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48 | 2015
Crossing into Otherness—Outlanding Woolf

Congrès de la SAES, Caen, mai 2014
Edited by Catherine Bernard, Claire Davison and Anne-Marie Smith-Di Biasio

This issue of Études britanniques contemporaines is exceptionally divided into two sections that are both distinct and connected. The first section—“Crossing into Otherness’—turns to the poetics of crossing in contemporary English literature, in order to understand how the physical experience of ‘crossing into’ entails an ethical experience of alteration. The second section ‘Outlanding Woolf’ follows up and inflects the theme by turning to the way Woolf invents a poetics of the ‘outlandish’ and is in turn displaced and transformed by her reception.

The publication of this issue is subsidised by the SAES.

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