculture
- Ahmed (Sara)
- Algeria
- alter egos
- ambivalence
- analogy
- Anglo-Irish relations
- Anglo-Irish War
- Anne Enright's The Gathering
- Anthropocene
- anthropocene poetics
- anti-capitalism
- Anti-Irish racism
- antisemitism
- anxiety
- Aosdána
- apophasis
- Aran Islands
- arboreal
- archive
- archives
- Aristotle
- armed violence
- art
- art practice
- artist
- arts pratice
- asylum seekers
- audience ratings
- austerity policies
- Austria
- author
- autobiography
- Banville (John)
- barriers
- Barry (Sebastian)
- battle of the Somme (1916)
- beach
- Bealtaine
- Beckett (Samuel)
- Belfast
- Benjamin (Walter)
- Berkeley (George)
- Berry (Ciaran)
- Bible
- biblical hermeneutics
- Big House
- bildungsroman
- Black (Benjamin)
- Black List Section H
- blockade
- bodies
- body
- bog
- bog bodies
- Boland (Frederick)
- Bolger (Dermot)
- border
- border (the)
- borderland
- Bowen (Elizabeth)
- Boylan (Clare)
- Boyle (Robert)
- Brehon law
- Brexit
- Britain
- British army - Irish soldiers
- British Empire
- British media
- Brooklyn
- Bunraku
- Burns (Robert)
- Burren
- business and labour
- Caldwell (Lucy)
- Canada
- canonicity
- capitalism
- Carr (Marina)
- Carson (Ciaran)
- Castro (Fidel)
- Catholicism
- celtic festivals
- Celtic languages
- Celtic Tiger
- Century
- charity
- chick lit
- child abuse in literature
- childhood
- children - protection
- children’s literature
- Christianity
- Cinderella
- cinema
- citizenship
- Citizens’ Assembly
- class communication
- class struggle
- climate change
- climate emergency
- closure
- Coady (Michael)
- code of conduct
- Cold War
- collaborative art
- collective identity
- Collins (Ciarán)
- Collins (Michael)
- colonisation
- commemoration
- commitment
- Commonwealth
- communal polarisation
- communicating difference
- community
- community arts
- community making
- comparative literature
- comparison
- conflict
- conflict and neutrality in Ireland
- conflict dynamics
- conflict-transformation
- conservatism
- consociation
- constitution
- contemporary art
- contemporary Irish literature
- contemporary literature
- continental philosophy
- convergence
- conversion
- Cooke (Barrie)
- corporal punishment
- costume
- COVID-19
- creative process
- Cremin (Con)
- Cremin (Cornelius)
- crime fiction
- critical reception
- cross-curating
- crossings
- Cuba
- Cuban five
- cultural conflict
- cultural heritage
- cultural identity
- cultural memory
- cultural nationalism
- cultural propaganda
- Cultural Relations Committee
- cultural resistance
- cultural theory
- Cummins (Pauline)
- currency
- Cyclades
- dance
- Dante Alighieri
- dark laughter
- dark tourism
- De Gaulle (Charles)
- De Valera (Eamon)
- debt
- deception
- deconstruction
- deforestation
- Deleuze (Gilles)
- deliberative democracy
- democracy
- Democratic Unionist Party
- demography
- dereliction
- Dermot Bolger's A Second Life
- Derrida (Jacques)
- deterritorialisation
- de Valera (Éamon)
- dialogue
- diaspora
- Didi-Huberman (Georges)
- digital archives
- digital studies
- diplomacy
- diplomacy - secret services
- dirt
- dirt and poetic method
- discourse
- disease
- divorce
- docupoetry
- dolnik
- domesticity
- Donkeyskin
- Donovan (Gerard)
- Doyle (Roddy)
- drama
- Drummond (William Henry)
- Dublin
- Dublin Metropolitan Police
- Dunne (Miriam)
- Dunne (Seán)
- dwelling
- Earth
- Easter Rising (1916)
- eco-elegy
- ecocriticism
- ecology
- ecopoetics
- ecopoetry
- Edgeworth (Maria)
- Edgeworth (Richard Lovell)
- editorial cartoons
- education
- education - industrial schools
- eighteenth Century
- ekphrasis
- Eliot (T. S.)
- emergency
- Emergency 1939-1946
- emigration
- enchantment
- Enright (Anne)
- environment
- environmental issues
- epistemology and self-reflection
- ethnic minorities
- ethnography
- Europe
- European Union / EEC
- exclusion
- exile
- exile-writing
- experience
- experimental poetry
- failure
- fairy-tale rewriting
- family history
- Famine
- Father Ted
- fauna
- female identity-quest
- feminism
- feminism and post-feminism
- feminist body politics
- femmage
- Fenianism
- fiction
- film
- finance fiction
- financial crisis
- Finland
- First World War
- Fitzpatrick Bernard (Kathleen)
- flâneur
- Fleischmann (Aloys)
- folklore
- food security
- food studies
- form
- Foucault (Michel)
- France
- Franco-Irish relations
- Free State/Eire
- Friel (Brian)
- Hamilton (Hugo)
- haptic and sense of touch
- haptics
- Hartlib (Samuel)
- Hartnett (Michael)
- haunting
- hauntings
- hauntology
- healing
- Heaney (Seamus)
- Henry (Françoise)
- heritage film
- Herzog (Isaac)
- Hewitt (John)
- Higgins (Michael D.)
- historical fiction
- historiography
- history
- history and fiction
- history and memory
- history of childhood
- history of representations
- Holland
- Home Rule
- homophobia
- homosexuality
- Hozier
- human rights
- humanitarian aid
- hybrid genres
- ideas
- identity
- immigration
- imperialism/colonialism
- impersonality
- improvement
- in-betweenness
- indigenous technical knowledge
- individual identity
- inexpressiveness
- influences/intertextuality
- innovative poetics
- institutional abuse
- institutional care
- institutional violence
- institutions
- insult
- intangible cultural heritage
- intellectuals
- intermediality
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
- interview
- interweaving
- invisibilisation
- Ireland
- Ireland - cross-border relations
- Ireland - international relations
- Ireland - socio-economic issues
- Ireland/Scotland relations
- Irish Catholic Church
- Irish Civil War (1922-1923)
- Irish College (Paris)
- Irish culture
- Irish diaspora
- Irish experimental poetry
- Irish feminist art
- Irish history
- Irish landscape
- Irish language
- Irish language revival
- Irish literature
- Irish migration
- Irish music
- Irish nationalism
- Irish neutrality
- Irish poetry
- Irish popular music
- Irish Red Cross Society (IRCS)
- Irish Republic
- Irish Republican Brotherhood
- Irish republicanism
- Irish rock
- Irish State (Free State)
- Irish State (Republic of Ireland)
- Irish studies
- Irish theatre
- Irish traditional music
- islands
- Israel/Palestine
- La Société des Saisons – Paris
- lakes
- land art
- land question
- landscape
- languages in Ireland - gaelic
- languages in Ireland - Goidelic
- languages in Ireland - language policy
- languages in Ireland - Ulster-Scots
- Lanigan (John)
- laughter
- law and order
- Le Brocquy (Louis)
- League of Nations
- Lemass (Seán)
- letters
- liminality
- Lindt (August)
- linguistic communities
- linguistics
- literary representations of the Great Famine
- literature
- literature - comedy
- literature - film noir
- literature - thriller
- literature and psychoanalysis
- literature – modernism
- literature – novels
- literature – realism
- literature – short stories
- Lithuania
- local
- locality and place
- London
- lozenge
- Lynch (Hannah)
- Lynch (Paul)
- Lyric Theatre
- lyricism
- MacBride (Seán)
- MacDonagh (Donagh)
- MacLaverty (Bernard)
- MacNeice (Louis)
- Magdalen Laundries
- magic
- Mahon (Derek)
- Mangan (James Clarence)
- manifestos
- manuscript illumination
- marginalisation and poetic resistance
- marriage
- masculinities
- mass reading events
- material culture
- materialism
- McCabe (Patrick)
- McCann (Colum)
- McCourt (Franck)
- McGahern (John)
- McGuckian (Medbh)
- McGuinness (Frank)
- McMonagle (Alan)
- McNamee (Eoin)
- medieval Irish society
- Meehan (Paula)
- memory
- mental illness
- Mickiewicz (Adam)
- Middle Ages
- migration
- military intelligence
- mirror
- mission
- modernity
- Mok (Judith)
- mono-zukushi
- Moore (George)
- Moore (Thomas)
- morality
- Morgan (Lady)
- Morrissey (Sinéad)
- mortality
- Mother and Baby Homes
- mountains
- mural paintings
- Murphy (Tom)
- music
- music press
- Myers (Kevin)
- mythologized manhood
- mythology
- names
- narrative time
- National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC)
- national history - teaching
- national identification
- national identity
- national reconciliation
- nationalism
- nationalist Spain
- nature
- Nazi Germany
- neutrality
- new materialism
- New Musical Express
- new science
- Ní Chuilleanáin (Eiléan)
- Ní Dhuibhne (Éilís)
- Ni Houlihan (Cathleen)
- Nicol (Erskine)
- Nietzsche (Friedrich)
- Ní Eadhra (Meadhbh)
- noir fiction
- non-expression
- non-human
- non-humanity
- Northern Ireland
- Northern Ireland - Bloody Sunday
- Northern Ireland - conflict
- Northern Ireland - economic and social issues
- Northern Ireland - hunger strikes (1981)
- Northern Ireland - loyalism
- Northern Ireland - paramilitaries
- Northern Ireland - peace process
- Northern Ireland - political parties
- Northern Ireland - post-conflict
- Northern Ireland - racism
- Northern Ireland - sectarianism
- Northern Ireland Assembly
- Northern Ireland – conflict
- Northern Irish Assembly elections 2003
- nostalgia
- nursing homes
- objects
- observation and feeling in the city
- Occupy Dame Street
- oil painting
- Okamura (Akihiko)
- opera
- orality
- orphan
- Other (the)
- otherness
- Owenson (Sydney)
- Ó Ríordáin (Seán)
- O’Brien (Conor Cruise)
- O’Brien (Edna)
- O’Brien (Kate)
- O’Casey (Sean)
- O’Connell (Daniel)
- O’Connor (Joseph)
- O’Donoghue (Hughie)
- O’Faolain (Sean)
- O’Flaherty (Liam)
- O’Kelly Joseph
- O’Loughlin (Michael)
- O’Neill (Terence)
- O’Toole (Fintan)
- paganism
- painting
- Panti
- Paris
- Parker (Stewart)
- participation
- partition
- pastel
- Patrick McCabe's The Butcher Boy
- Paulin (Tom)
- Pearse (Patrick)
- Peninsular war
- performance
- performance art
- peripatetic poem
- philosophy
- philosophy - jansenism
- philosophy - stoics
- photography
- photojournalism
- Playboy of the Western World
- playgrounds
- poem
- poetic sequence
- poetic thinking
- poetics
- poetry
- poetry - prosody
- poetry as witness
- police
- political discourse analysis
- political parties
- political reform
- politics
- popular culture
- popular music studies
- popular press
- portrait
- post-colonialism
- post-conflict
- Post-Internet
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- postcolonial
- postcolonial literature
- postcolonialism
- postmemory
- postnational
- posture
- potato
- Potter (AJ)
- precedent
- press
- prison
- prose poem
- prostitution
- protestantism
- Proust (Marcel)
- psychiatry
- public debate
- pulp literature
- punk
- race
- radio
- Reade (John)
- real and false self
- reconciliation
- recording industry
- recording technology
- refugee
- regional styles
- Reid (Christina)
- religion
- religion - artistic representations
- religion - Buddhism
- religion - Catholicism
- religion - New Age Movement
- religion - Protestantism
- religion - religious practice
- religious diversity
- religious life
- returning Irish emigrants
- revelation
- revolution
- revulsion
- Reynolds (Mary)
- rhizome
- Rhyming Weavers
- rights of the child
- Rimbaud (Arthur)
- Riordan (Maurice)
- rising
- rivers
- Rousseau (Jean-Jacques)
- ruin photography
- rurality
- Rynne (Michael)
- saints
- Sands (Bobby)
- Sara (Baume)
- Satori
- science
- Scottish
- Scully (Maurice)
- sea
- Sebastian Barry’s The Secret Scripture
- Second Spanish Republic
- Second Vatican Council
- Second World War
- secret
- Secret Fall of Constance Wilde (The)
- sectarianism
- secularization
- self-portrait
- self-portraiture
- sentence
- separation Church/State
- series
- sexuality
- sexuality - sexual identity
- Shakespeare (William)
- shame
- shell-shock
- Shoah
- Shroud
- silence
- singing
- Sinn Féin
- skin
- social catholicism
- social classes
- social dispute
- social role of the artist
- society and religion
- soil
- songwriting
- sovereignty
- soviet
- space
- space of places and space of flux
- Spain
- Spanish Civil War
- spatiality
- speaking
- spies
- Spiritans
- spirituality
- sport - gaelic games
- Star of the Sea
- Stembridge (Gerard)
- Sterne (Laurence)
- Stormont
- storytelling
- Stuart (Francis)
- subculture
- subjects
- subtitling
- subversive memory
- success
- Sullivan (Deirdre)
- surrealism
- sustainability
- symbolism
- Synge (John Millington)
- syntax
- tactile
- tactility
- tales and legends
- Tamburini (Pietro)
- television
- territorialisation
- territoriality
- testimonies
- The Last September (film)
- The Rising
- theater
- theatre
- theology
- thriller
- time-space
- Tóibín (Colm)
- tourism
- trade union
- trade unions
- trade-unions
- tradition
- traditional fiddling
- transitional object
- translation
- transmission of memory
- trauma
- trauma fiction
- trauma studies
- travel
- travel writing
- travellers
- Trevor (William)
- Troubles
- truth and fiction
- wake
- walking
- Walsh (Catherine)
- Walsh (Enda)
- Walshe (Joseph)
- War
- war memorials
- War of Independence
- waste studies
- West of Ireland
- Wilde (Oscar)
- Wilder (Thornton)
- Wilson (James)
- Wind that Shakes the Barley
- Winnicott (Donald)
- women
- women - artistic representations
- women - literary representations
- women - political representation
- women and femininity
- women writers
- women’s bodies
- women’s rights
- women’s writing
- World War II
- writer as critic
- writing