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Experiments in fiction:framing and reframing romance at the end of the middle ages, and beyond

Illustrations. Deuxième partie

Texte intégral

Fig. 1 – Portrait of the author, Louis-Elisabeth de la Vergne, Comte de Tressan

Fig. 1 – Portrait of the author, Louis-Elisabeth de la Vergne, Comte de Tressan

Frontispiece of volume 1 of the Campenon edition, Paris, Nepveu, 1822

Engraving after drawing by M. Colin. Photo BnF

Fig. 2 – “Jean de Saintré aux pieds de la dame.” Jean at the lady’s feet facing p. 9

Fig. 2 – “Jean de Saintré aux pieds de la dame.” Jean at the lady’s feet facing p. 9

Campenon edition, vol. 8

Engraving after drawing by M. Colin. Photo BnF

Fig. 3 – Frontispiece and title page of in-16 1830 edition, Paris, Lequien fils

Fig. 3 – Frontispiece and title page of in-16 1830 edition, Paris, Lequien fils

Young Saintré with Madame des Belles Cousines; “Prenez les soixante écus d’or que referme cette bourse tissée de mes cheveux.” Facing page (title): Saintré avenges himself on the abbot

Photo BnF

Fig. 4 – “Le Boudoir.” Opening page of Le Petit Jehan de Saintré, Veillées littéraires, January 1849

Fig. 4 – “Le Boudoir.” Opening page of Le Petit Jehan de Saintré, Veillées littéraires, January 1849

Drawing by E. Faral engraving by Rouget.

Photo BnF

Fig. 5 – Olivier, the hero, is hopelessly distracted by love on the first day of the London tournament

Fig. 5 – Olivier, the hero, is hopelessly distracted by love on the first day of the London tournament

Roman d’Olivier de Castille et d’Artus d’Algarbe, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek 470, fol. 56r

Photo Universiteitsbibliotheek

Fig. 6 – Olivier, the hero, distinguishes himself on the final day of the London tournament

Fig. 6 – Olivier, the hero, distinguishes himself on the final day of the London tournament

Roman d’Olivier de Castille et d’Artus d’Algarbe, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek 470, fol. 66v

Photo Universiteitsbibliotheek

Fig. 7 – The Dame de l’Isle Celee embraces the hero, Florimont, and takes him for her lover

Fig. 7 – The Dame de l’Isle Celee embraces the hero, Florimont, and takes him for her lover

Roman de Florimont, Paris, BnF fr. 12566, fol. 39v

Photo BnF

Fig. 8 – The hero, Florimont, in the throes of lovesickness, is incapable of getting out of bed

Fig. 8 – The hero, Florimont, in the throes of lovesickness, is incapable of getting out of bed

Roman de Florimont, Paris, BnF fr. 12566, fol. 74v

Photo BnF

Fig. 9 – The hero, Philippe, lies restless in bed suffering from lovesickness, whilst his wife, in disguise as his valet, learns his secret

Fig. 9 – The hero, Philippe, lies restless in bed suffering from lovesickness, whilst his wife, in disguise as his valet, learns his secret

Roman du Comte d’Artois, Paris, BnF fr. 11610, fol. 82v

Photo BnF

Fig. 10 – The hero, Philippe, welcomes into his bed the woman he thinks is his beloved but who is actually his wife

Fig. 10 – The hero, Philippe, welcomes into his bed the woman he thinks is his beloved but who is actually his wife

Roman du Comte d’Artois, Paris, BnF fr. 11610, fol. 97v

Photo BnF

Fig. 11 – The hero, Louis, asks his estranged father to give him the battered old felt hat hanging up over a door to which he points

Fig. 11 – The hero, Louis, asks his estranged father to give him the battered old felt hat hanging up over a door to which he points

Histoire des Seigneurs de Gavre, Brussels, KBR 10238, fol. 10v

Photo KBR

Fig. 12 – The hero, Louis, shows his mother the hat given him by his father, but she is not impressed

Fig. 12 – The hero, Louis, shows his mother the hat given him by his father, but she is not impressed

Histoire des Seigneurs de Gavre, Brussels, KBR 10238, fol. 12r

Photo KBR

Fig. 13 – The hero, Louis, in the judicial combat against Cassiodorus

Fig. 13 – The hero, Louis, in the judicial combat against Cassiodorus

Histoire des Seigneurs de Gavre, Brussels, KBR 10238, fol. 53v

Photo KBR

Fig. 14 – The helm with the battered hat of the hero, Louis, is displayed at the tournament in Compiègne, to the amusement of spectators

Fig. 14 – The helm with the battered hat of the hero, Louis, is displayed at the tournament in Compiègne, to the amusement of spectators

Histoire des Seigneurs de Gavre, Brussels, KBR 10238, fol. 219r

Photo KBR

Fig. 15 – Courtiers look on as the Buscalus is presented to Philip the Good

Fig. 15 – Courtiers look on as the Buscalus is presented to Philip the Good

Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 1r

Photo BnF

Fig. 16 – Buscalus rides into Seconde Rome on a griffin

Fig. 16 – Buscalus rides into Seconde Rome on a griffin

Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 32r

Photo BnF

Fig. 17 – Philipis escapes the burning city of Tournai

Fig. 17 – Philipis escapes the burning city of Tournai

Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 233v

Photo BnF

Fig. 18 – Servius’s army lay siege to Seconde Rome

Fig. 18 – Servius’s army lay siege to Seconde Rome

Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 79r

Photo BnF

Fig. 19 – The siege of Metz

Fig. 19 – The siege of Metz

Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 278r

Photo BnF

Fig. 20 – Hostus summons the Devil

Fig. 20 – Hostus summons the Devil

Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 126r

Photo BnF

Fig. 21 – The fairies attend to the sleeping Philipis

Fig. 21 – The fairies attend to the sleeping Philipis

Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 237r

Photo BnF

Fig. 22 – The queen of the fairies kneels before an idol of Venus

Fig. 22 – The queen of the fairies kneels before an idol of Venus

Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 37r

Photo BnF

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Table des illustrations

Titre Fig. 1 – Portrait of the author, Louis-Elisabeth de la Vergne, Comte de Tressan
Légende Frontispiece of volume 1 of the Campenon edition, Paris, Nepveu, 1822
Crédits Engraving after drawing by M. Colin. Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 1,6M
Titre Fig. 2 – “Jean de Saintré aux pieds de la dame.” Jean at the lady’s feet facing p. 9
Légende Campenon edition, vol. 8
Crédits Engraving after drawing by M. Colin. Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 1,8M
Titre Fig. 3 – Frontispiece and title page of in-16 1830 edition, Paris, Lequien fils
Légende Young Saintré with Madame des Belles Cousines; “Prenez les soixante écus d’or que referme cette bourse tissée de mes cheveux.” Facing page (title): Saintré avenges himself on the abbot
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 1,2M
Titre Fig. 4 – “Le Boudoir.” Opening page of Le Petit Jehan de Saintré, Veillées littéraires, January 1849
Légende Drawing by E. Faral engraving by Rouget.
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 1,0M
Titre Fig. 5 – Olivier, the hero, is hopelessly distracted by love on the first day of the London tournament
Légende Roman d’Olivier de Castille et d’Artus d’Algarbe, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek 470, fol. 56r
Crédits Photo Universiteitsbibliotheek
Fichier image/jpeg, 524k
Titre Fig. 6 – Olivier, the hero, distinguishes himself on the final day of the London tournament
Légende Roman d’Olivier de Castille et d’Artus d’Algarbe, Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek 470, fol. 66v
Crédits Photo Universiteitsbibliotheek
Fichier image/jpeg, 628k
Titre Fig. 7 – The Dame de l’Isle Celee embraces the hero, Florimont, and takes him for her lover
Légende Roman de Florimont, Paris, BnF fr. 12566, fol. 39v
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 952k
Titre Fig. 8 – The hero, Florimont, in the throes of lovesickness, is incapable of getting out of bed
Légende Roman de Florimont, Paris, BnF fr. 12566, fol. 74v
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 1012k
Titre Fig. 9 – The hero, Philippe, lies restless in bed suffering from lovesickness, whilst his wife, in disguise as his valet, learns his secret
Légende Roman du Comte d’Artois, Paris, BnF fr. 11610, fol. 82v
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 848k
Titre Fig. 10 – The hero, Philippe, welcomes into his bed the woman he thinks is his beloved but who is actually his wife
Légende Roman du Comte d’Artois, Paris, BnF fr. 11610, fol. 97v
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 900k
Titre Fig. 11 – The hero, Louis, asks his estranged father to give him the battered old felt hat hanging up over a door to which he points
Légende Histoire des Seigneurs de Gavre, Brussels, KBR 10238, fol. 10v
Crédits Photo KBR
Fichier image/jpeg, 860k
Titre Fig. 12 – The hero, Louis, shows his mother the hat given him by his father, but she is not impressed
Légende Histoire des Seigneurs de Gavre, Brussels, KBR 10238, fol. 12r
Crédits Photo KBR
Fichier image/jpeg, 688k
Titre Fig. 13 – The hero, Louis, in the judicial combat against Cassiodorus
Légende Histoire des Seigneurs de Gavre, Brussels, KBR 10238, fol. 53v
Crédits Photo KBR
Fichier image/jpeg, 1,1M
Titre Fig. 14 – The helm with the battered hat of the hero, Louis, is displayed at the tournament in Compiègne, to the amusement of spectators
Légende Histoire des Seigneurs de Gavre, Brussels, KBR 10238, fol. 219r
Crédits Photo KBR
Fichier image/jpeg, 824k
Titre Fig. 15 – Courtiers look on as the Buscalus is presented to Philip the Good
Légende Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 1r
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 848k
Titre Fig. 16 – Buscalus rides into Seconde Rome on a griffin
Légende Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 32r
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 1,0M
Titre Fig. 17 – Philipis escapes the burning city of Tournai
Légende Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 233v
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 1,1M
Titre Fig. 18 – Servius’s army lay siege to Seconde Rome
Légende Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 79r
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 1,1M
Titre Fig. 19 – The siege of Metz
Légende Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 278r
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 1,0M
Titre Fig. 20 – Hostus summons the Devil
Légende Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 126r
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 1,0M
Titre Fig. 21 – The fairies attend to the sleeping Philipis
Légende Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 237r
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 872k
Titre Fig. 22 – The queen of the fairies kneels before an idol of Venus
Légende Roman de Buscalus, Paris, BnF fr. 9343, fol. 37r
Crédits Photo BnF
Fichier image/jpeg, 1018k
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« Illustrations. Deuxième partie »Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes [En ligne], 30 | 2015, mis en ligne le 24 février 2019, consulté le 24 janvier 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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