Instructions to Authors
All articles written in English should follow the instructions given below, otherwise they will not be considered.
All submissions must be sent to the submissions editor (or in the case of special issues, to the guest editor of the special issue) who will be in charge of dispatching them to the members of the editorial board. Submitted essays can be written in English or in French. They must be saved as WORD documents and sent as attached doc. files to your email. Submissions must be accompanied by an additional WORD document containing the following elements: an abstract in French (with a French title) and an abstract in English (with the original English title) as well as a brief biographical note written in the third person in both languages. However, non French-speakers are not required to send these documents in both languages. Please note that the totality of these abstracts and bios cannot exceed 800 words. Essay submissions will number between 4,000 and 7,000 words (footnotes and works cited included). Book reviews will be written in English exclusively and should not exceed 1,500 words. Whenever illustrations are provided, the author will bear responsibility for clearing all permissions to reproduce material protected by copyright.
Main Text: Format and Style
Texts must be typed with the barest minimum of formatting.
The title of the article, the author’s name and the university affiliation must appear on the front page, on lines 1, 3 and 5 respectively (even if, during reading by two experts, these indications are masked to guarantee anonymity).
The line spacing will be identical for both text and quotations.
Quotations shorter than four lines will be indicated by single quotation marks (‘ ’). Longer quotations, as well as dialogues or passages in verse, will be indented (1 cm), without any quotation marks, and will be followed by the skipping of a line. Quotations within quotations will be indicated as follows: (“ ”).
Punctuation marks will always be placed after the closing quotation marks.
Words which the essay’s author chooses to insert within quotations must be enclosed within square brackets materialized as follows: [insert comment]. However, ellipses must be indicated as follows: […]
At the end of a quotation, the punctuation will appear outside the quotation marks and the reference in brackets, unless the quotation ends with an exclamation mark or with a question mark. In this case, there will be no full stop after the reference in brackets.
The text must not be subdivided into numbered sections. With the exception of the first paragraph, each new paragraph will begin with an indentation of 1.25 cm using the automatic function available in WORD.
Pages must be numbered (top right-hand corner) [though this pagination will not appear once online]
Do not skip lines between paragraphs, unless the skipping of a line is required to indicate the transition to another part of the demonstration.
Italics will be reserved for foreign words or for book titles. Never use bold-faced type.
Dashes will be preceded and followed by a space.
Please use footnotes, not endnotes. Footnotes will be inserted using the automatic footnote function. Footnote numbers (in Arabic format) will be inserted after the closing quotation marks and after the punctuation marks. Notes should only be used to bring additional information, give examples or complementary references. They are contents notes. This implies that bibliographical references are excluded.
Bibliographical references will be given parenthetically within the text of the essay, indicating the author’s last name and the page number (or range of pages): (Ward 63-64). Should several works by the same author be cited, the year of publication will be added after the author’s name: (Ward 1991, 22). If several texts by the same author published the same year feature in the list of works cited, an alphabetical indication will be added after the date of publication: (Ward 1991a, 57), (Ward 1991b, 89-90). In this case, the alphabetical indication will also appear in the corresponding entry in the list of works cited. Please note that bibliographical references at the end of an indented quotation should appear after the final punctuation mark.
Never use the following abbreviations: op. cit. or ibid. or ditto
In English book titles and essay titles, every word is capitalized (except for determiners, prepositions and conjunctions). In French titles, however, only the first word of the title must be capitalized (except for proper names or titles within titles). (French) accents must be placed above capital letters whenever appropriate. Titles and subtitles will be separated by a colon.
Titles of books, periodicals, paintings and films must be italicized. However, titles of articles, songs, poems in a collection must be placed within single quotation marks and without italics. Bold-faced type must not be used in titles.
List of Works Cited
Editors’ names will be shortened : indicate ‘Blackwell’ and not ‘Basil Blackwell’. Omit ‘Editions de’, ‘Publishing’, ‘Press’, ‘Company’, etc. When there are several publication places in a given book, only give the first in the list. Do not specify the publication place for periodicals. ‘University Press’ must be shortened as follows: ‘Manchester UP’, ‘U of Toronto P’, ‘OUP’, ‘PUF’, etc.
For books which have gone through several editions, the first date of publication should be given right after the book title, between brackets and be followed by a full stop.
For articles, page numbers must be given (without using the abbreviations ‘p.’ or ‘pp.’), as well as the journal volume, the date and, whenever necessary, the issue number.
For the internet references of an article published online, give the electronic address within arrow brackets < > with the date of latest consultation.
For any article in English, the list of works cited will follow the presentation standards which are characteristic of English writing and spelling (no space before double punctuation marks, such as the colon and the semicolon, no space before simple quotation marks).
You will find below an example listing the most frequently seen cases (NB: use small capitals for authors’ names):
Benjamin, Walter. One-Way Street and Other Writings. Trans. Edmund Jephcott, and Kingsley Shorter. London: NLB, 1979.
Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. The Craft of Research. 2nd ed. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2003.
Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. 1847. Ed. Richard J. Dunn. New York: W.W. Norton, 2001.
Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York: Routledge, 1990.
Clark, Stuart. Vanities of the Eye. Oxford: OUP, 2007.
Davis, Michael. ‘Gothic’s Enigmatic Signifier: The Case of J. Sheridan Le Fanu’s “Carmilla”’. Gothic Studies 6.2 (Nov. 2004): 223–35.
Fraser, Hilary. ‘Titian’s Il Bravo and George Eliot’s Tito: A Painted Record’, Nineteenth Century Literature 50.2 (Sept. 1995): 210–16.
Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar, eds. The Female Imagination and the Modernist Aesthetic. New York: Gordon, 1986.
Langbaum, Robert. The Poetry of Experience: The Dramatic Monologue in Modern Literary Tradition. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1957.
Meredith, George. Diana of the Crossways. 1885. London: Virago, 1980.
More, Hannah. ‘The Black Slave Trade: A Poem’. British Women Poets of the Romantic Era. Ed. Paula R. Feldman. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997. 472–82.
Roberts, Neil. Meredith and the Novel. London: Macmillan, 1997.
Stevenson, Richard C. The Experimental Impulse in George Meredith’s Fiction. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2004.
Vasari, Giorgio. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects. Vol. II. London: George Bell and Sons, 1878.
We welcome images illustrating an article. All images should be supplied in a separate file; they should be in JPEG format and need a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
In the article itself, an indication should be given as to where the images and their captions should be placed in the text (Figure 1: caption, etc.).
Copyright clearance should be indicated by the contributor and is always the responsibility of the contributor.
For further information, please contact Luc Bouvard (