83 | 2023
The Philosophy of Television Series
It is often said that television series are now- adays as good as films, or even better than them, but the philosophical inquiry into the former remains much less developed than the philosophy of film. A handful of recent books have tried to fill the gap, but there is much work still to be done. Significant con- tributions to the aesthetics of television series are coming from television studies and film studies, raising issues which philosophers are challenged to address. This special issue aims to offer philosophical perspectives on television series that are meant to explore this new area of research in which aesthetics and media studies can fruitfully interact.
Introduction [Testo integrale]
A Missed Education. Avoiding the Ordinary in The Sopranos [Testo integrale]
Aesthetic Interactionism and My Brilliant Friend [Testo integrale]
Epic Performed: The Poetic Nature of TV Series [Testo integrale]
TV Series: A Form of Adaptation to The Contemporary Media Condition [Testo integrale]
Seriality as a Chronotope [Testo integrale]
After Black(ness) [Testo integrale]
Michel foucault e “Raymond Roussel” [Testo integrale]
Lambert Wiesing, Luxus [Testo integrale]