European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy-EJPAP publishes articles which explore the American tradition in philosophy, with a special focus on pragmatism and on the relationships of pragmatism to the social sciences. EJPAP promotes exploration of interdisciplinary issues and approaches and favors the mutual dialogue among different traditions in philosophy and in the social sciences. EJPAP is indexed in Scopus (since 2019), Erih Plus, and Web of Science Core Collection.
Latest issue
XVI-2 | 2024
Pragmatism and Anthropology
Pragmatism and Anthropology
Edited by Sofia Alexandratos, Italo Testa and Tullio Viola-
Introduction: Pragmatism and Anthropology [Full text]
A Plea for a Pragmatist Anthropology [Full text]
Form or Practice? [Full text]On the Reconcilement of Aristotelian and Pragmatist Accounts in Anthropology
The Scope of Mind in Nature [Full text]Charles W. Morris’ Early Theory of Symbolism and Critical Reading of G. H. Mead
The Entanglement of Ethics and Anthropology [Full text]Dewey’s Interactionist Account of Self-Realization
Dewey’s Anthropology of Interests – and Values [Full text]
Placing Culture in Nature [Full text]Notes from the Mid-twentieth Century American Anthropological Debate
William James’s Inquiry into Modes of Existence [Full text]
On Anna Boncompagni’s Wittgenstein on Forms of Life
Edited by Luigi Perissinotto-
Gesturing Towards The Contingent [Full text]
Forms of Life: What Use Should We Make of Them? [Full text]
The Human Form of Life [Full text]The Problem of the Unity of Animality and the Cultural
Pragmatism and Post-Truth [Full text]Scepticism, Relativism, and Fallibilism
Potentiality and Actuality in Peirce and Dewey [Full text]
Simposio su Rosa Maria Calcaterra, Il progetto comune dei pragmatisti
Edited by Guido Baggio and Maria Regina Brioschi-
Introduzione al simposio [Full text]
Il pragmatismo: una filosofia in circolo [Full text]
Risposte [Full text]
Book Reviews and Critical Notices
Review of Núria Sara Miras Boronat & Michela Bella (eds), Women in Pragmatism: Past, Present and Future [Full text]Springer, Cham, 2022
Review of Daniel R. Huebner, Reintroducing Mead [Full text]London, Routledge, 2022
Review of Alexis Dianda, The Varieties of Experience: William James after the Linguistic Turn [Full text]Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2023