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Instructions to authors

Notes de la rédaction

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The articles submitted to L’Espace Politique should include the following elements, in the indicated order (compulsory, due to the Lodel software, used for the on-line publishing).

  • Title

  • Author

  • Title (Professor, Ph. D. candidate, etc.)

  • Professional affiliation

  • Email

  • Language of the paper

  • French Abstract

  • French Keywords

  • English title

  • English Abstract

  • Keywords

  • Manuscript text should be written in Times 12, single-spaced without any other style effect than the separation of paragraphs.

  • Bibliographic and/or webographic references

Norms and general recommandations

Article length

Papers submitted to the journal should be between 30,000 and 60,000 characters non including spaces (excluding abstracts, keywords and bibliography) and should not include an excessive number of illustrations and tables.


The abstract of a scientific article should not be too short or too long. An average size of 200 words or about 1400-1500 characters (including spaces) should be preferred. The abstract must not exceed 300 words (or 2000 characters including spaces).

The abstract must include at least four elements: the issue, the methodology (including the sources used), the general organization of the plan, and at least an important result. A conclusion, or an important result of the article, should include the summary. How does this work contribute to the body of knowledge on the subject? Are there any practical or theoretical applications of the article for future research?

The abstract consists of a single paragraph, with no line breaks or withdrawal of the beginning of the paragraph.

The summary must be given in French (résumé) and English (abstract). The “résumé” must be read by French speakers. For a first step, the DeepL translation site produces good texts.


The keywords: there are half a dozen of them. They are most often in the singular, and separated by commas (no "and" linking). Keywords can be "double" words (such as climate change, international relations, asymmetric conflict, etc. but they should not be sentence sections). Don’t forget to include geographical indexing elements (continent, country or treated region) among the keywords.


Since paragraphs are numbered, it is recommended to not multiply them excessively, neither to use too little… The coming back to the beginning of the line to begin a paragraph must be without any tabulation (any style addition will have to be taken off manually!).

Title levels

Organize the text according to two levels of title (1 and 2), avoid using level 3 titles.


Quotations must be placed in specific paragraphs (except for one single sentence or any sentence segment quotations).


Footnotes should bear arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) and not roman numbers (I, II, III, etc.).


Figures must be numbered and references within the text – example: (fig. 1). Images and maps will be inserted in the word archives, under a JPEG, GIF or PNG format.

Charts and graphics must be inserted as Word tables.


Acronyms must be written in small capitals, without abbreviation points (ONU, MRC, MLCP). At its first mention in the text, the acronym will be put into brackets, following the first use of its signification (with a capital letter for the first word, lower-case letters for the following). Example: European union (EU). For the following mentions, the use of the acronym only will be possible.

Quotation references

Quotation references must be indicated in the text, and not in a footnote. A quotation, or a quotation paragraph, always ends by brackets mentioning (author, year, and page if précised). Ex. (Martin, 2001, p.34); in the case of two or more authors, insert a semicolon between them (Martin, 2001; Smith, 2007).

Bibliographic references

Bibliographic references should be grouped after the text. They will be presented according to the following norms:

  • Book: NAME, First name initial followed by a point, Year, Book title, city, publisher. No indication of page number.

  • Chapter of an edited book: NAME, First name initial followed by a point, Year, Chapter title, in Editor’s name (only the first letter should be written in capital letters), First name initial followed by a point, Book title, City, Publisher, pages (p.xx-yy).

  • Articles: NAME, First name initial followed by a point, Year, « Paper title », Journal name, vol., n°, pages (p.xx-yy.).

  • Web sources: reference at least the name of the web site, [On line] URL address, publishing date, date of consultation.

Zotero style sheet

A Zotero style sheet is available: Zotero style sheet

Evaluation procedure

The papers sent to the journal undergo a double blind review. In case of conflicting assessment, a third referee can be mobilized.

Document annexe

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