84 | 2023
Ontology of Finance
Although, in social ontology, the nature of money has been extensively studied, little has been said about the nature of other entities populating the financial world, such as debts, economic exchanges, and price drops. This special issue of Rivista di Estetica gathers novel research papers dealing precisely with some ontological problems pertaining to the finance landscape. While these papers do not exhaust the issues associated with the ontology of finance, they certainly improve our comprehension of the financial world, which is crucial for both theoretical and practical reasons.
Ontology of finance: an introduction [Testo integrale]
What is a financial crash? [Testo integrale]Some remarks on the ontological and epistemic preconditions
Economic performativity: beyond binaries? [Testo integrale]
Ownership, preferences and offers [Testo integrale]
Hierarchy and heterarchy in (impact) finance: an ontological analysis [Testo integrale]
Philosophy against literalism [Testo integrale]
Per una fenomenologia dell’iper-lettura [Testo integrale]
Il problema della significazione del nulla in Anselmo d’Aosta [Testo integrale]