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Publication ethics and malpractice statement



L’Espace Politique accepts the submission of all scholarly articles – i.e. resulting from studies conducted using methods generally accepted by the academic community – written in French or English on any subject connected to the main focuses of the journal (see Scientifical Themes).

Original Research

The journal publishes only original works. Nevertheless some translations of papers of great scientific interest may be included (with the original references, the agreement of the publishers and, where applicable, of the author if he is alive)


L’Espace Politique ensures the confidentiality of information related to articles submitted. Thus, only the following people shall have access to these data: the authors, the members of the “editorial staff” (Comité editorial and Comité de redaction), the reviewers, as well as possible editorial advisers.

The journal uses a double blind peer review process. This means that no reviewer or potential reviewer would know the identity of the author whose work they are asked to evaluate.

Plagiarism and mistakes

L’Espace Politique has a clear policy for the detection of plagiarism. This policy applies to all the work published by the journal. L’Espace Politique reserves the right to verify files using plagiarism detection software. In addition, L’Espace Politique does not publish any information or any result known by its editorial staff to be mistaken (either because it was pointed out to them, or because they discovered it on their own). The journal therefore asks the authors to pay very close attention to this. Furthermore, the editors and reviewers carry out a meticulous evaluation of all of the articles submitted to them.

If mistaken information is published despite the strict peer review procedure, L’Espace Politique agrees to correct it as soon as possible by publishing a corrigendum and by indicating it clearly.

The editorial staff pays careful attention to all of the cases brought to its attention and is allowed to carry out further impartial inquiry.

If there appears to be a case of fraud, L’Espace Politique would signal the article with the fraudulent information to the readers and immediately retract it.

Open access

L’Espace Politique is committed to offering immediate open and free access to all of the articles it publishes. Furthermore, L’Espace Politique does not request any financial participation and does not invoice the authors for any services (translation, layout, adaptation of figures, photos, videos, etc.).

Duty of the editorial staff

Editorial decisions

The editorial staff and the issue editor(s) jointly determine the acceptability of an article based on formal criteria and the appropriateness of the content with respect to the editorial policy of L’Espace Politique.

They follow the advice of the reviewers as regards publication unless there are serious issues. A third blind peer review evaluation may be used in case of discussion about a paper. Ultimately it is the Comité éditorial and the issue editor(s) who take the final decision.

Conflict of interest

The issue editor(s), in agreement with editorial staff, chooses the reviewers, avoiding any conflict of interest as much as possible, and by taking into consideration these possible conflicts in an explicit manner at the time of the review.

Duty of the reviewers

Participation in editorial decisions

The reviewers participate in editorial decisions. They review the articles submitted to them and make remarks and comments. They then advise the issue editor(s). The issue editor(s) then advise the editorial staff whether to publish (with or without modifications) or not based on specific elements. The evaluation process is described in an appropriate table and discussed with the editorial board.

Through their exchanges with the authors, the reviewers contribute to the improvement of the proposed articles.

Academic quality: methods and references

The reviewers are in particular responsible for evaluating the validity of the methods described in the research articles submitted to them.

The reviewers must mention the pertinent works, which may not have been referenced. They must also report any similarity to published research to the issue coordinator(s) and editorial staff, and draw their attention to any identical text or part of a text, which has not been referenced.


The reviewers must evaluate the texts submitted to them objectively and in the due time (less than 2 months). They must always justify their evaluations with explanations.

Duty of the authors

Unpublished manuscripts and single submission

The authors submit only original works to L’Espace Politique. They should not submit manuscripts presenting largely the same results or ideas already published elsewhere. In addition, the authors agree to submit their article to only one scholarly journal at a time, absolutely avoiding multiple submissions.

Academic quality

The authors shall only submit research of the highest academic quality. Their articles must provide sufficient details of the methods used in order for the research to be replicated, at least in principle. They must also contain all of the information and references necessary for an independent evaluation. The authors must always name their sources.


It would be unethical for an author to submit a manuscript for publication if it contained mistakes of which he or she was aware. Furthermore, the author must conduct all of the research, which he or she is able to undertake in order to guarantee the validity of his or her observations, assertions and results. If it is not possible to do so, the author must indicate this clearly in his or her article.

If, despite all of the steps taken by the author, editorial staff and reviewers, the author notices errors in the published article, he or she must point them out as soon as possible to the editorial staff.

Conflict of interest

The authors must indicate clearly any potential conflict of interest. In the interest of transparency, the authors of applied research articles must mention the organisations, which have financed their work.

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