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HomeNuméros61 Printemps

61 Printemps | 2005
Miscellany—Social Deviance in England and in France c. 1830–1900

Couverture CVE n°61
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ISBN 2-84269-677-8

Volume 61 of Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens which was initially published in April 2005, is mainly a number of articles collected during the Oxford international conference which was held in 2003 and bore on the subject of social deviance in England and France (c. 1830-1900). The essays were collected by Anne-Marie Kilday et Nathalie Vanfasse who provided the introduction to this rich volume. Then the essays are arranged in thematic order following a six-tier structure: social and religious deviance, urban and rural deviance, the dangerous classes, norms and deviances, women and deviance, deviance in the late nineteenth century. Altogether, that makes no less than 15 articles which offer a varied approach to the theme. In addition, volume 61 is completed by 3 miscellaneous articles. We wish you some happy (re)reading!

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