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« Three Amigos », The Age, 9 February 2008
« Chadwick, Sir Edwin », in An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age: British Culture, 1776–1832, ed. Iain McCalman (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001), p447
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Aroney, Nicholas, « Imagining a Federal Commonwealth: Australian Conceptions of Federalism, 1890-1901 », Federal Law Review 10 (2002), pp.265-294
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Bland, William, William Bland – Letters to Charles Buller, Junior, Esq, M.P., from the Australian Patriotic Association, Sydney (Sydney, Welch, 1849) p.171
Brunon-Ernst, Anne, « ‘The British Constitution Conquered in New South Wales’: Bentham and Constitutional Reform in Early Australia (1803-1824) » in Causer, Tim and Philip Schofield, eds, Bentham and Australia (London, UCL Press, 2021), to be published
Buller, Charles, Responsible Government for Colonies (London, Ridgway, 1840)
Burton, John, « An Outline of the Opinions of Jeremy Bentham » in Bentham, Jeremy, Benthamiana: Or Select Extracts from the Works of Jeremy Bentham, ed. John Hill Burton (Edinburgh, William Tate, 1843) pp.347-405
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Causer, Tim « “The evacuation of that scene of wickedness and wretchedness”: Jeremy Bentham, the Panopticon, and New South Wales, 1802-1803 » Journal of Australian Colonial History, 21 (2019) pp.1-24
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DeQuincey, Thomas, A Tory's Account of Toryism, Whiggism, and Radicalism in a Letter to a Friend in Bengal in Biographies – Shakespeare, Pope, Goethe, and Schiller and on the Political Parties of Modern England, De Quincey's Works (Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1863), vol. XV, p.210
Design 5 - Architects Pty Ltd, The Separate (Model) Prison, Port Arthur; Conservation Project Report (Final report) (Port Arthur, The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, 2003) at
Dicey, A.V. « Fifty Years of Reform in England », The Nation, xxxv (20 July, 1882), pp.49-50
Dicey, A.V., Lectures on the Relation between Law and Public Opinion in England During the Nineteenth Century (London, Macmillan, 1962)
Empire, 4 June, 1872
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Finlayson, G.B.A.M., « The Politics of Municipal Reform, 1835 », in The English Historical Review 81 (1966), pp.673-692
Freeden, Michael, Ideologies and Political Theory (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998)
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Halévy, Elie, The Growth of Philosophical Radicalism (London, Faber and Faber, 1972)
Hamburger, Joseph, James Mill and the Art of Revolution (Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1977)
Hancock, W.K., Australia (London, Ernest Benn, 1930)
Harrop, Angus, The Amazing Career of Edward Gibbon Wakefield, with Extracts from "a Letter from Sydney" (1829) (London, Allen & Unwin, 1928)
Hartwell, Max, « Introduction », in Melleuish, Gregory, A Short History of Australian Liberalism, (St Leonards, Centre for Independent Studies, 2001)
Howell, P.A., « The Van Diemen's Land Judge Storm », University of Tasmania Law Review, 2 (1966), pp.253-269
Hume, L.J. « Jeremy Bentham and the Nineteenth-Century Revolution in Government », The Historical Journal, 10 (1967), pp.361-375
Hume, L.J., « Foundations of Populism and Pluralism: Australian Writings on Politics to 1860 » in Australian Political Ideas, ed. Geoff Stokes (Kensington, UNSW Press, 1994), pp.22-76
Hume, L.J., Bentham and Bureaucracy (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981).
James, Michael. « The Constitution in Australian Political Thought » in The Constitutional Challenge: Essays on the Australian Constitution, Constitutionalism and Parliamentary Practice, ed. Michael James (St. Leonards, Centre for Independent Studies, 1982) pp.7-36
John Gascoigne, The Enlightenment and the Origins of European Australia (Port Melbourne, Cambridge University Press, 2002)
Kelly, P.J., Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: Jeremy Bentham and the Civil Law (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990)
Kelly, P.J., Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: Jeremy Bentham and the Civil Law (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990)
Kelly, P.J., Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: Jeremy Bentham and the Civil Law (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990)
Kittrell, Edward R. « Wakefield and Classical Rent Theory », in American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 25 (1966), pp.141-152
Kittrell, Edward R. « Wakefield's Scheme of Systematic Colonization and Classical Economics », American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 32 (1973), pp.87-111
Kittrell, Edward, « The Development of the Theory of Colonization in English Classical Political Economy », in Great Britain and the Colonies 1815–1865; Debates in Economic History, ed. A.G.L. Shaw (Bungay, Suffolk, Methuen, 1970)
Launceston Advertiser, 16 August, 1884
Lieberman, David, « Bentham’s Jurisprudence and Democratic Theory; An Alternative to Hart’s Approach » in Bentham’s Theory of Law and Public Opinion, pp.119-142
Llewellyn, David « Bentham and Australia », The Journal of Comparative Law, 14-2 (2019), pp.174-186, pp.179-180
Lovett, William, The Life and Struggles of William Lovett (New York, Garland, 1984)
McLaren, John, Dewigged, Bothered, and Bewildered: British Colonial Judges on Trial, 1800-1900 (Toronto, Francis Forbes Society for Australian Legal History, 2011)
McMahon, Darrin, The Pursuit of Happiness, a History from the Greeks to the Present (London, Allen Lane, 2006)
McNaughtan, I.D., « Colonial Liberalism, 1851-92 », in Australia: A Social and Political History, ed. Gordon Greenwood (Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1974), pp.98-144
Melbourne, Alexander C.V. « The Establishment of Responsible Government », in Cambridge History of the British Empire, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1933), vol.7, pt.I, p.290
Melbourne, Alexander C.V., Early Constitutional Development in Australia (St. Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1963)
Melleuish, Gregory « Australian Liberalism » in Liberalism and the Australian Federation, ed. J.R. Nethercote (Annandale, Federation Press, 2001), pp28-41
Melleuish, Gregory, A Short History of Australian Liberalism (St Leonards, Centre for Independent Studies, 2001)
Melleuish, Gregory, Cultural Liberalism in Australia – a Study in Intellectual and Cultural History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995)
Melleuish, The Power of Ideas: Essays on Australian Politics and History, (North Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2009)
Mill, John Stuart, Chapters on Socialism, 1879 in Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, ed. J.M. Robson (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1963-1991) vol. 5, p.705
Mill, John Stuart, On Liberty in Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, ed. J.M. Robson (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1963-1991) vol. 18, p.214
Mills, Kerry Fraser, Of the People, by the People, for the People: Law-Making in New South Wales, 1843–1855 (Ph.D., University of New England, 2006)
Mills, Richard, The Colonization of Australia, 1829-42 – the Wakefield Experiment in Empire Building (London, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1915)
Moore, William H., The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia (London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1910)
Neale, R. S. « H.S. Chapman and the ‘Victorian’ Ballot », in Historical Studies, Australia and New Zealand, 12 (1967), pp.506-521
New, Chester, Lord Durham: A Biography of John George Lambton, First Earl of Durham (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1929)
Pearson, Charles « Democracy in Victoria », Fortnightly Review, 31 (1879), pp.688-717
Pike, Douglas, Paradise of Dissent (London, Longmans, Green, 1957)
Place, Francis, Letter to James Turner, 19 October, 1834, in Wallas, Graham, The Life of Francis Place, 1771-1854 (London, Longmans Green, 1898) p.359
Postema, Gerald, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986)
Report from the Select Committee of the Disposal of Lands in the British Colonies, Together with the Minutes of Evidence and Appendix. (London, House of Commons, 1836)
Ricardo, David, On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (London, John Murray, 1817)
Rosen, Frederick, « Introduction » in Bentham’s Theory of Law and Public Opinion, eds. Xiaobo Zhai and Michael Quinn (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp.1-6
Rosen, Frederick, « The Origin of Liberal Utilitarianism: Jeremy Bentham and Liberty » in Victorian Liberalism, Nineteenth-Century Political Thought and Practice, ed. Richard Bellamy. (London, Routledge, 1990), pp.58-70
Rosen, Frederick, Jeremy Bentham and Representative Democracy: A Study of the Constitutional Code (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1983)
Rowse, Tim, Australian Liberalism and National Character (Malmsbury, Kibble Books, 1978)
Sawer, Marian, The Ethical State? Social Liberalism in Australia (Carlton, Melbourne University Press, 2003)
Scott, Ernest « The History of the Victorian Ballot », in The Victorian Historical Magazine, VIII (November, 1920), pp.1-14
Semmel, Bernard, « The Philosophic Radicals and Colonialism », in Great Britain and the Colonies 1815–1865; Debates in Economic History, ed. A.G.L. Shaw (Bungay, Suffolk, Methuen, 1970)
Shaw, A.G.L., « Introduction », in Great Britain and the Colonies 1815–1865; Debates in Economic History, ed. A.G.L. Shaw (Bungay, Suffolk, Methuen, 1970)
Smith, Julie, Taxing Popularity: The Story of Taxation in Australia (Canberra, Federalism Research Centre, 1993)
Sweetman, Edward, Australian Constitutional Development (Melbourne, Macmillan with Melbourne University Press, 1925)
Taxation During the First 100 Years of Federation, Australian Bureau of Statistics,; [2 July, 2020].
The Courier (Hobart), 19 February, 1841
Twenty-Eighth Report from the Select Committee on Finance, &c—Police, including Convict Establishments', ordered to be printed 26 June 1798, in Commons Sessional Papers, vol. 112, (London, House of Commons, 1798) pp.21-7
Wallas, Graham « Jeremy Bentham » in Political Science Quarterly, 38 (1923), pp.45-56
Wallas, Graham, Our Social Heritage (London, Allen & Unwin, 1921)
Ward, John T., Chartism (London, Batsford, 1973)
Ward, Russel, « Introduction » in Métin, Albert, Métin: Socialism without Doctrine, trad. R. Ward (Chippendale, NSW, Alternative Publishing Co-operative, 1977)
Weinstein, David, « Imagining Darwinism » in Utilitarianism and Empire, ed. Bart Schultz and Georgios Varouxakis, (Lanham, Md., Lexington Books, 2005), pp.189-209
Weinstein, David, Utilitarianism and the New Liberalism (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007)
Wrong, Edward M., Charles Buller and Responsible Government (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1926)
Haut de page
McMahon, Darrin, The Pursuit of Happiness, a History from the Greeks to the Present (London, Allen Lane, 2006), p.278
Collins, Hugh, « Political Ideology in Australia: The Distinctiveness of a Benthamite Society » in Australia, the Daedalus Symposium (North Ryde, Angus & Robertson, 1985) pp.147-169
Bentham, Jeremy, Writings on Australia (London, University College London, 2018).
Twenty-Eighth Report from the Select Committee on Finance, &c—Police, including Convict Establishments', ordered to be printed 26 June 1798, in Commons Sessional Papers (1798) vol. 112, pp.21-7
Collins’ attempt to found a colony at Port Phillip failed and the party moved on to Van Diemen’s Land, now Tasmania, subsequently founding the settlement of Hobart. The shores of Port Phillip are now the location of Melbourne, capital of the state of Victoria.
Bentham, J., A Plea for the Constitution. For a discussion on this and related themes see Causer, Tim « “The evacuation of that scene of wickedness and wretchedness”: Jeremy Bentham, the Panopticon, and New South Wales, 1802-1803 » Journal of Australian Colonial History, 21 (2019) pp.1-24
Bentham, J., A Plea for the Constitution, p.11
Bentham, J., A Plea for the Constitution, p.85
Bentham, J., A Plea for the Constitution, p.10
Atkinson, Alan « Jeremy Bentham and the Rum Rebellion », Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 64 (1978), pp.1-13; p.1,3
Atkinson, A., « Rum Rebellion » p.3. For a discussion of alternative routes of transmission see forthcoming article, Brunon-Ernst, Anne, « ‘The British Constitution Conquered in New South Wales’: Bentham and Constitutional Reform in Early Australia (1803-1824) » in Causer, Tim and Philip Schofield, eds, Bentham and Australia (London, UCL Press, 2021), to be published.
See paper in the present special issue. See Design 5 - Architects Pty Ltd, The Separate (Model) Prison, Port Arthur; Conservation Project Report (Final report) (Port Arthur, The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, 2003) at
DeQuincey, Thomas, A Tory's Account of Toryism, Whiggism, and Radicalism in a Letter to a Friend in Bengal in Biographies – Shakespeare, Pope, Goethe, and Schiller and on the Political Parties of Modern England, De Quincey's Works (Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1863), vol. XV, p.210. In an indication of the high spirits of the era, Harriet Grote observes: ‘I remember driving my phaeton to London one morning, with Molesworth by my side, C. Buller and Roebuck in the seat behind. During the whole six miles, these three vied with each other as to who should make the most outrageous Radical motions in the House’ in Grote, Harriet, The philosophical radicals of 1832, comprising the life of Sir William Molesworth and some incidents connected with the Reform movement from 1832 to 1842 (New York: Burt Franklin, 1970), p.6
For law of rent see Ricardo, David, On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (London, John Murray, 1817)
For a discussion of the association between Ricardo’s law of rent and Wakefield’s system, see Kittrell, Edward R. « Wakefield and Classical Rent Theory », in American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 25 (1966), pp.141-152 and Kittrell, Edward R. « Wakefield's Scheme of Systematic Colonization and Classical Economics », American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 32 (1973), pp.87-111
Mills, Richard, The Colonization of Australia, 1829-42 – the Wakefield Experiment in Empire Building (London, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1915). See also Great Britain and the Colonies 1815–1865; Debates in Economic History, ed. A.G.L. Shaw (Bungay, Suffolk, Methuen, 1970) for discussion of Bentham’s connection with Wakefield’s economics and theory of colonization, including Shaw, A.G.L., « Introduction », Semmel, Bernard, « The Philosophic Radicals and Colonialism », and Kittrell, Edward, « The Development of the Theory of Colonization in English Classical Political Economy ».
Bentham, J., Colonization Company Proposal.
Pike, Douglas, Paradise of Dissent (London, Longmans, Green, 1957) p.57, 91.
Weinstein, David, « Imagining Darwinism » in Utilitarianism and Empire, ed. Bart Schultz and Georgios Varouxakis (Lanham, Md., Lexington Books, 2005), pp.189-209; p.227
Mills, R., Colonization of Australia, p.viii
« Edinburgh Review, No. XCVII: Article on Mill’s Essays on Government, &c. ("Greatest Happiness” Principle) », Westminster Review (July, 1829), pp.254-268; p.263
Halévy, Elie, The Growth of Philosophical Radicalism (London, Faber and Faber, 1972), p.130
New, Chester, Lord Durham: A Biography of John George Lambton, First Earl of Durham (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1929), p.37
Rosen, Frederick, « Introduction » in Bentham’s Theory of Law and Public Opinion, eds. Xiaobo Zhai and Michael Quinn (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp.1-6, p.4 referring to Lieberman, David, « Bentham’s Jurisprudence and Democratic Theory; An Alternative to Hart’s Approach » in Bentham’s Theory of Law and Public Opinion, pp.119-142, p.142 and generally. Also see Rosen, Frederick, Jeremy Bentham and Representative Democracy: A Study of the Constitutional Code (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1983), p.8
See Hamburger, Joseph, James Mill and the Art of Revolution (Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1977)
Ward, John T., Chartism (London, Batsford, 1973), pp.83-4; Lovett, William, The Life and Struggles of William Lovett (New York, Garland, 1984), pp.164-5.
Harrop, Angus, The Amazing Career of Edward Gibbon Wakefield, with Extracts from "a Letter from Sydney" (1829) (London, Allen & Unwin, 1928), p.190
Wrong, Edward M., Charles Buller and Responsible Government (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1926), p.25; Wrong refers to the ‘philosophic radicals’ in parliament as including Charles Buller, George Grote, William Molesworth, Joseph Hume, Henry Ward, Charles Villiers, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Temple Leader, and Edward Strutt. (p.14)
The legislature was to comprise 24 members elected by councillors, and 12 Crown appointees. Sweetman, Edward, Australian Constitutional Development (Melbourne, Macmillan with Melbourne University Press, 1925), pp.143-50. The idea for the double election structure, including the creation of municipalities, probably originated with Lytton Bulwer. Melbourne, Alexander C.V., Early Constitutional Development in Australia (St. Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1963), p.235
Sweetman, E., Australian Constitutional Development, pp.143-50; See also Wallas, Graham « Jeremy Bentham » in Political Science Quarterly, 38 (1923), pp.45-56, p.54; Wallas, Graham, Our Social Heritage (London, Allen & Unwin, 1921), p.171; Finlayson, G.B.A.M., « The Politics of Municipal Reform, 1835 », in The English Historical Review 81 (1966), pp.673-692, p.675, 677, 692.
Buller, Charles, Responsible Government for Colonies (London, Ridgway, 1840)
Molesworth’s strong links to the Benthamite group are described in Grote, H., Life of Sir William Molesworth. See also Fawcett, Millicent, Life of the Right Hon. Sir William Molesworth, Bart., MP., F.R.S. (New York, Macmillan, 1901).
Melbourne, A.C.V., Early Constitutional Development in Australia, 419-20, quoting F. Rogers to R. W. Church, 23 September, 1854.
Melbourne, Alexander C.V. « The Establishment of Responsible Government », in Cambridge History of the British Empire (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1933), vol.7, pt.I, p.290
In fact, Bentham argued for full adult franchise. See Bentham, Jeremy, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, in The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham, ed. Philip Schofield (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1989), vol. 7, pp.98-100
Fawcett, M., Life of William Molesworth, pp.2-3
Chapman, Henry, Parliamentary Government; or Responsible Ministries for the Australian Colonies (Hobart, Pratt, 1854), p.4
Chapman, H., Parliamentary Government, pp.9-10, 36
Neale, R. S. « H.S. Chapman and the ‘Victorian’ Ballot », in Historical Studies, Australia and New Zealand, 12 (1967), pp.506-521, p.512
Scott, Ernest « The History of the Victorian Ballot », in The Victorian Historical Magazine, VIII (November, 1920), pp.1-14, p.1
For example, see Bentham, J., Constitutional Code, Schofield 7, p.98.
Rowse, Tim, Australian Liberalism and National Character (Malmsbury, Kibble Books, 1978), p.10
Hartwell, Max, « Introduction », in Melleuish, Gregory, A Short History of Australian Liberalism (St Leonards, Centre for Independent Studies, 2001),
McNaughtan, I.D., « Colonial Liberalism, 1851-92 », in Australia: A Social and Political History, ed. Gordon Greenwood (Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1974), pp.98-144, p.111. McNaughton’s timeline for this shift begins with the 1850s constitutions, progressing over three decades.
Sawer, Marian, The Ethical State? Social Liberalism in Australia (Carlton, Melbourne University Press, 2003) p.15
Sawer, M., Ethical State? p.3, 34, referring to Hancock, W.K., Australia (London, Ernest Benn, 1930); Kelly, P.J., Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: Jeremy Bentham and the Civil Law (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990); and Hugh Collins « Political Ideology in Australia ».
Sawer, M., Ethical State? p.34
Pearson, Charles « Democracy in Victoria », Fortnightly Review, 31 (1879), pp.688-717, p.690
Sawer, M., Ethical State? p.3, 11, 13, 41 and generally. Also see Freeden, Michael, Ideologies and Political Theory (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998), p.194. Bevir likewise finds Webb discontinuous with the utilitarians. Bevir, Mark « Sidney Webb: Utilitarianism, Positivism, and Social Democracy », Journal of Modern History, 74 (2002), pp.217-252
Melleuish, Gregory, A Short History of Australian Liberalism (St Leonards, Centre for Independent Studies, 2001) p.vii. Relevant works by Melleuish also include Melleuish, Gregory « Australian Liberalism » in Liberalism and the Australian Federation, ed. J.R. Nethercote (Annandale, Federation Press, 2001), pp28-41; Melleuish, Gregory, Cultural Liberalism in Australia – a Study in Intellectual and Cultural History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995); Melleuish, The Power of Ideas: Essays on Australian Politics and History (North Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2009).
Butlin, N.G., Barnard, A., Pincus, J.J., Government and Capitalism: Public and Private Choice in Twentieth Century Australia (Sydney, George Allen & Unwin, 1982), p.5. Text at 13 and 17 suggests the figure of twenty per cent includes the outlays of government enterprises such as rail and post. Today the figure for total taxation revenue per head stands between thirty and forty percent per head. See Smith, Julie, Taxing Popularity: The Story of Taxation in Australia (Canberra, Federalism Research Centre, 1993), 10; and Taxation During the First 100 Years of Federation, Australian Bureau of Statistics,; [2 July, 2020]. This puts the figures for total taxation revenue per head as a percentage of GDP per head at six percent in 1901 and thirty percent in 1999.
See also Weinstein, David, Utilitarianism and the New Liberalism (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007) p.4. Weinstein argues against this idea. ‘The new liberalism’, he suggests, ‘absorbed more utilitarianism than the received view acknowledges.’
The original United States’ system saw the upper house elected once removed from the people, as continues to be the case for the election of the president. Moore, William H., The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia (London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1910), pp.612-3
Moore, W., Constitution of Australia, p.612
Moore, W., Constitution of Australia, p.613
Kelly, P.J., Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: Jeremy Bentham and the Civil Law (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990), p.109
Dicey, A.V., Lectures on the Relation between Law and Public Opinion in England During the Nineteenth Century (London, Macmillan, 1962), pp.305-6.
Rosen, Frederick, « The Origin of Liberal Utilitarianism: Jeremy Bentham and Liberty » in Victorian Liberalism, Nineteenth-Century Political Thought and Practice, ed. Richard Bellamy. (London, Routledge, 1990), pp.58-70, pp.67-8.
Dicey, A.V. « Fifty Years of Reform in England », The Nation, xxxv (20 July, 1882), pp.49-50, p.49
Burton, John, « An Outline of the Opinions of Jeremy Bentham » in Bentham, Jeremy, Benthamiana: Or Select Extracts from the Works of Jeremy Bentham, ed. John Hill Burton (Edinburgh, William Tate, 1843) pp.347-405, pp350-351
« Chadwick, Sir Edwin », in An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age: British Culture, 1776–1832, ed. Iain McCalman (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001), p447
Place, Francis, Letter to James Turner, 19 October, 1834, in Wallas, Graham, The Life of Francis Place, 1771-1854 (London, Longmans Green, 1898) p.359. A detailed discussion of Bentham’s proposed structures for government is contained in Hume, L.J., Bentham and Bureaucracy (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981).
Hume, L.J. « Jeremy Bentham and the Nineteenth-Century Revolution in Government », The Historical Journal, 10 (1967), pp361-375, p.372
Mills, Kerry Fraser, Of the People, by the People, for the People: Law-Making in New South Wales, 1843–1855 (Ph.D., University of New England, 2006), p.84
Mills, K., Law-Making in NSW, p.84
Report from the Select Committee of the Disposal of Lands in the British Colonies, Together with the Minutes of Evidence and Appendix (London, House of Commons, 1836) p.2. See also Bland, William, William Bland – Letters to Charles Buller, Junior, Esq, M.P., from the Australian Patriotic Association, Sydney (Sydney, Welch, 1849) p.171
Rosen, « The Origin of Liberal Utilitarianism » p.65
Kelly, P.J., Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: Jeremy Bentham and the Civil Law (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990) p.110
Postema, Gerald, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986), pp.371-3.
Hume, L.J., « Foundations of Populism and Pluralism: Australian Writings on Politics to 1860 » in Australian Political Ideas, ed. Geoff Stokes (Kensington, UNSW Press, 1994), pp22-76, pp.42-48
Hume, L., « Populism and Pluralism », p.45
Hume, L., « Populism and Pluralism », p.46
Hume, L., « Populism and Pluralism », p.47
Hume, L., « Populism and Pluralism », p.47
James, Michael. « The Constitution in Australian Political Thought » in The Constitutional Challenge: Essays on the Australian Constitution, Constitutionalism and Parliamentary Practice, ed. Michael James (St. Leonards, Centre for Independent Studies, 1982) pp.7-36, pp13-15
James, M., « The Constitution in Australian Political Thought », p.11
James, M., « The Constitution in Australian Political Thought », p.13
James, M., « The Constitution in Australian Political Thought », p.14
Collins, H., « Political Ideology in Australia » p.148
Collins, H., « Political Ideology in Australia » p.151
Collins writes that for the supporters of laissez-faire ‘Theirs are the certainties and disappointments of scriptwriters for a production they will never direct.... On the other hand ‘the economic and political history that so offends the neoconservative proves scarcely more tractable for the neomarxist.’ in ’Collins, « Political Ideology in Australia » pp.158-159. See also Hancock, W.K., Australia, p.223 for a similar point. Russel Ward has suggested that Australia in 1977 had socialistic tendencies that were designed to regulate and ameliorate the functioning of laissez-faire capitalism. See Ward, Russel, « Introduction » in Métin, Albert, Métin: Socialism without Doctrine, trad. R. Ward (Chippendale, NSW, Alternative Publishing Co-operative, 1977), p.6.
Hancock, Australia, p.72.
Collins, H., « Political Ideology in Australia » p.151, 161; Aroney, Nicholas, « Imagining a Federal Commonwealth: Australian Conceptions of Federalism, 1890-1901 », Federal Law Review 10 (2002), pp.265-294; John Gascoigne, The Enlightenment and the Origins of European Australia (Port Melbourne, Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp.105-7
The Courier (Hobart), 19 February, 1841. Referring to Algernon Montagu, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Van Diemen's Land. Of Montagu, P.A. Howell notes that his father, Basil Montagu, Q.C. had been ‘a leader of the English law reform movement in the first decades of the nineteenth century’ Howell continues: ‘[Algernon Montagu] had steadily gained popularity because of his zeal in sweeping a clean broom through the law's unnecessary quirks, sophistries and superfluous verbiage. He was hailed as “the disciple of Jeremy Bentham and Lord Campbell” ’. Howell, P.A., « The Van Diemen's Land Judge Storm », University of Tasmania Law Review, 2 (1966), pp.253-269, p.254. In the final sentence, Howell is quoting from the Launceston Advertiser, 16 August, 1884. The father, Basil Montagu, is described as a Benthamite reformer in McLaren, John, Dewigged, Bothered, and Bewildered: British Colonial Judges on Trial, 1800-1900 (Toronto, Francis Forbes Society for Australian Legal History, 2011), p.160
Llewellyn, David « Bentham and Australia », The Journal of Comparative Law, 14-2 (2019), pp.174-186, pp.179-180
Empire, 4 June, 1872, p.4
« Three Amigos », The Age, 9 February 2008
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