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Haut de page
Fremantle Gaol is now commonly referred to as Fremantle Round House however, the former was its official name during the period under consideration.
Reece, Bob Glimpses of Fremantle 1829-1929 , in Voices from the West End: Stories, People and Events that Shaped Fremantle, eds. Paul Longley Arthur and Geoffrey Bolton (Welshpool, Western Australia Museum, 2012), p.24; Pitt Morison, Margaret, Settlement and Development: The Historical Context , in Western Towns and Building, eds. Margaret Pitt Morison and John White (Nedlands, University of Western Australia Press, 1979), p.11.
Adams, Simon, Capital Punishment and the Spectacle of Death in Colonial Fremantle in The Voice from the West End: Stories, People and Events that Shaped Fremantle, eds. P. Longley Arthur and G. Bolton (Welshpool, Western Australia Museum, 2012), pp.87-88; Peel, Mark and Christina Twomey A History of Australia (London, Palgrave, 2018), p.52; Bolton, Geoffrey Land of Vision and Mirage: Western Australia Since 1826 (Crawley, University of Western Australia Press, 2008), p.9.
Phillips, David and Davies, Susanne, A Nation of Rogues? Crime, Law and Punishment in Colonial Australia, (Carlton, Melbourne University Press, 1994), pp.3-4.
Martens, Jeremy, Government House and Western Australian Society 1829-2010 (Crawley, UWA Publishing, 2011), p.27.
Bavin, Louise J., Punishment, Prisons and Reform: Incarceration in Western Australia in the Nineteenth Century, Special Issue: Historical Refractions, edited by Charlie Fox- Studies in Western Australian History 14 1 (1993), p.126; Arnstein, Walter L., Britain Yesterday and Today: 1830 to the Present (Lexington, D.C. Heath and Company, 1971), p.43.
Whitaker, Reg, The End of Privacy: How Total Surveillance is Becoming a Reality (New York, The New press, 1999), pp.32-33.
Convict transportation was used in Western Australia from 1850-1868.
Cameron, J.M.R., The Foundation of Western Australia Reconsidered, Studies in Western Australia History 3 0 (1978), pp.1-2; Inglis, K.S., The Australian Colonists: An Exploration of Social History 1788-1879 (Clayton, Wilke and Co. Ltd., 1974), p.5.
Petchell, Bill, The Swan River Colony: Did the British Government want it to Survive? (Rivervale, Stone’s Publishing, 2017), pp.4, 15.
Cameron, J., The Foundation of Western Australia Reconsidered, p.2.
Maude, Phil, Treatment of Western Australia’s Mentally Ill during the Early Colonial Period, 1826–1865 Australasian Psychiatry 21 4 (2013), p.397; Pitt Morison, M., Settlement and Development , p.11; Statham, Pamela, Contrasting Colonies, or a Tale of Three Colonies , in Beyond Convict Colonies, ed. Barrie Dyster (Sydney: Department of Economic History University of New South Wales, 1996), p.34.
Peel M. and Twomey C., A History of Australia, p.52; Bolton G., Land of Vison and Mirage, p.9.
Peel M. and Twomey C., A History of Australia, p.52.
Vanden Driesen, I.H., Essays on Immigration Population in Western Australia 1850-1901 (Nedlands, University of Western Australia Press, 1986), p.14.
Haast, Alyce. Convicts and Commodities: An Archaeological Approach to the Economic Value of the Western Australian Penal System , Archaeology in Oceania 50 3 (2015), pp.138-139; Winter, Sean., Coerced Labour in Western Australia during the Nineteenth Century Australasian Historical Archaeology 34, (2016), p.4.
Haast, A., Convicts and Commodities, pp.138-139; Winter, S. Coerced Labour in Western Australia, p.4.
Tanner, William., Letter from William Tanner to his Mother and Sisters, December 1831, in The Tanner Letters: A Pioneer Saga of Swan River & Tasmania 1831-1845, ed. Pamela Statham (Nedlands. University of Western Australia Press, 1981), pp.17-18.
Hanson, J., “Colonel Hanson’s Pamphlet”, Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, January 19, 1833.
Appleyard, R.T., Manford, Toby, The beginning: European discovery and early settlement of Swan River Western Australia (Nedlands, University of Western Australia Press, 1979), p.199; Staples, A.C., Spanish Colonial Influence on Sir James Stirling , Early Days 10 6 (1994), p.593.
Vanden Driesen, I.H., Essays on Immigration Population in Western Australia , p.14.
White, Michael, Agricultural Societies in Colonial Western Australia 1831-1870 , History of Education 29 1 (2000), p.7.
White, M., Agricultural Societies in Colonial Western Australia, p.7; Peel M. and Twomey C., A History of Australia, p.52; Haast, A., Convicts and Commodities, pp.138-139.
Strong, Rowan, Church and State in Western Australia: Implementing New Imperial Paradigms in the Swan River Colony, 1827-1857 , Journal of Ecclesiastical History 61 3 (2010), pp.518, 531; Godfrey, Barry, “Prison versus Western Australia: Which Worked Best, the Australian Penal Colony or the English Convict Prison System? Brit. J. Criminol 59 0 (2019), pp.1140-1141.
Maude, P., Treatment of Western Australia’s Mentally Ill, p.398.
Williams, Brad, The Archaeological Potential of Colonial Prison Hulks: The Tasmanian Case Study , Bulletin of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology 29 (2005), p.7.
Bavin-Steding, Louise J., Crime and Confinement: The Origins of Prisons in Western Australia (Perth, Stone’s Publishing, 1996), p.55.
Maude, P., Treatment of Western Australia’s Mentally Ill, p.398.
Lewis, Richard, Letter from Richard Lewis to Peter Broun, August 6, 1830. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/8/64, State Records Office, Western Australia; Lewis, Richard, Letter from Richard Lewis to Peter Broun, December 31, 1830. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/11/128, State Records Office, Western Australia.
Letter from Richard Lewis to Peter Broun, August 6, 1830.
Bavin-Steding L.J., Crime and Confinement, p.54; “Report of the Committee of Correspondence, Appointed at a General Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Colony of Western Australia, on the Present State of the Settlement up to 1835.” Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, June 18, 1836
Godfrey, B., Prison Versus Western Australia , p.1141.
Bentham, Jeremey, Principles of Penal Law (London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1843), p.422.
Barteaux, Jillian, Urban Planning as Colonial Marketing Strategy for the Swan River Settlement, Western Australia , Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology 34 0 (2016), p.27; Pitt Morison M., Settlement and Development , p.11.
Litchfield, John, The Round House and its Question About Community in Fremantle, in Imagined Places: The Politics of Making Space, eds. Christopher Houston, Fuyuki Kurasawa and Amanda Watson (Bundoora, La Trobe University, 1998), p.34.
Litchfield, J. The Fremantle Gaol and its Questions About Community in Fremantle, p.34.
Bentham, Jeremey, Panopticon; or the Inspection-House: Containing the Idea of a New Principle of Construction Applicable to Any Sort of Establishment, in Which Persons of any Description are to be Kept Under Inspection; and in Particular to Penitentiary Houses , in The Panopticon Writings, ed. Miran Bozovic (London, Verso, 1995), p.43.
Blue Book (Statistical Return for the Swan River Colony), 1837. Colonial Secretary’s Office, AU WA S4148-cons1855 01, State Records Office, Western Australia, p.172.
Bavin-Steding, L.J., Crime and Confinement, p.55.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.38.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.69.
Broun, Peter, Letter from Peter Broun to Charles Simmonds, September 9, 1831. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Outward, CSF/5/20, State Records Office, Western Australia.; Reveley, Henry, Letter from Henry Reveley to Peter Broun, May 10, 1831. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/15/73, State Records Office, Western Australia.
Broun, Peter, Letter from Peter Broun to Richard Broun, December 9, 1835. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Outward, CSF/7/339-340, State Records Office, Western Australia; Broun, Richard M.B., Letter from Richard Broun to Peter Broun, January 3, 1840. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSF/85/1-2, State Records Office, Western Australia.
Bavin-Steding, L.J., Crime and Confinement, p.65; Bentham, Jeremey, Postscript Part I – Containing Further Particles of Construction Applicable to Any Sort of Establishment, in Which Persons of Any Description are to be Kept Under Inspection; and in Particular to Penitentiary Houses , in The Works of Jeremy Bentham, ed. J. Bowring (Edinburgh, 1843), vol.VI, p.209; Blue Book (Statistical Return for the Swan River Colony), 1838. Colonial Secretary’s Office, AU WA S4148-cons1855 02, State Records Office, Western Australia, p.170
Steadman, Philip, The Contradictions of Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon Penitentiary, Journal of Bentham Studies 9 1:2 (2007), p.9.
White, M., Agricultural Societies in Colonial Western Australia, p.14
Blue Book, 1837, p.173.
Broun, Peter, Rules and Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail at Fremantle Established by the Magistrates in General Quarter Sessions Assembled at Fremantle Aforesaid on the 4th Day of April, April 8, 1831. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Outward, CSF/4/36-39, State Records Office, Western Australia, p.38; Broun, Peter, Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail at Fremantle in the Colony of Western Australia Recommended by His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the Said Colony and Approved by His Excellency the Governor , February 26, 1835. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Outward, CSF/10/41-46, State Records Office, Western Australia, p.42.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , pp.36-39; Broun, P. Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , pp.42-46.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.36.
Broun, P. Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.42.
Causer, Tim, ‘The Evacuation of that Scene of Wickedness and Wretchedness': Jeremy Bentham, the Panopticon and New South Wales, 1802-1803 , in Journal of Australian Colonial History 21 (2019), p.1; Guy, Josephine M., The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and Documents (London, Routledge, 2002), p.27.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , pp.36-38.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.43.
Causer, T., 'The Evacuation of that Scene of Wickedness and Wretchedness': Jeremy Bentham, the Panopticon and New South Wales, 1802-1803, p.1; Guy, J.M., The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and Documents, p.27.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.42.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations, pp.36-37; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , p.42.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.36.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.42.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.46.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.42.
Broun, P. Rules and Regulations , p.36; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , p.42.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.46.
Bentham, Jeremy, Postscript Part – II. Principles and Plan of Management , in The Works of Jeremy Bentham, ed. J. Bowring (Edinburgh, 1843), vol.VI, p.223.
Bentham, J., Postscript - Part II, p.215.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.67.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.37; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , p.43.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.36.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, pp.42-43.
Bentham, J. Panopticon; or the Inspection-House , p.46.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.42.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.44.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.36; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , pp.42-43; Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House , p.46.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.42; Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.44.
Broun, P. Rules and Regulations , p.36.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.43.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House , p.48.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.46.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part – II , pp.267, 269-270.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House , pp.21, 46-47.
Broun, Richard, M.B, Letter from Richard Broun to Peter Broun, August 28, 1835. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/42/79, State Records Office, Western Australia; Broun, Richard M.B., Letter from Richard Broun to Peter Broun, December 8. 1836, Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/49/182, State Records Office, Western Australia; Broun, Peter, Letter from Peter Broun to James Crichton, December 8, 1836. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Outward, CSF/8/96-97, State Records Office, Western Australia; Broun, Richard M.B., Letter from Richard Broun to Peter Broun, April 7, 1837. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/53/39, State Records Office, Western Australia.; Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.31.
Crichton, James, Letter from James Crichton to Peter Broun, July 4, 1839. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/71/85, State Records Office, Western Australia, Broun. Richard M.B., Letter from Richard M.B. Broun to Peter Broun, October 10, 1837. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/56/29, State Records Office, Western Australia.
Blue Book (Statistical Return for the Swan River Colony), 1839. Colonial Secretary’s Office, AU WA S4148-cons1855 03, State Records Office, Western Australia, p.171.
Letter from Richard Broun to Peter Broun , January 3, 1840.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.44.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part – II, p.266.
Broun, J., Rules and Regulations , p.39.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.42.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations, p.39; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , p.45; Bentham, J., Postscript Part - II, 274.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.39.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.45.
Bentham, Postscript Part -II, p.265.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , pp.37, 39; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , pp.42-3.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part - II, 267, 269-270.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.39; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , p.45; Mackie, William H., A Report on the State of the Prisons in Western Australia as called for by His Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Colonies in a Circular Dated 18 September 1835, September 25th, 1836. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/48/123-128, State Records Office, Western Australia, p.125; Broun, Richard M.B, Letter from Richard M.B. Broun to Peter Broun, January 4, 1836. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/44/26, State Records Office, Western Australia; Broun, Peter, Letter from Peter Broun to Richard M.B. Broun , December 10, 1838. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Outward, CSF/12/56-57, State Records Office, Western Australia.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.39; Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.39; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , p.45; Bentham, J., Postscript Part - II, 274.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.39.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.44.
Bentham, J., The Principles of Penal Law, p.422.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , pp.38-39.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.45.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part- II, p.265.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.39.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.45.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part- I, pp.198-199.
Broun, Richard M.B., Letter from Richard M.B. Broun to Peter Broun , January 21, 1841. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/99/102, State Records Office, Western Australia; Broun, Richard M.B., Letter from Richard M.B. Broun to Peter Broun , October 21, 1841. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/99/168, State Records Office, Western Australia.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part- II, p.265; Bentham, J., The Principles of Penal Law, p.422.
Mackie, W.H., A Report on the State of the Prisons in Western Australia, p.126; Lewis, Richard., Letter from Richard Lewis to Peter Broun, June 22, 1831. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/16/81, State Records Office, Western Australia; Broun, Richard M.B., Letter from Richard M.B. Broun to Peter Broun, November 27, 1839. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/73/100, State Records Office, Western Australia; Broun, Richard M.B., Letter from Richard M.B. Broun to Peter Broun, September 10, 1840. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/85/40, State Records Office, Western Australia.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part- I, pp.198-199.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , pp.38-39; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , p.45.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.38.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.45.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part- II, p.261.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.45.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , pp.38-39.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.46.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part- II, p.228.
Reece, Bob, Eating and Drinking at Early Swan River Colony, Studies in Royal Western Australian Historical Society 13 4 (2010), p.464.
See Henderson, Fergus, Annie Guy and Tim Causer, Jeremy Bentham’s Prison Cooking: A Collective of Utilitarian Recipes (London, UCL Centre for Publishing, 2015).
Bentham, Postscript Part- II , 258; Reece, B., Eating and Drinking at Early Swan River Colony , pp.462-463; Hetherington, Penelope, Paupers, Poor Relief & Poor Houses in Western Australia 1829-1910 (Crawley, UWA Publishing, 2009), pp.5-6, 8-9.
Reece, B., Eating and Drinking at Early Swan River Colony , pp.464-466.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part – II, p.261.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.38.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.44.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.38.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.44.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part- II, pp.233, 238; Bentham, J., Postscript Part I, p.140.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.38.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.44.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part I, p.134.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.38; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , p.44.
Blue Book (Statistical Return for the Swan River Colony), 1840. Colonial Secretary’s Office, AU WA S4148-cons1855 04, State Records Office, Western Australia, p.200; Blue Book (Statistical Return for the Swan River Colony), 1841. Colonial Secretary’s Office, AU WA S4148-cons1855 05, State Records Office, Western Australia, p.193.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.38; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , p.44; Bentham, J., Postscript Part- II , pp.233, 238; Bentham, J., Postscript Part I , p.140.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.44; Bentham, J., Postscript Part I, p.134.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , pp.37-38.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.44.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part – II, p.214.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.37; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , p.44; Bentham, J., Postscript Part – II , 214.
Bozovic, Miran. “An Utterly Dark Spot”: The Fiction of God in Bentham’s Panopticon, Qui Parle 8 2 (1995), p.86.
“The Western Australian Journal”, Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, April 16, 1836.
Green, Neville, Aboriginal and White Settlers in the Nineteenth Century in A New History of Western Australia, ed. C.T. Stannage (Nedlands, University of Western Australia Press, 1983), p.93.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.37.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.43.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.67; Bentham, J., Postscript Part – II, p.223.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.37.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.43.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.67; Bentham, J., Postscript Part – II, p.223.
Blue Book, 1837, p.174; Blue Book, 1840, p.201; Blue Book, 1841, p.194.
Daniels, Richard, Letter from Richard Daniels to Peter Broun, January 17, 1834. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/30/86, State Records Office, Western Australia.
Broun, Richard M.B., Letter from Richard Broun to Peter Broun, April 6, 1837. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/51/161, State Records Office, Western Australia; Broun, Richard M.B., Letter from Richard Broun to Peter Broun, October 21, 1839. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/73/162-164, State Records Office, Western Australia; Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.66
Letter from Richard Broun to Peter Broun, October 21, 1839.
Davids, Richard, Letter from Richard Davids to Peter Broun, October 12, 1833. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/35/85, State Records Office, Western Australia; Stone, George, Letter from George Stone to Peter Broun, July 27, 1840. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/89/18, State Records Office, Western Australia; Stone, George, Letter from George Stone to Peter Broun, July 28, 1835. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/41/154, State Records Office, Western Australia; Stone, George, Letter from George Stone to Peter Broun, January 11, 1836. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/44/47, State Records Office, Western Australia.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.37.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.46.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part – II, 290.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.37.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.46.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.78
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.37.
Broun, Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.44.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House , p.66.
Mackie, W.H., A Report on the State of the Prisons in Western Australia, pp.124-125.
Mackie, W.H., A Report on the State of the Prisons in Western Australia, p.127; “Report of the Committee of Correspondence.” Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, June 18, 1836.
Henderson et. al, Jeremy Bentham’s Prison Cooking: A Collective of Utilitarian Recipes, p.25.
Broun, Richard M.B., Letter from Richard M.B. Broun to Peter Broun, June 3, 1839. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/73/120, State Records Office, Western Australia; Mackie, W.H., A Report on the State of the Prisons in Western Australia , p.124.
Mackie, W.H., A Report on the State of the Prisons in Western Australia, pp.124-125; Broun, Peter, Letter from Peter Broun to the Government Resident Fremantle, October 3, 1831. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Outward, CSF/5/31, State Records Office, Western Australia; Mackie, William. H., Letter from William H. Mackie to Peter Broun, April 9, 1833. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/39/2, State Records Office, Western Australia; Broun, Richard M.B., Letter from Richard M.B. Broun to Peter Broun, May 11, 1836. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/46/37, State Records Office, Western Australia; Broun, Richard M.B., Letter from Richard M.B. Broun to Peter Broun, December 8, 1840. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/85/67, State Records Office, Western Australia.
“The Western Australian Journal”, Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, April 18, 1835; Reveley, Henry, Letter from Henry Reveley to Peter Broun, January 18, 1836. Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence Received, CSR/44/65, State Records Office, Western Australia.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part - II, pp.246, 256, 258; Mackie, W.H., A Report on the State of the Prisons in Western Australia, p.125.
Mackie, W.H., A Report on the State of the Prisons in Western Australia, p.125.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, pp.55-6, 68-9; Bentham, J., Postscript Part - II, 282.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.46.
Bentham, J., Postscript - Part I, p.144; Bentham, J., Postscript Part – II, p.214.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part I, p.144; Bentham, J., Postscript Part – II, p.214.
Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle, p.46.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part – II, p.228.
Bentham, J., Postscript - Part I, p.144; Bentham, J., Postscript Part - II, p.214.
Bentham, Postscript - Part I, 209.
“Report of the Committee of Correspondence.” Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, June 18, 1836.
Mackie, W.H., A Report on the State of the Prisons in Western Australia, p.128.
Blue Book 1837 , p.174; Blue Book 1838 , p.174; Blue Book, 1839 , p.174; Blue Book, 1840 , p.200; Blue Book , 1841, p.193.
Blue Book, 1840, p.200; Blue Book, 1841, p.193.
Bentham, J., Postscript Part – II, 228.
Steadman, P., The Contradictions of Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon Penitentiary, Journal of Bentham Studies 9 1:2 (2007), p.9.
Blue Book 1837, p.172.
Barteaux, J., Urban Planning as Colonia Marketing Strategy for the Swan River Settlement, Western Australia. , p.27; Pitt Morison, M., Settlement and Development , p.11; Blue Book 1837, p.172.
Broun, P., Rules and Regulations , p.36; Broun, P., Regulations for the Management of the Common Jail Fremantle , p.42.
Bentham, J., Panopticon; or the Inspection-House, p.46.
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